Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 05, 1917, Image 4

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    Editor in Chief
Walter Givens
Advertising Mgr.
Harry C. Reid
Fred Bartholomew
Voi. 1
Estacada, Or.
April 5, 1917
No. 18
We congratulate our friends in
Garfield upon their splendid pro­
gram last Saturday night, given
for the Belgian Relief Fund but
we were sorry that such a small
crowd turned out. The enter­
We have decided to continue tainment was worth 50c of any-
our last weeks land plaster ad for ones money, and it only cost a
another week.
Why cant we have
Ar other trip over on Douglass j more of this type of entertain­
Ridge this week reminds us of ments and perhaps after a while
that $5,000,000 that we didn’t people will be able to appreciate
them to a greater extent.
get from the county court.
The Editor’s Society Doings
The man who says we didn’t
have a car of Beet Pulp coming
is a 1____— it’s in. Get yours
while the getting lasts.
36 Ladies Absolutely Free of charge
get one of our market baskets
with one dollars worth of groc­
eries Friday and Saturday of
this week.
This is for a cash sale of one
d o l l a r not including flour or
The first eighteen ladies on
Friday and the first eighteen on
Saturday will be successful. No
one family may have more than
one of these baskets. They are
just what you need ladies so get
your dollar and get ready.
Per Sack 100«-
Devoted to the stimulation of civic and
community pride - the patronizing of
home industries - and the boosting of
the W. Givens Company, Incorporated.
Per Ton
$ 11.00
Please don’t ask us to hold stock for you, at
these prices for we simply cant do i t
These are rock bottom.
The Cackle-Berry Story
Our Live Stock Shipping Expanding
Some time ago a friend (?) of
ours predicted that we had ship­
ped our last car of live stock but
since that time we have managed
to ship one car every two weeks
and expect to continue to do so.
Wednesday we shipped as fine a
car of hogs as has ever been ship­
ped from this point and for the
tops we paid $1?.75 making a to­
tal paid to the farmers of this
section of $2,941.76, in fact some
of the checks were so large that
if they had been on any other
than a first class bank like the
Estacada State Bank we doubt if
they would have been accepted,
so you see even in banking it
pays to patronize home industries.
It is our intention to ship an­
other car in two weeks, Wednes­
day the 18th, and will be glad to
be advised early of anything that
you may have to offer.
We have been solicited by in­
terested parties to extend our
live stock buying to include the
territory around Barton and Bor­
ing, and if successful in persuad­
ing the Portland Railway, Light
& Power Company to put in pens
A splendid turnout at Monday and chutes at these points we
evening’s meeting of the Mer­ will immediately begin operations
chants and Farmers Club. You 1 in these fields, which will benefit
see its possible to make a success , our home field in that it will en­
of anything if only enough fel- j able us to partly load a car at
this place, and finish loading at
lows will stand together.
either Barton or Boring, and thus
---------------------- j
eliminate the necessity of waiting
A traveling salesman one day so long at times to get a load to­
last week noticing the patriotic ; gether at one place.
display of flags sail “ Estacada
If you have been a satisfied
is the best little town I make’’ I shipper from this point and have
and then immediately spoiled it friends in eitner of the proposed
by saying “ Its the only town I new fields ws will appreciate any
make outside of Portland’’. But word of assistance which you
be able to speak to your
why not make it the best little may
friends. Remember, we are just
town? We can if we will.
as anxious to buy cattle and
calves, as hogs.
First some one brought in an
egg somewhat smaller than an
ostrich egg, and then some body
else brought in an egg but little
larger than a quail’s egg, and in
the fertile brain of the ‘Bouncer’
originated an advertising idea
which has been commented upon
by about 178,952 of our good cus­
tomers who always market their
eggs with us. One wide awake
farmer’s wife suggested that
even the hens are beginning to
realize that at the prices of feed
they cant afford to deliver as
large eggs as they once did, and
then she suggested in a very com­
plimentary tone “ But of course
at the splendid prices which you
folks pay, there is money in the
poultry business even at the high
prices of feed’’. Be wise you old
owl, and bring your poultry and
eggs where you always get top
prices, and incidentally see the
two egg wonders, and understand
“The Story of the Cackle-Berry’’.
Remember our 2 1 Cash Discount tickets are redeemable at any time.
We believe that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement.
The Walter Givens Company