Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 12, 1917, Image 4

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    Walter Givens
Harry C. Reid
Fred Bartholomew
Editor in Chief
Advertising Mgr.
Devoted to the stimulation of civic and
community pride • the patronizing of
home industries - and the boosting of
the W. Givens Company, Incorporated.
Vol. 1 No. 19
Estacada, Or.
April 12, 1917
Hurrah !
We’re gon’a
have a Cheese Factory.
Say — but that Government Expert,
H. A. Chaplin, of the Dairy Depart­
ment of the Dept, of Agriculture, sure
knows about everything there is to know about the cheese business.
If you did not hear him speak at Monday’s meeting of the F. &
M. Club, you were the loser.
He put so much pep in his talk and answered so many thousands
of questions, that it was all we could do to keep from closing out
our business and starting a private cheese factory.
In this connection, we wish to thank the farmers for the courte­
sy and liberal response that met our volunteer committee, during
Tuesday’s stock selling campaign.
Dont miss next Monday night’s meeting, when the Board of Di­
rectors and officers will be elected by the stockholders.
Advise us if you are in the market for young brood sows, so that
as soon as we can get a carload, we can guarantee each and all a
happy home.
We are trying to get these to replace the departed good old mo­
ther sows of last season, who are now piecefully in hams, sausages
and bacons. So advise us of your needs for brood stock.
W ednesday' - cApril
18 th
Advise us at once of what you have for sale.
Per Sack 1001*' - 60c
First authentic photo of the Kstacada Cheese Factory.
Taken hy our
•taff correspondent.
Remember our
Per Ton - $11.00
Please don’t ask us to hold stock for you, at
these prices for we simply cant do i t
These are rock bottom.
2 % Cash Discount tickets are redeemable at any time.
We believe that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement.
The W alter Givens Company