Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 05, 1917, Image 6

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    Eastern Clackamas News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
K. M. Standish,
E ditor and M anager
E ntered a t the postoffice in E stacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
S ubscription R ates
One year
Six m onths
Thursday, April 5, 1917
If there is anything more dan­
gerous than a bananna peeling on
a cement sidewalk, it is two peel­
ings. And yet, it is seldom there
are less than half a dozen on the
sidewalks of the business sec­
tion of Estacada at one time, to­
gether with an assortment of or­
ange peel and other slippery re­
Last week, an Estacada busi­
ness man took a bad fall, as a re­
sult of slipping on an orange peel­
ing and pedestrians are in con­
stant danger of similar accidents
just so long as we carelessly drop
the peelings on the walks.
While the children are to blame
for much of this nuisance, there
are plenty o f adults, w h o
thoughtlessly do the same and
furthermore, it is against the
A few people in Estacada re­
fused to casta vote on the “ herd-
law” question last week, for fear
of antagonizing someone.
We wonder how these people
would like to serve on the City
Council, where voting on public
matters is open and above board?
No man, nor his business has
ever been seriously harmed by
taking an honest stand on any
question, but the straddle the
fence man, is usually cussed by
both sides.
The Estacada City Council is
at least thankful that it is not
blamed for the weather, but even
then, if it passed an ordinance
ordering all good weather, some
people would kick.
And the Mayor only receives a
yearly salary of $0.00 and the
Councilmen the same, so can you
blame them for fighting to hold
their jobs?
Somebody has suggested that
a cheese factory in Estacada will
be a nuisance, owing to the odors
from the plant.
But a little thing like that will
never keep an industry from lo­
cating here, for we will gladly
welcome a tannery or a fertilizer
factory, just so long as it carries
a payroll, for there is nothing
smells so good as the currency of
the realm.
A comparison of the total taxes
levied in Clackamas County for
1917 on the roll of 1916, shows
this county’s total to be $828,946.
75, only being exceeded by Mult­
nomah. Marion and Lane Coun­
Clackamas’ State levy amounts
to $96,881.50-County levy, $135,
892. 59 - School, general and
special, $240,264.95 - Roads, gen­
eral and special, $280,353.64 - Cit­
ies and Towns, special, $70,554.
With over $280,000. to be ex­
pended on roads this year, it
seems as though something ought
to be done to improve the Doug­
lass Hill, Boring Hill and Clear
Creek Canyon Hill roads in this
I Your Credit Is Good
Just as long as you make it so.
If you pay your bills in 30 days,
it is O. K.
If you don’t -don’t
expect us to carry the account longer.
I t ’s Up To You
We are pleased to note that Es­
tacada and eastern Clackamas
county sportsmen are not alone
in endorsing Ben S. Patton of Es­
tacada for reinstatement as Coun­
ty Game Warden - for last week
at a meeting of the Live Wires of
Oregon City and the good people
of the Mount Pleasant section,
a resolution was unanimously
adopted asking for Patton’s early
We still have another week of Special Sale
on Sunkist Oranges—“Sweet Stuff” at
2 dozen for 25c
L. A. Chapman
E sta c a d a ,
If our new high school when
completed is as handsome and in­
viting as the architect’s drawing,
the Board might as well start a
night-school, for we’ll all want
to attend.
Again, with those stairless
stairways, how are the kids go­
ing to wear out their pants slid­
ing down the bannisters?
O re g o n
^ *'■
Spring Hats
See our window display of
If Sheriff Wilson and his crew
would finally put the booze ped­
dlers of Milwaukie in the peni­
tentiary, maybe they could then
give attention to the chicken
thieves, who are now adding to
the high cost of farming in this
Stylish Spring Millinery
w ith a large v ariety to choose from , a t prices from $1. to $3.
Flowers, Garden aud Field Seeds
We handle
Portland Seed Co’s and Lilly’s lines
Red Clover and Alsyke in bulk—very best grade—21c pound
B argains in Garden Tools—
The m o n t h l y epidemic of
“ friarsclubitis” and hotelbellitis”
has broken out in the upper end
of the county again, with the
usual cache of booze discovered
and substantially the same old
bunch of boot-leggers pinched.
If the law-breakers in these
cases were allowed to languish a
few months in jail, it would do
more to stamp out these two
county parasites, than all of the
fines put together.
If it wasn’t for these two per­
manent nuisances, the sheriff’s
office in this county would be a
cinch and incidentally a few
thousand dollars of the rural tax­
payers’ money would each year
be expended in other and more
permanent channels.
But that is one of the luxuries
that a rural county has to pay
for, when it wishes to maintain a
highly c i v i l i z e d , metropolitan
portion. And yet, some people
wonder why the law abiding farm­
ers of eastern Clackamas would
like to have a county of their own ?
Chas Bronson and son Neil of
Estacada left Monday for Bull
Run, where they will be employ­
ed on guard duty.
Rakes 25c
Hoes 50c
Park & Closner
Broadway at 2nd - Estacada,
O reg o n