Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 17, 1917, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 10, N umber 35
Agricultural D efense
M eeting W ell Attended
Following the Agricultural De­
fense Day meeting held in Esta­
cada Monday evening, under the
auspices of the Farmers’ & Mer­
chants’ Club and augmented
Tuesday night, by the passage of
the Estacada herd-law, which be­
came effective on Wednesday,
arrangements are now under way
for the immediate plowing and
planting of more of Estacada's
vacant property.
Monday nights dinner-meeting
of the club was an enjoyable one,
with between fifty and sixty in at­
tendance, the ladies were guests
of the club, as were also the non­
commissioned officers of Com-
pany D.
The Defense Day meeting was
held in the Family Theatre,
through the courtesy of Manager
Sparks. Reports were presented
by Messrs. Givens, Whitcomb,
Johnson, Ewing and Joyner, of
the county meeting at Oregon
City on the Thursday previous
and also of the work already un­
dertaken in the various nearby
An open discussion of ques­
tions relative to the cooperation of
the local people in increasing the
production of farm products was
entered into, with Dr. Adix ap­
pointed a committee of one to
try to interest non-residents in
the farming of several vacant
farms in this section.
The Government’s plan in this
increased food production cam­
paign was presented briefly, in­
cluding the contemplated action
by Congress of passing the Ad­
ministration’s Agricultural Bill,
to fix maximum and minimum
prices for food, clothing, fuel and
other necessities and articles re­
quired for their production — to
prescribe regulations to govern
the production of these commo­
dities—to compel holders of nec­
essaries to r e l e a s e them in
amounts insuring equitable distri­
bution — to eliminate market
speculation—to govern movement
of necessaries by railroads — be­
sides other provisions of the bill.
Conscription Registration
The Army Conscription Bill,
whieh requires the registration for
conscription purposes of all male
citizens of the United States be-
tv. e«>n the ages of 21 and 30 years
inclusive; will shortly be in effect
in Oregon.
F’ rther information relative to
this War Census will be published
in these columns, so that the gen­
eral public may fully understand
v at is required of them on the
day of registration.
E stacada , O regon , T hursday , M ay 17, 1917
State Game W arden
To Look Over Local
Fish Conditions Friday
The resolutions lately sent out
by the Estacada Rod & Gun Club
and the Farmers’ & Merchants’
Club, protesting against the sal­
mon blockades in the nearby
streams, are receiving prompt
attention by the State Fish &
Game Commission and the Fed­
eral Bureau of Fisheries.
The following letter was this
week received from the Commis­
sioner of Fisheries at Washing­
ton, which shows that bureau is
already making investigations:
Department of Commerce
Bureau of Fisheries
Washington May 9, 1917.
Estacada Rod & Gun Club,
Estacada, Oregon.
Your petition has been received by
this Bureau, and the matter referred to
is being investigated. You will be ad­
vised as soon as further information on
the subject is received.
Very trulv yours,
H. M. Smith
State Game Warden, Carl Shoe­
maker of Portland phoned Mon­
day, that he and another member
of his department will be in Es­
tacada next Friday morning, May
18th, from which point they will
visit the local dams and fish racks,
to see if some relief can be given
the present blockade conditions.
All parties interested, are in­
vited to accompany Mr. Shoe­
maker and party on this trip,
leaving the News office at about
nine o’clock.
Mr*. Robley To Head
Parent-T «achers
The Parent T*acher Associa­
tion held its last regular meeting
for the year in the high school
assembly room on Thursday
A program was rendered con­
sisting of music by a girls’ chor­
us from the high school; a song
by a group of little girls from the
first grade, and a talk by Miss
Wash on the topic “How to Make
Vacation Count”. Officers for
the ensuing year were elected as
President - Mrs. F. G. Robley
Mrs. W. Givens
Vice Pres.
Secretary - Miss Ruth Welch
Treasurer - Mrs. D. Fleming.
$1. P er Y ear
Spence and Stephens
Bowerman and Riley
Soldiers And Civilians
Do Thorough Job Tuesday
At eight o’clock. Friday (‘veil­
ing, May 18th, at the Family
Theater in Estacada, will lx*
staged a debate on the proposed
$6,000,000 Road Bond issue that
should ’-ring out a crowd. The
contest promises to be a hot one
for the ablest of opponents are to
present tie ir arguments, and
while th > affair i* free, it will well
be worth an admission price.
As the sporting writers would
say, “ All contestants are trained
to the pink of condition. The
affirmative side will be presented
by Ex-Governor Jay Bowerman
and Frank B. Riley of Portland,
with the negative champions be­
ing Representative 11. C. Stephens
of George and State Master CL E.
Spence of the Oregon Grange.
This dehate will be conducted
under the auspices of the Farm­
ers’ & Merchants’ Club, and ev­
eryone is invited to be present.
Emergency Herd Law
Ordinance Passed and Now
Being Enforced
By ft vote of four to one, Ordin­
ance No. 104 was repealed at the
Tuesday night meeting of the Es­
tacada City Council and Ordi-n-
once No. 105, being an ordinance
similar to the repealed one, but
with a few changes and contain­
ing an emergency clause, was
passed by a similar vote.
City Marshal Park was in­
structed to begin the enforcement
of this herd law at once and here­
after all livestock are prohibited
from running at large within the
city limits.
Action was also taken by the
council to enforce the building,
rebuilding and repair of the ma­
jority of sidewalks in the city and
in compliance with this order the
P. R. L. & P. Co. arc already
planning the building of concrete
walks about their hotel property.
It was also duly ordered that
five carloads of gravel he ordered
for immediate use in the repair
of the city’s streets.
Ames Appointed Federal Hunter
Thróugh the recommendation
of Ex-County Game Warden Pat­
ton of Estacada, A. G. Ames of
Estacada this week received the
appointment of District Govern­
ment Hunter.
This work is in connection
with the Federal Department of
Predatory Animals, which de­
partment pays salaries to regular
hunters, whose duties consist of
killing predatory animals, such
as bobcats, cougars, wolves and
the like.
Mr. Ames territory will consist
of the nearby mountainous sec­
tions from Mt. Hood to the upper
waters of the Clackamas and
Santiam Rivers.
If cleanliness is next to God'i-
ness the City of Estacada is this
week nearer a realization of its
birthright than it has been for
many years past.
Under the command of Capt.
Harry llulse, of Company I), tin*
handling of Estacada’s annual
Clean-up Day was successfully
eonduejed last Tuesday.
About seventy of the soldims,
formed in squads under the com­
mand of non-commissioned officers
and augmented hv equal civilian
strength and accompanied by
t ams and wagons, began cleaning
up and digging out the city pub­
lic and private property, with the
work continuing from 8:30 a. m.
until 4 :30 p.m.
Not less than 150 wagon loads
of refuse were handled and
burned on the lot in tin* rear of
the City Hall. These loads of
refuse, to tin* student of arch­
eology. geology or that study of
the strata of the earth’s surface,
would have displayed the past
history of Estacada. Strata« of
empty beer and whisky bottles
clearly defined those periodic
years of booze and prohibition in
the past, with remnants and sou­
venirs galore unearthed, sadly re­
minding the excavators of those
early boom days of watered c.ltiy
manufacturing stocks and other
bursted bubbles, not to mention
a thick layer of the up to the
present, uncivilized custom of al­
lowing the livestock - to roam at
The clean-up as conducted un­
der army supervision was such a
thorough one that tin* entire city
could not be covered, but the flut
and business portion was com
pleted, dug out and disinfected
in a business-like, sanitary man­
The crowning triumph of the
day and where a most thorough
clean-up was made was during
the noon hour, when over two
hundred hungry soldiers and civ­
ilians, in massed formation,
charged and gallantly captured
the most delicious, magnificent,
luxurious and abundant public
dinner that has ever been served
in the history of the city.
And to the ladies of Estacada
is due the undying thanks of all
of those who were privileged to
participate in this feast, which ap­
preciation was not only made
known by the way the good things
were consumed, but by tin? unlim­
ited compliments heaped upon
their hostesses by the soldiers and
Now that Estacada is clean ac­
cording to our standards, and
I assably clean according to army
standards, let us try to keep it
Let’s take a personal pride in
the appearance of our city. Let’s
st'.p the practice of throwing tin
cniis and ref us«* in vacant lots and
Continued on Bark Fa^e