Want and Por Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in advance FOR SALE—Nice large Cab­ bage and Tomato plants. W. H. Holder, Estacada ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : Undertaking and Embalming * L A . Chapman Estacada FOR SALE— Day old, S. C. + Licensed Embalmer White Leghorn chicks. Phone or write Mrs. C. A. Jac­ Operating Phone ques. R. 1, Estacada, Or. Hearse and Morgue Store or Residence WANTED — Lumber Handlers for Saw Mill. Wages $2.75. Also Young Men for Sash and Door and Box Factories. Wages $2.50 and up. Apply News Office. “ WHITE MINSTRELS ” and Vaudeville — For C. I. C. Lib­ rary, Friday May 11th. Keep in mind the date. CULL POTATOES - for sale about 40 sacks for feed. P. F. Standish - Garfield WHO Traded Hats with me at Mondays F. & M. Club meeting? 1 want my own. Chas Kitching - R 1 - Estacada Bird Hides Tunned and made up into Rugs, Furs or other Mountings Expert Taxidermy Work Tom Carter, Lot; L u H a r r e Garfield Miss Hu Ida Paulsen of George is spending a few days in Port­ land visiting friends and relatives. The George School closed its fiscal year, with appropriate ex­ ercises. The April Roll of Honor of the Currinsville School comprises Ir­ ma Jones. Wilma Kitching, Ruth Hale, Edmund, Neil and Irene Saling. Mary and Glen Ely, Ver- lie Coop and Walter Matson. Dodge cars are gaining in pop­ ularity every year. Wm. Bard has ordered his second Dodge, A. E. Sparks has ordered his third Dodge and now O. M. Ritchie has joined the Dodge boosters and ordered a new 1917 Dodge, his father and brother in law having each purchased a Dodge last year. P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring For Sale or R^ent Dr. L. A. Wells Cornette Farm Dentist Consisting of 198 acres; 110 in cultivation; 40 burned over; balance good timber. House, barn and orchard. Well watered from creek running through place. 4 V i miles from Estacada on main county road. Mortgagee will sell cheap at low and good terms or rent to a responsible party. APPLY Donald Macleod Lawrence Bros. 553 Pittock Block Route 2 Portland Estacada E. H. S. Echoes v Edited by Sadie Wilcox and Basil Manlove SALE or TRADE — 3” Bain farm wagon. Will trade for cow The Student Body entertained the soldiers last Friday evening or other livestock. in the school assembly hall. The Wm. Githens - R 1 - Estacada affair was well attended and FOR SALE — 7 year old, light enjoyed. A joint literary program will be work, driving or saddle horse, given April 27th to which all weighing 1000 lbs. Inquire of neighboring eighth graders are S. E. Wooster, Estacada. invited, SNAP As the Freshmen were the win­ O. M. Ritchie has traded his ners of the tug-of-war, they have 1917 Ford in on a 1917 Dodge car been granted the privilege of fly­ and this Ford is offered for sale ing their flag on May 4th. at a discount. Driven less than Much competition exists be­ 600 miles and looks like new and tween the classes in the sale of in first class condition. Who tickets for the Carnival, with thè wants this practically new Ford. election of the Queen dependant upon the largest class sale. Cascade Garage, Estacada ----_------------------------------------ Ray Drill has left school to take the place of George Townsend at Wild Cat, Cougar, Wolf, the Bull Run Power House. Coyote or Henry V. Adix, M. D. Springwater News Items Daily MILK Notice i9 hereby given th a t the un­ dersigned, executor of the estate of James Suter, deceased, has filed his final account, and the Court has set Monday, May 7, 1917, a t 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, in the County Court room at the County Court House, in Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objec­ tions to said final account. Gerald Wilcox, Executor of the estate of Jam es Suter, deceased. Claude W. Devore, Attorney for Executor. First publication April 5, 1917. Last publication May 3, 1917. Notice Of Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd ' Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Claude W. Devore Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. J O H The N Insurance BRO WN Man Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned, administrator, of the E state of Thomas Samson, deceased, has filed his final account, and the Court has set Monday, April 30, 1917, at ten o’clock A. M., of said day, in the County Court room a t the County Court House, in Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said final account. Dated March 26, 1917. W. J. Samson, Administrator of the estate of Thomas Samson, deceased. Claude W. Devore, Attorney for Administrator. First publication, March 29, 1917. Last publication, April 26, 1917. Delivery Service C& C R E A M C. R. Lovell L - Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n Of McMinnville, Oregon. Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance. Automobile Insurance A Specialty Phone 513 - Gresham Team Work, Hauling and Packing Wood delivered, any amount or length. \ . TIE SHED , . - . r . 10c per Rig W. M. Yoncc Final Settlement Absolutely rich, pure milk, from well cared for, grain and ensilage fed Jersey cows Phone vour wants the night before and we will make delivery early the next morning. W hether you are a regular customer or not, feel free to call upon us, when in need of ex tra milk or cream. - P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Notice of Final Settlement Milk and Cream — 7c per quart — delivered at your door. each morning between 5 and 6 o'clock. Phone Dr. R. Morse The Failing Nursery of Upper Garfield is now engaged in graft­ ing the stock for its 1917 nur­ sery crop of prunes. In all, over 15,000 trees are being grafted, which with favorable weather conditions will mean an increased output for the current year. Contributed A surprise party was given on Saturday evening i n honor o f Sergeant Sylvester E Lawrence, of the machine-gun corps of the Third Oregon, w h o spent the week-end at home. Mrs. J. Zurcher of Silverton has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joe Guttridge. A splendid talk was given by Rev. Hurd of Portland at the church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Donahue mov­ ed to Yakima. Wash, where they will reside. Mrs. Smedley of Portland has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. Shibley. Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix Currinsville S I D E WA L K S Repaired Or Rebuilt Let me figure on the cost of either repairing or building you a sidewalk. First dass lumber and expert workmanship guaranteed. * ,4 - ’ 4 ** r t L. C. P O S S O N Estacada, - Oregon