Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 05, 1917, Image 1

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D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern
V olume 10,
N umber 29
E stacada ,
O regon ,
T hursday , A pril 5,
Estacada Votes
To Shut Up Livestock
To Be Let
main floor will comprise an assem­
bly room, with stage and other
conveniences, with a seating ca­
pacity o f several hundred; besides
five recitation rooms, library, o f­
fice, wardrobes dnd lavatories.
The basement will be divided
into laboratories and recitation
rooms to accomodate the Domes­
tic Science, Agriculture, Chemis­
try and Physics classes and also
allow room for the boilers, heat­
ing plant and fuel room.
One attractive feature o f the
building will be the complete
elimination o f stairways, with
gradual inclines being substi­
The School Board has not defi­
nitely decided on the location for
the new building and contemplate
holding an informal meeting of
the taxpayers within a few days,
when this and o her important
matters will be discussed.
Also within a few days, bids
for the construction o f the build­
ing will be let and this summer
should find Estacada a busy spot,
with much labor and material go­
ing into this work.
Within a few days. Architect
Burggraf o f Albany, .vho was
chosen as the architect for the
Estacada High School building,
will meet with the Board and
present his finished plans.
The new building will be o f
the latest, up-to-date fire-proof
type, combining all features o f
modern schools, and when com­
pleted, will not only be a show-
spot for Estacada and commun­
ity, but will offer the most ap­
proved facilities for study, reci-
tations^ laboratory work and pub­
lic gatherings.
The building, which should be
ready for occupancy by the com­
mencement o f the school term
next fall, will be 110x80 feet, with
the basement built o f concrete,
and the balance o f brick, faced
with pressed brick.
The structure will be o f the
two story type, with the base­
ment half above the ground level,
with the main floor above. This
In answer to the question—
“ Shall Livestock Be Allowed To
Run At Large Within The City
O f Estacada” —the voters o f this
city, voted strongly in favor of
having a herd-law passed, by a
vote o f 92 No. to 34 Yes.
This straw-ballot campaign was
carried on under the supervision
o f the Estacada City Council last
week, to determine the wishes of
the people, before taking any
action in the matter and the re­
sult conclusively indicates that
Estacada does not favor having
cows and horses grazing at large
within the city limits.
At the coming meeting o f the
council, next Tuesday evening,
an ordinance to enforce a herd-
law will be prepared and read
for the first time and probably
within thirty days the law will
go into effort.
The new law will in no way in­
terfere with the staking out o f
animals within the city, provid­
ing they are kept off public
Leniency will propably be ex­
ercised in the enforcement o f
the law at first and no trouble is
contemplated in dealing with
stock ranging in from nearby
farms, and the nearby farmers
will welcome the relief from the
town’s livestock.
Clackamas County
Deming And Auto Roll
O ff Boring Hill
Aside from a badly strained
and bruised back, R. C. Deming
o f Estacada is none the worse
off after his accident o f last Fri­
day, when his Ford car slipped
off the roadway at the foot o f
the Boring Hill Road, turning
completely over and l a n d i n g
right side up.
The accident occured on a bad
piece o f narrow roadway, on the
further side o f the Deep Creek
bridge and Mr. Deming’ s escape
was miraculous, as the car rolled
completely over him.
Mr. Deming, was alone in the
machine, and after the accident,
had a hard time walking to Deep
Creek Station, where he return­
ed to Estacada by train, being
attended by a physician on his ar­
rival. The machine was pulled
back onto the road the next day
and aside from a broken top, was
none the worse for the fall.
This accident is merely another
reason why .the County Court
should expend some money at
once in the repair o f this danger-
oil* and n e a r l y
stretch o f highway.
Already, Clackamas County is
b-- ng sued for a similar accident
w hich occured on a hill road in
the lower end o f the county, and
similar action may be taken by
Mr. Deming.
Tuesday Morning Fire
Student Body Vote For
Military Training
About 10 o ’clock Tuesday morn­
ing, fire broke out in the residence
occupied by Mrs. M. E. Graham
o f Estacada, and which practi­
cally ruined all the contents.
The fire was the outcome o f
cleaning with gasoline, and an
over-hot iron. No insurance on
either property or contents. The
property is owned by Mrs. J.
W. Reed.
The High School boys were the
first at the fire, and did good
work before the department ar­
The Student Body o f the Esta­
cada School in a recent meeting,
voted to ask the School Board for
permission t o h a v e Military
Training in school.
The School Board, after taking
up the matter, granted the re­
quest and a Cadet Company will
be organized at once under the
supervision o f Edward F. Under­
wood, one o f the faculty and a
former lieutenant o f Cadets at
the O. A. C., who will also be in
This action was taken with a
view to keep the boys in school
until the end o f the term or until
their graduation, instead of join ­
ing some o f the active forces at
present organized.
Beckwith Leaving Estacada
F E. Beckwith, the Estacada
Jeweler, it to leave the 15th of
this month to take up a more
lucrative position with a leading
jewelry firm in a nearby town.
The people o f Estacada, with
whom Beckwith has made many
friends, will hate to see him go,
but we all wish him success in
his new field.
From now until the 14th o f Ap­
ril, Beckwith is selling out his
stock at very reasonable prices,
which he hopes will interest all.
Mgr. Sparks o f the Estacada
Family Theatre is arranging to
purchase a latest improved model
projection machine, this compli­
cated instrument, called the Pow­
ers’ Camerograph costs about
$400., but Mr. Sparks believes
the investment is warranted in
the steady growth o f the business.
$1. P er Y ear
Enthusiasm Held Up
At the Farmers’ & Merchants’
Club meeting Monday evening,
about fifty were present. Among
visitors were Messrs. Burk, Hes-
sel and Cannon, business men o f
Gresham who came to Estacada
to get first hand knowledge of
the success o f the dinner meetings
inaugurated by the local club.
On the suggestion of President
Givens, the club agreed to do
away with smtking during the
meetings, as it was reported to
be offensive to some members.
The first speaker o f the even­
ing was Mr. Monroe o f Portland,
who spoke at length on the many
phases o f the dairy industry,
emphasizing the need o f keeping
accurate records o f cows and
thinning out ones that are not
paying their board.
Election o f t h e permanent
board of directors was postponed
owing to the fact that sufficient
shares had not been subscribed.
A committee o f three was ap­
pointed to go to work immediate­
ly and get the remaining amount
that is necessary before actual
operations on building and mach­
inery can commence.
The Estacada business men
are aiding the new industry all
that is possible, not with an idea
o f running it, for it is not intended
that any man who is not a farm­
er with
cows, is eligible to the
board o f directors.
to the present plans, a lot o f the
value o f $200 will be donated by
local men, and if necessary local
men will finance, but not with
the idea o f holding the shares
permanently. Any shares that
local men might take will glad­
ly be turned over to any farmer
who later wishes to join the co­
operative organization.
At the
next meeting it is hoped that all
stock holders will be present and
the permanent board o f directors
will be elected.
A fter the cheese factory busi­
ness had been dispensed with,
Mr. R itterof Springwater, enter­
tained the crowd with an ancient
story o f "how he could get more
for his chickens in Portland than
in Estacada” .
Word was received today of
the death of Mrs. W. N. Glenn
o f Cazadero, who died Saturday,
and was buried Tuesday from the
home o f her son in Portland.
The sympathy o f the commun­
ity is extended to the bereaved