W alter Givens Harry C. Reid - - Fred Bartholomew B V ol. 1 Editor in Chief TH E W EEK LY Advertising Mgr. - Bouncer Devoted to the stimulation of civic and community pride - the patronizing of home industries - and the boosting of the W. Givens Company, Incorporated. oosting E sta c a d a , Or. A pril 2 6 , 1 9 1 7 No. 21 LIVESTOCK We shipped another car of fine livestock Wednesday, for which we paid top prices. We are in hopes we can get another carload together for shipment in two weeks. There has never been a time in the history of the livestock business when there has been an outlook such as at present and we believe no farmer will make a mistake in Riving his time and attention to the hog industry for the balance of the year. Information we gather from the Portland Union Stock Yards is that the outlook for hogs in the Pacific Northwest is al>out 50 % of last years supply. And with the enormous demand both at home and abroad, it means meat will be a luxury in the average home. We think it is an opportune time and a patriotic duty for all farmers to aid in this line of pro­ duction to help reduce the high cost of living. We were sorry not to be able to secure more young brood sows for local distribuion Monday. All were fine thorobred Duroc- Jerseys and were sold at cheap prices. We know of no other thorobred stock available now, but in the course of our travels a- bout the country we occasionally find some good grade sows. If you want a good brood sow, advise us and we will be glad to assist without added cost to you. W'e want to see the hog indus. try grow. FACTS ABOUT THE POTATO MARKET For the past week we have been paying $4. cwt. for White, No. 1 Potatoes, and cant say how high the market may go. But new patatoes are coming on the Portland market now and are selling for about the same price we are paying for old ones. There may be a sudden advance or decline. We desire to present the exact situation to those still holding old stock. We will con­ tinue to pay top prices till the end of the season. SOME DONTS DONT predict the failure of the Cheese Factory, give it a trial and a boost. DONT curse the weather, it will do you no good. DONT blame the poor feed- store man for the high prices of feed, he is too small to even ef­ fect the market. DONT blame the groceryman for the rapid advance in prices, just lay in a supply and be pre­ pared. DONT complain of the high cost of living when the backyard garden spot is growing up to weeds. DONT condemn the other fel­ low for trying to make a living, just because you want to live without trying. DONT criticise our President, its unpatriotic. DONT sell off all your poultry and young stock and this fall curse the fate that compels you to pay double prices. DONT gossip,----------------- ! Coming Dont Miss It E. H. S. Carnival Have y^ou ever attended one? If not, w h y not? This will be the great event of the season. . Vaudeville Wrestling Nigger Babies C andjr onfetti afes An Evening of Sensations KUM Remember our 2% C ash D iscoun t tickets are redeemable at any time. We believe that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement. The Walter Givens Company