Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 28, 1917, Image 4

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    Editor in Chief
W alter Given*
Advertising Mgr.
Fred Bartholomew
Devoted to the stimulation of civic and
community pride • the patronizing of
home industries - and the boosting of
the W. Givens Company, Incorporated.
V ol. 1
Elstacada, Or.
June 28, 1917
No. 3 0
P h on e Us Your Order»
Those of our customers who
realize that we are specialists in
often rely on our judgement to
supply their wants.
One man
has traded with us for over six
months and we just met him the
other day.
His orders came in
by mail or phone and we market­
ed several hundred dollars worth
of eggs that he has sent to us.
for merchandise.
We want von to take advantage
of the discount.
She re­
C ans
Just a minute please — and +
leaving, aside all prejudice - +
Which would you prefer? Cof- *
fee in glass jars or tin cans? +
good on all produce that we take
brought us recently.
Right down in your heart—you *
know very well that, value of +
contents being equal —
ed $2.25 for some tickets she
U se le ss
The success of the dinner Tues­
day night, at the hotel Estacada
was due entirely to the efforts of
the ladies of the C. I. C. who so
kindly consented to take it in
charge. We want to take this
opportunity to thank them for
furnishing the entertainment,
w'hich enabled us to play host to
the Live Wires.
One lady receiv­
B anquet
Our two per cent discount is
in exchange
U sefu l G lass Fruit Jars
our line, food for man and beast
Farm ers A nd M erchants
You would choose the
Ju st Four W ords
In a big elementary school a
teacher had given a lessen in an
infants’ class on the Ten Com­
mandments. In order to test
their memories she asked: “ Can
any little child give me a Com­
mandment with only four words
in i t ? ”
A hand was raised immediately.
“ You may answer, Jo h n ,”
said the teacher.
“ Keep off the grass,” was
the reply.
There you are - Well, we have +
steel cut coffee in the Econ­
omy quart ja r for 40c or in +
the wide Mouth Mason for 30c. +
marked that she hail failed to
save all her tickets.
We recom­
mend taking ttie discount at the
time of making the purchase.
It is our aim to make it as easy
as possible to trade with us and
we try never to loose sight of the
fact that “ A satisfied customer
is the best advertisement” .
C arload O f H ogs A nd C attle
Wednesday, we shipped a mix­
ed car of stock and in two weeks
we will make another shipment
for which we solicit your offer­
C ann in g S ea so n H ere
Sunday, food conservation will
be discussed in the churches but
already the house w'ife is practic­
ing what will then be preached,
if the number of fruit jars we
are selling is any indication.
With the opening of the can­
ning season we are showing a
complete line of fruit jars at
prices which are very reasonable.
We can supply jars in any
quantities and at prices which
range from 60c up. We have
extra rubbers and tops. Why
put off' ordering those jars any
longer. Have them on hand
when vou need them.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
One Dollars Worth Of Seeds
For Eighty Cents
What we have left of our seeds ♦
♦ are going at 20% discount. The ♦
♦ season is growing late and to
♦ closeout our line of seeds we are
offering them at a big saving. ♦
It will be worth while to lay in ♦
♦ a supply of staple seeds for next
♦ year.
Rem em ber our 2 % C ash D iscou n t tickets are redeem able at any time.
We believe that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement.
The Walter Givens Company