Word was received Wednesday of the enlistment in a hospital ; corps in California of Walter Whitcomb of Portland, who is | well known here, having taken an active part in the past Cas­ cade County tight, and being a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Whit­ comb of Gartield. SUMMER SPECIALS Starting Saturday T O R TU R E Lunch Meats Th is 22c lb 25c 25c 30c Corned B eef 40c All Kinds Of Fresh Vegetables In Season Palace Meat Market FredJorg, Proprietor Estacada, Or. Phone Main 83. B o n Broadway e r ’ s The place to buy Fishing Tackle Tennis Balls Fishing and Hunting Licenses Cigars, Tobaccos, Confectionery Soda Water and Soft Drinks Ice Cream Headquarters for Kodaks Supplies Printing and Finishing. + ♦ ♦ ♦ + + + ♦ + ♦ + + * ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ with one ounce of C R E O L IN to one gallon of Slacked Lime painted on the trees. 4- Sold By 4» The Estacada Pharmacy ♦ 4* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 4 ♦ ♦ 4* ♦ * The ♦ 4» ♦ ♦ Store 4* ♦ 4* 4- 4- ♦ ****************** For Watch and Jewelry Repairing ♦ R E M E M B E R ♦ ♦ F red E. B eckw ith , Formerly o f Estacada ♦ ▼ •!• * ( around the corner from the 1st and Alder Depot) PO R TLA N D , * OREGON ♦ With H. D. Oliver Jeweler ++**************** The Estacada Garage reports the sale this week of Ford cars to John Hamilton and J. M. Hay­ den of Viola. There is a word that once possessed a vigor and a power that is altogether lost “ Verily, v e r ily "-"lu truth, iu truth." Now It is "very." and. though it still means "lu truth," it has become so weakened by usage that It conveys no force whatever. You meet men on the street and say, “ It is a very tine day." What do you mean? Probaby you mean, “ How do you do?” What you have said Is sim­ ply a salutation. But If you should say to me, " I t is n fine day.” you prob ably mean It is a One day. That little word "v e ry " has been so weakened, so frayed at the edges, that It harms rather than helps its companions. So, gentle reader, I would say to you If I had arbitrary power over your speech. “ This week 1 will allow yoa only two ‘veries,’ " and. though for a time such restraint may make you self conscious, yet It w ill force you to grope about for nr sty treasures in the store­ house o f your memory and furbish up old adjectives and adverbs, even drive you now and ugnlu to a careful np- prulsal o f your best slang, and when this temporary self consciousness shall pass not only your vigor o f speech, but your exactitude und clarity of thought will be tbe better for It. That is a gain that will be worth all the sacrifice.— Burges Johnson In Century. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured Is now at 122 Second Street * * l>y local application*, aa they cannot roach the dlaeaaed port.on o f the ear. There la only one way to cure catarrhal deafneaa, and that la by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafneaa is cause* by an In­ flamed condition o f the mucou# lining of the Euatachlan Tube. When thla tube la Inflamed you have a rumbling aound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deafneaa Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition o f the mucous sur­ faces Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on th* mucou* surfaces of th* sys­ tem. We will give On* Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by H all’s Catarrh Curs. Circulars free. A ll Druggists, Tie. C H E N E Y * CO., Tolsdo, O. T J s e r g e a n t , your loyalty i s A P P R E C I A T E D I SMALL SPEAK OF WANTING SOME J COT TOBACCO. SO |S/E BEEN RECOMMEND Y O U R l » C O U T l N O AND H E R E IT p r o m ot io n , y (------ ’ ■ * W a a Usad In This W riter Suggest* That -V e ry " B* Given a Lonq Rest. Kill the Shot Borers 4» Barbarous System AN O V E R W O R K E D WORD. + + f c O L O N B L .I HCARp y o u ___ IN T R IA LS. Eui op# For Centuries. The u»t* or torture iu order to elicit Information from | orsons accused of crime, barbarous as it Is. was little practiced before mediaeval times. Un­ der Greek and Homan law torture was only allowed upon slaves, though In the latter days of the empire it was em­ ployed against free citizens If they had been accused of treason to the emperor. It seems to have become part o f the law In Europe about the thirteenth cen­ tury. From tbe fourteenth century downward torture was a part o f the legal system of most Euro]>ean coun tries. The Italian municipalities used it to a very large extent. In Germany elaborate apparatus existed for its iu. (lictiou Iu tbe dungeons of tbe teudal castles and lu tbe town halls of the cities. It was used In tbe prlsnus of tier many when the philanthropist Howard visited them lu 1770. lu France It v.as part of the law until abolished by the revolution, and in Scotland it was usou until tin* reign of Queen Anne. The use o f torture seems never to have l ee i wholly sanctioned by tbe law of Eng land, although it wus used frequentl. by order of the king iu the Tudor [ e riod The royal council claimed the power of directing torture warrants against state prisoners In tbe tower, and under James i. and Charles 1. tor ture was resorted to in state trlals.- Chicago Herald. Columbia Frankfurters Kenton Cooked Specialty Minced Specialty Columbia Luncheon Loaf (V u e go o d ju o s e f in d s w - b t o b a c c o » o p u l a s 1 -------------------- \ AT THE, p o s t I X C H A N Q t . I — — ------------- ' O U R soldier is all business, from reveille to taps —no room for excess baggage with him. île has no use for a big plug of coarse leaf, all loaded up with heavy syrup—what he wants is tobacco satisfaction. The little sappy chew of \V-B CLJT checks up with his idea of what’s good. Out on lonely outpost, it’s mighty sociable and satisfying; and my, how it does last! Y a Mat!* by WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY. 1107 Brwsdway, New Ysrk City ♦ * ♦ * S E R V IC E is an important feature in connec­ * tion with a car at any time and it is doubly im­ 4 - 4* 4« portant at this season. * 4- 4» * * * * * * * It is a wbe owner who believes in the new * maxim “ If you would have a thing well done, go * Th e E s t a c a d a * * Garage have men who know how. * * * * * * to the man who Knows how. ” * * 4 Estacada Garage * * * ‘The Bridge that will carry you safely over auto (.rouble” * Estacada, Oregon * * 4 4* ♦ 4 4 4 *. International Tailored Get this Summer’s Suit Made to fit You and Your Pocketbook Agent R. G. Marchbank A Estacada, Or. M ix u p . "Madam. try and Indue* your daugh­ ter not to get her gyuinaMlnm and her musical exervlHea mixed." "W hat do you mean, profeaaor?" "1 mean that she I h Inclined to m l* 'ake the plain«» for a punching hag." Baltimore American Stratsgy. Penelope— Lieutenant Hugglu* neetn* to l>e rather attentive to Mias Klder- lelgh of late. Captain Jonee-Yes and she la evidently H k lr in l n h ln g round try­ ing to precipitate an engageuient.- London Stray Storlea.