Mrs. Caroline Simmons, for­ merly of Es.acada but at present residing at Forest Grove, spent a few days here this week, closing up some business matters. She reports Mr. Simmons to be well satisfied with their new location, but cannot vouch for his satisfac­ tion about the time when the trout begin biting on the Clack­ amas. W e Palace Meat Market Agency For The Robert Morton, who is now identified with- the Northwest Steel Company in Portland, spent the week-end at the home o f his mother, Mrs. A K. Morton o f Estacada. Also Buy All Kinds Of Beef Pork Kinds Of F re d J o rg , P ro p rie to r D. C. Zink o f the Traffic De­ ♦ partment o f the P. R. L. & P. * Co. was an Estacada business visitor last Monday. Broadway photo of your farm. These photos are especially suitable for halftone reproduction, for use on letterheads or farm stationery. + + Lime-Sulphur Black-leaf 40 Arsenate o f Lead Rose Nicotine Bluestone or Vitrol ♦ Also complete line of Lilly’s Seeds. * ♦ The Estacada Pharmacy ♦ ♦ T -*■ Store * * * The i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Drake & MaucK * 2 JOINTS ♦ * + * We Miss Eva Kennedy o f Portland .vas the guest o f her sister. Miss Edna Kennedy o f Eagle Creek, during Easter vacation. 349 Washington Street 126 Fourth Street Main 5493 M un 8882 PORTLAND. - OREGON +*.*■ O O O O O O O O t O O O O O Leroy D. Walker and John Brandes o f Portland were in Es­ tacada Wednesday in connection with business matters at the Es­ tacada State Bank. T h e rcuüi rs o f t h p ip e r w ill be p leased to lea rn th a t th e re 1 b a t le a it o n e d rea d ed d ise a se th a t s cie n ce has been a b le to cu re in ail Its sta ge s, and that is ca ta rrh . C a ta rrh being; g r e a tly influ en ced b y c o n s titu tio n a l co n d itio n s re q u ire s co n s titu tio n a l treatm ent. H a ll's C ata rrh C ure is ta k e n in te rn a lly and a cts thru the B lo o d o n th e M ucous S u rfa ce s o f the 8 y ste m th e re b y d e ­ s tr o y in g th e fo u n d a tio n o f the disease, g iv in g the p a tie n t s tr e n g t h b y b u ild in g up the c o n s titu tio n and a s s is t in g n a ­ tu re in d o in g Its w o rk . T h e p r o p r ie ­ to rs have so m u ch fa ith In th e cu ra tiv e p o w e rs o f H a ll s C a ta rrh C u re that th e y o ffe r One H u n d r e d D o lla rs fo r a n y ca se that it fa lls t o cu re . Send f o r list o f testim on ia ls. A d d re s s r J C H E N I T * C O .. T o le d o , • O h io. B old b y a ll D r u g g lo U . T ic * * * * * * * * * FORD * * ♦ ♦ As ever the best valve for the money Runabout A deal was consumated this week, whereby S. P. Pesznecker o f Estacada purchased the house and lot on Main Street, formerly belonging to W. B. Simmons. I The new owner and family w ill1 soon make their home there. — $1*70 Reward, $100 ♦ * We have this for the farmer’s truck and the heavy Denb.v for commercial trucking. $400.70 Touring Car F. 0 . B. Estacada ♦ $415.70 * * * Full Line Of Accessories and expert workmen * always on hand * ♦ ♦ E s ta c a d a G arag e Robert Mulkey o f Portland is new barber in Estacada, sue- j * the ceeding Dave Eschleman, who is I i**** ♦ leaving today for East Scobey, ♦ Montana. Mrs. Mulkey is ex-j * pected here in a short time, | O R D E R * where they will make their home. Lids 2 Banes: ♦ * * Materia I Formaldehyde * Garage ♦ j ♦ S p r a y ♦ built at the The best car in its class on the market Mrs. E. E. Saling o f Currins- 1 ! ville entertained the Priscilla Club on Thursday, April 5th. ♦ -------------------------------- ----------- + Ford Truck The Oakland Sensible Six $975 Estacada ♦ York City * ■ Bert Rage, son o f Mr. and Mrs. John Page o f Estacada, after a Cigars, Confectionery, Kodaks and Supplies four years service in the Navy, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle returned to Estacada Tuesday, where he will remain for an in­ * 0 0 * * 0 * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 o o definite stay. - N— Call and see the Initiation will be given at the I. 0 . 0 . F. Hall in Estacada, Sat­ urday evening, April 14th. All Odd Fellows are urged to attend. Payments on Daily Papers must be paid by the end o f the month—otherwise they will be stopped 1107 B r « * » ? , O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Estacada The Childrens Play Night, which was scheduled to take place at the Garfield Grange next Saturday evening, has been post­ poned until Saturday the 21st. Let me take a panoramic Ed. Boner ) CREW ON THAT J U D U . I THE STABLE BOYS CALL! HIM "S M A L L C N E W -p BECAUSE HE L A S T S I L0N4ER TH A N ANYL P L U S IN T H E F IE L D ] Mad* W WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY Ed. Scheel, who is working ini' Portland, spent the Easter week- j • end at the parental home in ♦ George. + Season Estacada, O r. Phone Main 83. . YOU CAN 1 1 1 TOUR LAST* Y Mrs. Mary Snuffin o f Portland is a guest at the Lou Palmateer| home in Garfield, this week. Fresh Vegetables In Y H E V A L U E O F LASTIM « Q U A L I T I E i O U men get to putting reliance into good stock. Ever since you learned of the rich tobacco o f which W -B C U T Chewing is made, there has been a big and increasing demand for it. The idea of shredding the leaf, so that you can get at the tobacco satisfaction without so much grinding and spitting, has made a winning with men also. The little chew that lasts and satisfies is the thing. Mrs. C. C. Miller o f Estacada spent a couple o f days in Portland . this week visiting among rela­ tives. Poultry and Eggs All k CÔ w l u S T E M T O M M V I W O C O LO R S I I M U S T WIW T O - O A Y f --------------------- 1 Ken Bartlett o f the University o f Oregon is spending the Spring vacation at his home in Estacada. Clear Creek Creamery Butter Veal ( T M I OOOO JU D O ! flH O i JOCKEYS Estacada, Oregon ****************** ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ YOUR Spring Suit NOW International Tailored R. G. Marchbank Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Morgan o f Moscow, Idaho and daughters Margaret, Marion and Marjorie spent the week-end at the Saling farm inJ3urrinsville. Estacada, Or. Aside from the contribution of W. H. H. Wade o f $5, no more subscriptions have been added to the Belgian Relief Fund, al­ though the committee hope to se­ cure many^more donations. On April 7th, a marriage license Mrs. Lee A. Wells o f Estacada was issued in Oregon City, to Walter Ray Woodle and Miss Ol­ is spending a few days at the home o f her parents at Roseburg. ive Murphy o f Barton.