Willamette Valley Chautauqua Assembly The greatest o f all programs— 13 big days— 26 big afternoon and evening programs; summer school classes each morning, featuring music instruction under direction H artridge G. Whipp, physical culture work in charge o f Prof. A. M. Grilley, Bible study, bird- lore, etc. Daily patriotic forum hours, featuring “ How ('an I Do My Bit? ” Addresses by well known women o f Oregon: daily baseball games. Some of our Afternoon and Evening Features for the New $6,000 Auditorium now under Actual Construction Lecturers James Goddard, Baritone W. I. Nolan Military G irls’ Orchestra Dr. Frank Bohn For Ju ly Delivery B R O W N S V IL L E A ll W ool Suits Tailored To Your Measure And At The PRICE YOU H A V E A L W A Y S PAID. He that hesitates wit! pay more Orders placed up to June 18th will be delivered by July 4th. D. S. Fleming Agent - Estacada BROWNSVILLE W OOLEN MILLS STORE Man T o Mill Clothiers. No Cotton In Transit. 9 t F o u r t h o f J uly Music and Entertainment Montaville Flowers Lee Francis Lybarger Wm. A. Bone Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher Gov. George A. Carlson Dr. Andrew Johnson Dr. G. Whitetield Ray W. L. Mellinger Chauncey Hawkins Dr. Henry Smith Williams Lorene W iswell Wilson Wood Briggs Elias Day Mrs. Chas. H. Castner A. E. Turner $$ WOOL' WOOL WOOL $$ LoZ ito’ s Venetian Band The O ngaw a’ s, Japanese Artists Old Tim e Celebration Grans Alpine Yodlers Davenny Festival Quintette Maw^on Antarctic Movies Boston L igh t Opera Company Garfield Country Club The Wassers Company Austrian Mannikins Annie Therese Devault Lyric Glee Club 10; Band Concert 12: Basket Dinner Fill ion Concert Party Musical A rts Quartette 1:30 Speaking— Mr. Guy Drill 2:10 Band Concert Smith-Spring-Holmes Company Program Ideal Campsites in Oregon's Most Beautiful Park. Make Your Tent Reservations Today. A Limited Number of Tents will be Rented by the Association . First Come First Served. 3: Races 3:50 T u g of W ar— Band vs World 4: to 6: Dancing 8: to Morning— Dancing 9 SEASO N T IC K E T S $2.50 - I f purchased in blocks o f ten at the Bank o f Oregon City, prior to July 7th, a limited number o f books will be sold at $20. This means your tickets at $2. each if you get in early. Phone your neighbors today and line up ten who are coming to Chautauqua. Take their names and $20. to the bank and the rest will be easy. For Booklet givin g complete information drop a card or phone to Secretary, Thomas A. Burke, Box 191, Oregon City, Ore. Gladstone Park July 10th • 22nd 1917 Midnight Supper Refreshments And Fireworks At The Stand Mr. and Mrs. N. L. S. Lauryy Beverley, the three year old o f Estacada returned this week son o f Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bronson from a weeks business trip to o f Estacada was taken very ill M yrtle Point, Bandon and other coast jioints. this week, necessitating a con­ ference o f the local physicians, but last reports indicate that the Miss Hattie Belfils o f Estacada is visiting for a couple o f weeks in Roseburg. little fellow is gettin g along as well as could be expected.