Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 31, 1917, Image 6

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    Eastern Clackamas News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
K. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the postoffice in listacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
S ubscription K ates
One year
Six months
Thursday, May 31, 1917
B. T. Me Bain o f Oregon City,
who is one of the fairest minded
men in Clackamas County and
who is often misjudged on the
theory o f “ Birds o f a Feather
etc.” is reported to have last
week stated before a meeting of
the Live Wires, that the commer­
cial club is working hard to en­
gender good feeling among the
dissenting factions o f the county
and predicted that by the con­
vening of the next legislature,
harmony would prevail in the
We give Mr. Me Bain credit
for his high aims, but the pave­
ments of Hades are made up of
similar material and if harmony
prevails during the time of the
1919 legislature, between East­
ern Clackamas and the county
seat, it will be because Oregon
City and the balance of the coun­
ty has agreed to the formation
o f Cascade County.
We thoroughly realize that the
above “ Fire Brand” stuff may
go against the grain with some
of the county seat retired poli­
ticians, but no harmony will ever
prevail in this neck-of-the-woods,
so long as Walter Dimick repre­
sents this county in the legisla­
ture and until a few other Utop­
ian theories materialize.
If the Live Wires want to ce­
ment closer relations with the
people of this back-woods sect­
ion. let them make a motor trip
to Estacada via the Boring Hill
and Devil’s Washboard roads,
then return back to their county
court and see that Eastern Clack­
amas gets a passable highway
in fact, a few carloads of crush­
ed rock well spread, will go
much further in cementing rela­
tions, than anything else they
can spread in this community.
The new and much needed
Road Markers, which were re­
cently made up under the direc­
tion of the county court and in­
stalled by the various road sup­
ervisors, are a big asset to this
portion o f the county.
These markers are plainly let­
tered. clearly indicating the di­
rections and distances to the
nearby towns and not only are o f
value to the tourists, but give a
wide-awake, up-to-date appear­
ance to our highways.
As to the reliability of the
mileage shown on some markers,
it is doubtful, as two are posted
about a half mile apart along the
Barton-Boring Hi l l
road, the further one indicating
Estacada as 13 miles away, with
the nearer one stating 9 miles.
Yet, this discrepancy can easi­
ly be accounted for, as one sup­
ervisor figured the air line dis­
tance, while the other probably
measured the actual up and
downs in the Devil’s Washboard
road and it is a safe bet then he
was shy a few miles.
W e Strive T o Please
Our prices are kept as low as
; )
Aint it a shame — with less
than three weeks having elapsed
since Clean-Up-Day in Estacada
and already enough scattered pa­
pers, peelings and similar refuse
is to be seen on the main streets,
to warrant another clean-up?
best we know
to give.
We can get cheaper merchan­
J !
do not believe in
sacrificing quality for quantity—
but try to live up to our motto
Uncle Sam To The Rescue
O f Belgium
The United States Govern­
ment. we are happy to announce,
has taken up the necessities of
the suffering people o f Belgium.
Arrangements have been com­
pleted for a loan o f $75,000,000,
which sum is to be used by Mr.
Herbert Hoover’s Commission
for the immediate needs of the
Belgian people.
All funds re­
ceived by The Literary Digest
up to May 31st, inclusive, will
be turned over to Mr. Hoover to
meet obligations already entered
into. We will not accept any
contributions after that date.
In view' of the above facts Gar­
field Grange will with a remit­
tance of $10, close up its Belgian
Relief fund. The name o f Edw.
Shearer $2— is hereby added to
the list o f those who pledged to
this cause.
The full amount remitted will
be $228.10. The committee sug­
gests that donors turn their un­
paid pledges to the Red Cross
Society or the Y. M. C. A. w ork
among the troops. The Grange
wishes to extend its thanks to
all who have so generously con­
can be made and our service the
“ The Best Is None To Good For You”
L. A. Chapman
O f The Things
We Still Sell At The Old Price
Aluminum Ware Sweat Pads Brushes Hinges Corks
Screen Door Hinges Tinware some Granite Roasters
Furniture all Glass Ware stock Wall Paper Towels
Talcum Powder Ties Socks Linoleum Pipes Honey
Walnuts Flowers Seeds Handkerchiefs Tooth picks
Tablets Pencils
Matches Stove Polish Shoe Polish
Lamp Chimneys
Lantern Chimneys
Box Stationery
Washing Powder
Paper Plates
Spices Toilet Soap Wringers
Tooth Paste and Brush
Pocket Knives Tooth Powder Clothes Pins Peroxide
Patent Medicines Cotton Hose.
Park & Closner
Broadway at 2nd
Estacada, Oregon
Careless Auto Driver Causes Upset
The News has been requested
to call attention to an accident
which occured recently on the
Currinsville Road, when a single
rig driven by Dick Gibson o f Bar­
ton, with a lead horse behind,
was upset with the horses and
driver mixed in a lively scram­
ble, all due to the fast and care­
less driving o f an auto which
sped by too close to the animals.
The car, which contained a
number of high school pupils and
was driven by a high school boy,
is reported by witnesses to have
been exceeding the speed limit
and was not slowed down or
stopped after the accident.
Luckily, aside from slight dam­
age to the rig and the dragging
of Mr. Gibson for a short dis­
tance. no serious harm was done.
Unless the reckless autoist
changes his methods o f driving
shortly, legal action will t>e tak­
en to have his license taken away.
The World’s Largest
Automobile industry is the CHEVROLET MOTOR COM­
It owns 70% of the stock in the great General
Motors Co. and this company controls the out put of the
Cadillac, Buick, Oakland and other cars.
ROLET CO. has more factories than any other motor
concern in the world, having actual manufacturing plants
in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, California and Can­
ada. Its output is enormous and this enables them to
buy at the lowest prices. This is why it puts out the
best FULLY EQUIPPED car at the lowest price in the
recent additions to their lines and are o f the same stur­
dy design as the popular four cylinder cars.
S. P. Pesznecker
Estacada, Oregon