Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 03, 1917, Image 3

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    + ♦ ♦ ♦ *
+ + + ♦ ♦
Building & Loan
Association Formed
+ + ♦ + $
Through the efforts o f S. E.
Wooster and other Estacada busi­
ness men, a Building & Loan A s­
sociation was formed last week.
This association, through its
local representative Mr. Wooster,
will conduct loans on such a sys­
tem as is done by other similar
Loans will be made in any
amounts to parties desiring to
build homes or other improve­
ments and in all w ill bear an in­
terest charge o f between (> and
6 1/2 per cent.
The benefits o f
this association are only open to
property owners within the City
o f E s ta c a d a .___
Do You Want Your Boy
to go through the same business problems you
had to face in trettinjr your start when he
can learn correct business habits and usages,
learn them practically, and at no expense?
Have him start an account with us, encourage
him to keep it growing, show him how to properly +
care for it and build up a Bank Credit.
Save him the worry and distress you had +
to shoulder in your time. When you are ready to +
turn over to him what you have accumalated, he +
will be equipped to take care o f and augment it.
This Bank will be glad to have his account, +
no matter how small the start.
Snyders Return To Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder,
form erly o f Cazadero, but who
for the past six months have been
residing in Pennsylvania, return­
ed to Estacada last week and left
immediately for their ranch in
Upper Dodge.
W hile from a business stand­
point, Mr. Snyder admits that the
East has everything to offer, both
he and Mrs. Snyder could not
longer resist llie call o f Oregon
and were glad to get back to the
l a n d o f mountains, rushing
streams and tow ering firs and
are welcomed back by their many
friends here.
Estacada State Bank
ICtf tA
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
I r w i n D. W r i g h t ,
* + + + + + + + +
G eorge Goings On
+ + + + + +.1
You may soon have to Repair or
Rebuild your Sidewalk, so see us before
commencing tne work.»
W e are
carrying a complete line o f Lumber
fo r this purpose, with Prices Right.
As an ordinance has lately been passed
making it compulsory that all property
abutting the city ’ s sewer system shall
be connected wi h same within 30 days
we are in a position to save you
money on your S E W E R T I L E
W e have a carload now coming and
first come will be first served, so buy­
ers will profit by obtaining the cheaper
carload price.
Place orders now.
M. 1). E V A N S
Lumber Co.
O regon.
B orn- Friday, April 27th, to
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. O ’ Neel o f
Currinsville. a son.
Estacada Feed
A t the regular meeting o f the
George Social & Commercial Club
held Saturday evening it was vot­
ed to purchase a Hag for the Club.
A movement is on foot, headed
by H. C. Stephens and Robt. M il­
ler, to discontinue the Fair this
year, but ow ing to the small at­
tendance was laid over to the
next meeting. Talks were given
by H. C. Stephens and Mrs. Joy­
ner and the usual singing was
enjoyed by all. Lunch was serv­
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rath
and Henry Reimer.
The farew ell dance at the club
house on Friday evening, given
in honor o f Miss Duncan, was en­
joyed by a large crowd o f young
The School program on Thurs­
day afternoon was much enjoyed
by the crowd in attendance, es­
pecially the singing, flag-drill
and May pole dance.
Mrs. Klinker, Flora Klinker
Mrs. N. Scheel Mrs. Ochs and
Mrs. Peter Rath, were callers at
the Held home on Wednesday a f­
ternoon, it being the birthday o f
Mrs. Anna Held.
Miss Duncan was a Sunday vis­
itor at Joyners.
/.b*,tractaeTamit. *1. Corporation ! .w.
Financial Agouti. Trusts, Escrows a'.d
Account*. Estates probated. Cc ltec-
tton«, Deads, Mortgages.
practice in all courts. Correspondence
r.oHcited. Prompt attention. Hank
references. Fourteenth year.
L O A I.S P L A C E D O N P O R T L A N D P R P F R T \
Mossssoim & tfiosesscfcn
714-71S-71* C ham ber o f C on tin «rc'* B W o
County To Be Without Warden
Despite promises made before
the legislature adjourned and
even since, by the State Fish &
Game Commission, to reappoint
on May 1st, Ben S. Patton o f Es­
tacada. as County Game Warden -
we are now advised that no such
appointment will be made.
The reason assigned being lack
o f funds. Yet. when we consid­
er that Clackamas County has an
income o f about $4.000. per year
from the sale o f fishing and hunt­
ing licenses alone, said income be­
ing second only to Multnomah
County - and as the cost o f such
a warden does not exceed $150ff.
per year - this false economy is
not fair.
When allowance is made for
the dozen or more deputy game
wardens each season stationed
along the Willamette near Oregon
City, in enforcing tin» salmon fish­
ing there - u County Warden is
necessary in the balance o. the
countv. for Ola«*k*i’URs fi-i > >c ifi-.
bly as many miles o f nailing
streams as any in tin* Northwest
and is the me* ca of more angleis
undoubtedly than any two coun­
ties in the state.
The neighbors joined in the
celebration o f H. H. U dell’s birth­
day by a surprise party Friday
Birch Roberts met with a slight
accident while climbing Deep
Creek Hill in his Ford, the clutch
refused to hold and the machine
backed down into Deep Creek.
He had to get a team to pull
the machine out, no damage was
Guy Woodle spent the week­
end at his ranch in Dover.
Frank Ahnert purchased a new
power feed grinder.
George Roberts, who has been
working in a saw mill at Sandy
Ridge, spent Sunday with home
folks in Dover.
Prof. E. T. Wilson o f Hubbard,
who has been appointed to the
principalship o f the Estacada
Schools for the coming year, was
a local visitor for a day last week,
attending to matters pertinent to
his work.
Ed Hunt o f Estacada is now in
business in Portland, having a
fortnight ago purchased a music
store on Hawthorne Avenue.
Mav fith
Mystery of the Rails
“ His Hand Job“
“ T h e ir M o th er
Fam ily T heatre
Estacada, Oregon