Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 31, 1917, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 10,
N umber 37
E stacada ,
O regon ,
T hursday ,
M ay 31.
Grammar School Graduates 18
State Election June 4th
The 1916-17 year of the Esta­
cada Schools ended Wednesday,
May 30th, with the Commence­
ment exercises o f the’ high school
taking place that evening, at the
school play-shed, which building
was beautifully decorated and
crowded to capacity.
The class of E. H. S. 1917 com­
prised twenty-five s t u d e n t s ,
there being fourteen girls and
eleven boys, which speaks es­
pecially well for the growth of
the local high school, which last
year graduated seventeen, the
year before that six and but a
year or two prior but one.
the fact that the present class
constitutes an almost equal pro­
portion of girls and boys is an
exceptional one in a rural com­
munity, where the boys too often
do not continue through high
The programs rendered at the
Class Day and Commencement
exercises were entertaining and
instructive and all participants
received the applause of the as­
sembled parents and friends.
The Commencement address by
Dr. John Straub o f the U. o f O.
was one of the be>t ever given
before a local audience, while the
Baccalaureate sermon preached
by Dr. Simpson of Portland on
Sunday evening was a stirring
and uplifting one.
Among the scholarships award­
ed at the Commencement Exer­
cises by Fred Jorg, Chairman of
the School Board, were one to
Willamette University awarded
Miss Nettie Woodle and the Con­
ference Scholarship a w a r d e d
John Schenk, this latter allows
the student the choice of six con­
ference colleges, namely Albany,
Pacific College, Pacific Univer­
sity, Philomath, Reed or Willa-
The class of 1917 comprises:-
William Bartlemay, Sam Barr,
Orion Coop, Joseph Demoy, Phil
Adams, Clyde Denney, Russell
Reed, Emil Johnson, Lloyd Sat­
ing, John Schenk, Hilda Rees,
Vernon Schmidt, Ida Wagner,
Harriette Belfils, Ro-;allie Allen,
Grace Allen. Vella Coop, Dora
Currin, Grace Denney, Josephine
Harkenrkier, Christine Graham,
Jeannette Graham, Gladys Town­
send. Rose J a n n s e n , Nettie
The Eighth Grade Promotion
Exercises, which were held in
Despite the outcome of the
state election, on the measure
making it compulsory that all
state, city and town elections be
held on the same day, the City
of Estacada will hold its regular
election on Tuesday, June 5th,
with the voting booths located at
the city hall.
The herd-law matter will be
voted upon again, with the fol­
lowing question appearing on the
ballot—“ Shall any horse, sheep,
mule or cattle be permitted to
run at large on the streets, high­
ways and alleys of the City of
Estacada? This must be an­
swered “ yes” or “ no” by the
Voters are cautioned not to
vote on this measure as if they
were answering the question—
“ Shall Estacada have a herd-
law?“ for the answer would be
the opposite in that case.
I. D. Wright is the only candi­
date for Mayor, with Mrs. Jess
M. Bartlett and Claude W. De­
vore being the only candidates
for their respective offices, name­
ly Treasurer and Recorder.
J. F. Lovelace and R. M, Stan-
dish are candidates for reelec­
tion as Councilmen for the 5th
and 4th wards, being opposed by
J. M. Park and Will Kaake, re­
The result of the herd-law
question at this election will pro­
bably be on a par with the Coun­
cilmen elected — the present
Councilmen, Lovelace and Stan-
dish only accepting the nomina­
tions for re-election, because
they would not lay down during
the herd-law fight and both of
them stand unconditionally for
the enforcement o f a herd-law.
At the state election on Mon­
day, June 4ih, the following
measures will be voted upon:
“ Authorizing Ports to Create
Limited lnueutedness to Encour­
age Water Transportation“
“ A Bill for Taxation of Ore­
gon and California Land G rant."
“ Limiting Number o f Bills In­
troduced and Increasing Pay
o f Legislators.”
“ Declaration Against Implied
Repeal of Constitutional Provis­
ions by Amendments Thereto.“
“ Uniform Tax Classification
“ Requiring Election C i t y ,
Town and State Officers at Same
T im e.“
“ $400,000. Tax Levy for New
Penitentiary. “
“ $6,000,000. State Road Bond
Issue and Highway Bill.”
W a r Census Marshall
And Deputies Ready
Concluded on back pa#e
Governor Withycombe. by pro­
clamation has designated Tues­
day, June 5th, War Census Day,
as a legal holiday. Similar ac­
tion has been taken by the gov­
ernors o f the several states, so
that Tuesday will Lie a legal hol­
iday throughout the country.
It is vitally essential that the
war census registration Lie ac­
complished with thoroughness
and dispatch and all registration
headquarters in this district will
be ready and equipped to handle
the work on Tuesday.
The following War Census
Marshals have been appointed in
this community, each o f whom
has selecte I several deputies.
As far as is known now. all
registration will take place in
the voting headquarters of the
respective districts, excepting
precinct 2 in Estacada which will
take place in the office o f C. W.
Devore, this change being due to
a city election in Estacada on
that day.
Voting Precinct
Estacada No. 1 W. H. Holder
Estacada—No. 2 C. W. Devore
B. T. Rawlins
Eagle Creek
H. S. Gilison
George Turner
H. H. Udell
C. M. Folsom
J. T. Fullam
L. B. Elliott
Every male resident l>etween
the ages o f 21 and 30 years, in­
clusive, must register.
This in­
cludes aliens, as well as men who
are sick or crippled.
tions from military services will
be determined later.
Register in your home voting
precinct. Booths at regular vot­
ing places will be open from
7 A. M. until 9 P. M.
ees must register before War
Census Day at the office o f the
county clerk o f the county in
which they happen to be.
The penalty for failing to reg­
ister, or giving false, misleading
or incorrect answers, is impris­
onment without option o f fine.
Mueller-Ruhl Marriage
Announcement is made this
week o f the marriage Thursday,
May 24th in Portland of Miss
Lydia Mueller o f Montavilla and
Peter Ruhl o f George.
After a few days honeymoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Ruhl returned this
week to the groom’s farm in
George, where they will make
their home and where they are
receiving the good wishes and con­
gratulations o f the neighbors.
$1. P er Y ear
Buy A Liberty Loan Bond
Lilierty Loan Bonds are the
safest investment in the world
today*. They are issued by the
United States Government and
are a mortgage on the United
States o f America our country
the richest country in the
world. They are Uncle Sam's
promise to pay, and he is worth
$225,000, (XX). 000.
Liberty Loan Bonds pay 3 ' .■
Interest and they may be nad i i
any of the following denomina­
tions: $50, $101», $500, $1000,
$5000, $10,000, $50,000 a n d
$ 1(M),000. You can make a first
payment as low as one dollar and
have until August 30 to pay the
Most big business
houses will accept Liberty Loan
Bonds same as cash in payment
for merchandise.
W. G. M’ Adoo, Secretary of
the Treasury, says:- “ W a r s
cannot be conducted without
money. It is the first thing to be
In this war it is the
most immediate help -"the most
effective help that we can give.
We must not be content with a
subscription o f two billion dollars
we must oversubscribe this
loan as an indication that Amer­
ica is stirred to the depths and
aroused to the summit o f her
greatness in the cause o f free­
Let us not endanger suc­
cess by complacent optimism.
Let us not satisfy ourselves with
the reflection that some one else
will s u b s c r i b e the required
Let every man and
woman in the land make it his or
her business to suL>scribe to the
Liberty Loan immediately, and
if they cannot suL>scribe them­
selves, let them induce some­
body else to sul>scril)e.
the Government with the funds
indispensably needed for the con­
duct of the war and give notice
to the enemies of the United
States that we have billions to
sacrifice in the cause of Liberty.
“ Buy a Liberty Bond today;
do not put it off until tomorrow.
Every dollar provided quickly
and expended wisely will shorten
the war and save human life.”
Three Legal Holidays
Beginning with Decoration Day
of this week and including Mon­
day and Tuesday of next week,
there will be three legal holidays
ni a week, Monday being election
day and Tuesday war census day.
Decoration Day was oLjserved
but slightly in Estacada, despite
the present days of patriotic pre­
This condition is
largely due to the fact that few
civil war veterans reside here
and as no G. A. R. is estaLJished