Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 05, 1917, Image 8

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    Want and For Sale Column
5 cents per line. Cash in advance
LISTEN — Our hens pay be­
cause they lay. Foundation stock
direct from Tancreds 250 egg lay­
ing strain of S. C. White Leg­
Extra Hatching Eggs—
$1.50 for 15 or $6. per hundred,
f. o. b. Estacada.
Phone or address, George Cook,
B. 1, Estacada, Or.
Undertaking and Embalming
L A. Chapman
Licensed Embalmer
Hearse and Morgue
Store or Residence
+ ♦ + + + + + + + ♦ + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + ♦ +
FOR SALE — 2 year old roan
FOR SALE House and lot forj
F e a l t y of P a r t n e r * .
Durham Bull, registered.
less than what the improvements j A m em ber of tbo New York suprem e
A. C. Gerber, K. 3, Estacada.
court, reproving u New York Arm of
are worth. Good 8 room house, architects
for canceling an agreem ent,
COMING! Coming! coming! garage, woodshed, sewer connec­ says. "A uthorities unanim ously agree
April 27th—The White Minstrels, tion in and paid for, patent toilet. th a t there is scar* ely an., relation tn I
which calls for more absolute good
for the benefit of the Library.
On improved street, splendid lo­ life
faith than the relation of partners.”
cation, owner leaving town. See Also. "A purer and more elevated
SELL or TRADE—'Velie 40 Wooster and look this over at m orality is dem anded of partuers th an
the common m orality of the trad«.”
horse power car. Cost $2350 new once. Price $650.
The m eaning is th a t an individual who
—will trade for Ford or real es­
transacts business for him self m ay
tate. A. L. Lasswell, Estacada.
FOR SALE- Day old, S. C. look out solely for himself, while a
partner m ust nyver consider his own
White Leghorn chicks.
EGGS for HATCHING-Rhode Phone or write Mrs. C. A. Jac­ advantage a p art from th a t of his asso­
Island Reds a laying strain—75c
R. 1,
Estacada, Or,
per setting of 15.
V e rs a tile .
J. W. Moxley, R. 1, Estacada.
If you want baled Oat Hay, •‘Do you know.” she sim pered, "you
FOR SALE—Two Jersey Cows $13 at the ranch or $15 delivered are the first real actor I ever met. It
must be extrem ely interesting to act
and 21 months old heifer.
in Estacada, phone or write
the parts created by the m aster dram
C. A. Davis, R. 1, Estacada
C. M. Davis, R. 2, Estacada.
a tists like Shakespeare a n d ”—
LOST Two heifers -one brin-
dle Durham and one Jersey.
$5. Reward.
Finder notify
H. A. LaBarre, R. 1, Estacada
TEAM WANTED 5 or 6 years
old and weighing about 1400 lbs.
each, Tom Watson, Estacada.
Rev. Miner, the pastor, was
unable to make his appointment
here Sunday, on account of hav­
ing to conduct a funeral service
at Sandy.
Owing to the damage done by
stray chickens on my garden
property in Terrace Addition, I Guy Woodle and Orval Evans,
am hereby giving notice to the both of Dover, purchased a res­
owners, to keep same off my land. taurant in Portland, which they
P. Malzinini, River Mill, Or.
now have in running order.
Full blood Barred Rock eggs
Guy Woodle will work in the
for sale. 75c per setting of 15. ship yards at Portland.
W. H. Holder, Estacada
Dufer Cooper who has been
roots 60c per dozen prepaid. working for Captain Exon, wifi
Himalaya Giant black-berry roots leave here the first of the week
75c per dozen prepaid.
to enlist in the United States
R. M. Brash, Barton. Or.
WANTED—Young lady or girl
to learn typesetting. We will
pay fair wage while learning.
Eight hour day, pleasant work
and congenial environment.
Apply News Office, Estacada.
J. C. Petersons, 1916 MODEL
First-class condition run only
5000 miles al new tires shock
speedometer — well
equipped $4 tool box.
Extras: Tubes, hose connec­
tion, ignition wires, spark plug
wires, 5 spark plugs. Klaxton
horn, Presto lights, robe rail, cut­
out, chains, etc. Gaskets for
every part of the engine.
The best bargain for $350 Cash.
Cascade Garage, Estacada.
Wild Cat. Cougar. Wolf.
Coyote or Bird
Hide* Tanned and m ade up into Ruga,
Furs or o th er Mountings
Expert Taxidermy Work
Tom Carter, Log LaBarre Garfield
Several from Dover attended
the Quarterly Conference at San­
dy. They enjoyed the sermons
by Dr. Ford, the District Supt.
and Rev. Spiess of Estacada.
“Now you’re talkin’, kid.” he broke
in. "I just eat that Shakespeare stuff
alive. Why. I played In Shakespeare’s
East Lynne for two whole seasons,
and part of the tim e 1 played a hyru
In the orchestra " —New York World
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given th a t th e un­
dersigned, executor o f th e e state of
JameB S uter, deceased, has filed his
final account, and the C ourt has set
Monday, May 7, 1917, a t 10 o ’c lo c k !
A. M., of said day, in the County C ourt
room a t the County C ourt House, in
Oregon City, Oregon, as the tim e and
place for hearing any and all objec­
tions to said final account.
Gerald Wilcox,
E xecutor of the e sta te of
Jam es S uter. deceased.
Claude W. Devore,
A ttorney for Executor.
F irst publication A pril 6, 1917.
L ast publication May 3, 1917.
Notice Of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given th a t the un­
dersigned, adm inistrator, of the E state
of Thomas Samson, deceased, has filed
his final account, and the C ourt has set
Monday, A pril 30, 1917, a t ten o'clock
A. M., o f said day, in the County Court
Joseph DeShazer sent a load room a t the County C ourt House, in
City, Oregon, as the tim e and
of pork to Portland Wednesday. | Oregon
place for hearing any and all objections
said final account.
The Dover people, were sur­ to
D ated March 26, 1917.
prised on Sunday Morning, to
W. J . Samson,
hear of the fire in Sandy which
A dm inistrator of the e sta te of
Thomas Samson, deceased.
completely destroyed the Mercan­
tile store and badly scorched the
ttorney fo r A dm inistrator.
Bank and Hotel. The fire broke A
F irst publication, March 29, 1917.
out about 11:30 Saturday night. L ast publication, April 26, 1917.
Daily Delivery Service
C& C R E A M
Milk and Cream — 7c per quart — delivered at your door,
each morning between 5 and 6 o’clock.
Absolutely rich, pure milk, from well cared for,
gram and ensilage fed Je rse y cows
Phone your w ants the night before and we will m ake
next morning.
W hether you are a regular custom er or not, feel free to call upon us,
when in need o f e x tra milk o r cream.
C. R. Lovell
Henry V. Adix, M. D.
P h y s ic ia n
S urgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’s phone can he connected with your
home phone a t night if requested. One long ring
Dr. L. A. Well*
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
Dr. R. Morse
P h y s ic ia n
S urgeon
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd
Residence: Main and 5th Sts.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public
The Insurance Man
Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Phone 513
Team Work, Hauling and Packing
Wood delivered, any amount or length.
• 10c per Ris*
W. M. Yonce
Bible School—10 A. M.
Preaching Services each Lord’s
Day at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Choir Practise Tuesday evenings
at the church.
The public is most cordially in­
vited to worship with us.
G. L. Drill, Minister.
Preaching Services every Sunday
at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Prayer Meeting at 7:30 every
Thursday evening.
Young Peoples' Endeavor League
meets every other Sunday at
6:30 P. M., with the League
meetingon alternate Sundays at
the Estacada Christian Church.
All are invited to attend divine
services with us.
Rev. Henry Spiess, Pastor.