m m CAN yojj A FFORD To Be Without a Bank Account? ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + S m all-p o x A n d C a r S h o rt ge H it M c C u rd y ’s ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ This question has no reference to your financial condition, hut front a strictly business point of view can you afford to forego the many advantages that accrue to owner.) of growing hank ac­ counts? This is a competitive age- competition to accumulate is becoming keener all the time. Your competitor has a hank ac­ count to systematize his affairs and takes advantage of all its privileges. Can YOU afford to let him have this advantage over you? Why not start an account with us and take advantage of the con­ venience and facilities afforded for the better protection of YOUR income. ♦ ♦ + + + + + + + * + m Your present needs should be filled We have a good supply of Wide Mouth Mason Jars B ee S u ppl i e s Stock Salt Feeds FARMERS CAN MORE MONEY If you are not making as much money as you think you should with your hcgs, cattle and sheep, here is the solu­ tion of your problem. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD TONIC will help you to make more money by put­ ting more weight on our farm animals and y increasing the milk flow of your cows, and it wiU also help you to save grain teed. It has been constantly and successfully used by thousands of farm­ ers for over 27 years. Investigate it. i G> & St FOR SALE BY Fstacada Feed & Lumber Co. L. S. BRONSON M. D. E V A N S E sta c a d a , O. C. S. G E R B E R O re g o n . Synopsis of previous c h a p te rs: A bout th irty days ago, Bert H. Finch o f E s ta c a d a purchased a Chevrolet car and ab o u t ten m inutes later, Bert Byers, his assista n t, bought a Ford, and as Bert says " t o keep up the pace set by the b o s s ". Many To Attend Chautauqua Leroy L). Walker, President Thomas Yocum, Vice President I r w i n D. W r i g h t , C a s h i e r ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ arjiT Berts Buy Bigger Benzine Buggies i ItCtfta Mi l l 'Hie reversal by the supreme court last week of the circuit court decision in the case of the appea' of the Weyerhaeuser Land Co. marked the close of a case that has been watched closely by the timber interests of the coast and is of the utmost importance to the taxpayers of Clackamas County. The Weyerhaeuser interests asked for and were granted by Judge Campbell a reduction to $92,502. on their timber valua­ tion. from the original $188.145 and the reversal of this decision, won by District Attorney Hedges and his assistant Tom Burke, means the saving of a large amount of taxes for this county. In a letter received this week from the ,). R. Me Curdy's of Seobey, Montana, who formerly resided in Estacada. it was learn­ ed that on their return home from their Oregon visit last win­ ter, Jean, the seven year old daughter was taken ill with small-pox, but is now completely recovered. To add to the general hard luck, it is likely Mr. McCurdy will have to shut down his pros­ perous lumber business, owing to the recent order passed by the railways, whereby after August 1st, cars will only he furnished in that section this year for the handling of foodstuffs, grain, etc. The Dave Eschlemans and Al Lindseys, formerly of Estacada. but now at Seobey. are reported I to he well, happy and prospering. Estacada State Bank m Supreme Court Upholds Hedges i Undoubtedly a larger number of people from this community will attend the 1917 session of the Gladstone Chautauqua, than ever before, as many are already making plans to camp on the grounds, with others contem­ plating regular daily auto trips to take in all of the entertain­ ments and lectures on the pro­ gram. A perusal of the half-page ad­ vertisement of the Chautauqua, appearing elsewhere in this issue, is well worth anyone’s time and will result in the reader so ar­ ranging his or her plans, so that he or she, or both, or the whole family, will arrange to spend at least a day at the Gladstone grounds this month. The Chautauque opens July 10th and continues for thirteen days and with the new $0,000 auditorium now under construc­ tion, but to he completed on opening day, a treat is in store for all. O re g o n Chapter 2: Last week, Bert, the boss, bought a Dodge car from the Cascade Garage and Bert, the assistant, bought a Chevrolet, having sold his Eon I to Sici Fisher ol I'acific City. Note In our A ugust num ber will a ppear the next installm ent of this thrilling n a rra tiv e . Walker Heads Portland Bank Leroy D. Walker, president of the Estacada State Bank, has re­ cently assumed the cashiership of the newly organized State Bank of Portland, which was for­ merly the Scandinavian-Ameri- can Bank. The many friends of Mr. Wal­ ker here congratulate him upon this appointment to a high place in the state’s banking circles and only hope that nothing will inter­ fere with his continued presi­ dency of the Estacada State Bank. The ease of the State of Ore­ gon vs John Walczak of Barton will take place at 10 A. M. July 9th in Justice Devore’s court in Estacada. This case is the out­ come of a threat made by the defendant to commit a felony, with James Anderson of Barton as the complaining witness. E x ch a n g e» The first issue of a new month­ ly publication, issued and print- . ed by the School of Journalism of the University of Oregon, call­ ed “Oregon Exchanges” was re­ ceived at this office last week. Oregon Exchanges is primarily devoted to the newspapermen of the state, but is good reading for the general public and as a specimen of first class printing, is a standing advertisement for that course of work, as taught at the U. of O. Mrs. Margaret Halley and daughter of Portland are guests at the I. I). Weight home in Estacada. I I). K. MeComb, wife and son of Stockton, Kansas are the guests for a couple of weeks at the J. A. MeComb home in Springwater, as were Mr. and Mrs. L. Meriweather of Portland, who joined in the family reunion over the week-end. LAWYERS Abstracts examined. Corporation Lav. Fluauclal Asents. Trusts, Escrows and Accounts. Estates probated. Coiiac- tious, Deads, Mortgages. General practice In ail courts. Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention. Bank references. Fourteenth year. LOANS PLACCO ON PONT LAND PMPEMTV Mosessohn & Mosessohn m . r U - 7 1 1 C h a m b e r af C o m m a r e e B M s , PORTLAND. OREGON , I