♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ^ M O R E M E N «'•'* Ar e to appreciating accept which have to standing intelligent the conditions they looking + + + + + + + + + + + the and fact as they fixed by no control. morrow are effort to not have forces over These men are for making do better overcome their and ♦ + + + present handicap, to improve their financial afTairs. ♦ This is where our bank service w ill help the earnest his income, surplus sum use man. from which to earn It assists each protects him to and conserves build the small transaction into a ♦ ♦ ♦ + lump he can use as a working force, him more money. Estacada State Bank V». Leroy D. Walker, President Thomas Yocum, Vice President I r w i n D. W r i g h t , Cashier M ************** Kuhrache Property Sold The Roll o f Honor o f the Cur­ rinsville School, which closes its term May 25th, includes Ruth Hale, Arthur Boyer, Fred and N eil Saling, Wilm a Kitching, Ar- lie Coop, Irma Jones, Glenn and Mary Ely, Edmund and Irene Saling, Jose Gordon and W alter Matson. ______ The attractive home property o f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuhrache located on upper Zobrist Street was last week purchased by the Misses Minnie and Ida Schrepel, o f Estacada, who will make it their future home. It is reported that Miss Ida Schrepel. who is an experienced trained nurse, contemplates us­ ing the home in part as a sani­ tarium. The late owners are planning to move to Portland, where they will reside. Estacada Likely To Get Elk individual a concentrated Currinsville Roll of Honor m The LUMBER for your new SIDEWALK comprising 2 x 6 fir stringers and planks wiii COST $7.00 for 4 foot walk - 50 feet long $10.50’ 6 ’ .’ ’ ’ ’ $17.00’ 10 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Ascertain from Recorder Devore, the legal width o f walk required on your street, tbsu P H O N E US Y O U R O RD E R A N D W E W IL L M A K E P R O M P T D E L IV E R Y . O w ing to the crowded condi­ tion o f the Washington Park Zoo in Portland and due to the H. C. o f L. for the animals, arrange­ ments are being made to liberate the band o f 17 elk in the moun­ tains. It was originally announced that these animals would be liber­ ated on the Bull Run w ater re­ serve, but through the efforts o f form er G\me Warden Ben S. Patton o f Estacada, coupled with appeals made directly by a num­ ber o f the local men, it is probable these animals will be shipped here, for liberation in the moun­ tains up the Clackamas River. In as much as the nearby moun­ tains offer a larger range than the Bull Run reserve and as al­ ready a band o f native elk are livin g in this section, it is likely the city band will be turned loose among their wild neighbors. Such a move will be a wise one, for the Clackamas band needs the addition o f new blood and a decidedly increased herd should result. Arrangem ents are being made to unload the animals at Caza- dero. where volunteer horsemen will herd them up the Clackamas R iver trail. ALMOST MURQERED Sometime between sun-down and sun-up last night, J. W. Reed in connection with J. M. Melton v ras seen to enter the Estacada G arage’s place o f business, each carrying a large knife in their hand and a determined look upon their face. When confronted the next morning and closely ques­ tioned as to the meaning o f such actions they declared it was their intention to cut, slash, and prune, everyth in g from these premises that was not in keeping with skilled repair work, cour­ teous treatment, and a thorough­ ly clean and up-to-date garage. W e want your patronage and w ill do our best to merit it. Estacada Garage — the Bridge that will carry you safely over Auto troubles. Paid Adv. Better Get Y our Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. L. S. BRONSON M. D. EVANS Estacada, - O. C. S. GERBER Lawn Mowers Sharpened Baby Carriages Re-Tired Y ou 'll soon need it. Oregon. S. P. PcsznccKer - Estacada Eagle Creek Notes (Contributed On Wednesday o f last week, some o f the palrons o f the Eagle Creek Grange met at the hall, which with the adjoining gr«unds were thoroughly cleane ! up, u»*«'- liminary to the picnic Saturday. Notwithstanding the inclement weather, a very fa ir crowd a t­ tended the Eagle Creek Grange picnic on Saturday. A short but interesting program was en joy­ ed, including an address by the W orthy Grand Master, C. E. Spence, music by the Garfield Band, songs and recitation«. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eddy and son Bruce and’Mrs. J. M. Light- fo o l o f Portland were guests at the home o f R. B Gibson Sun­ day. Mr. Eddy and Mrs. Light- foot returning to Portland that evening, with Mrs. Eddy and son remaining for a longer visit. Mrs. Viola Douglass was the guest o f her daughter, Mrs. H. S. Jones o f Portland for a couple o f days last week. Everett Beckett, with the as­ sistance o f several o f his neigh­ bors set out 5(X) prune trees the other day. Mrs. W alter Douglass, who is convalescing at the home o f Mrs. Marion Lady in Estacada, was the recipient o f a pleasant visit Sunday from her husband and daughters and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Will Douglass, who found her in a greatly improved condi­ tion. C. N. Me Alister, Special A gent o f the Portland Union Stock Yards was an Estacada business visitor for a few days last week, having attended several meetings besides the Eagle Creek Grange picnic. LAWYERS Abstracts examined. Corporation Law. Financial Agents. Trusts, Escrows and Accounts. Estates probated. Collec­ tions, Deeds, Mortgages. General practice in ail courts. Correspondence so lcited. Prom pt attention. Bank ref'irenees. Fourteenth penr. (OMIS PLACED ON PORTLAND PROP«TV fóasessohn & Mosessohn n«-n*-71S C lu m lm r o f C o m m e rc e Bids, . P O R TLA N D , O REG O N