Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 29, 1917, Image 6

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    Eastern Clackamas News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
R. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the postotfica in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
S ubscription K ates
One year
Six months
Thursday, March 29, 1917
A resume o f the 1915-16-17 live­
stock shipments from Estacada,
covering the first three months
of each year, show that the past
quarter has been lowest o f any
since the Estacada Stock Yards
were installed.
During January, February and
March o f 1915, six carloads com­
prising 401 hogs were shipped.
During the same period in 1916,
seven carloads comprising 618
were shipped, but during the
past three months, but five car­
loads went forth, comprising 360
These figures do not cover the
shipment o f cattle or sheep, al­
though no separate carloads o f
these animals were sent out, but
carloads o f hogs and cattle were
There is just one apparent rea­
son for this falling off and one
which is noticeable throughout
the northwest, namely the high
prices paid for pork within the
past year, have drained the supply
o f breeding stock and the future
outlook is far from pleasing
Locally, it has been too much
temptation for the farmer to sell
his brood sows at the high prices
current, which will result in a
shortage of stock in the future.
Again, the high prices prevail­
ing for any kind o f hogs, has
brought good returns for the sale
o f grade and low bred hogs and
if the farmers will reinvest their
money in better grade animals,
ultimately more good will result
than harm.
In the current issue o f the Or­
egon Voter. State Master Spence
o f the Oregon Grange has present­
ed some so-called radical views
respecting the w o r k i n g s and
members o f the last legislature.
But some o f the Cascade Coun­
ty adherents thoroughly agree
with his views, especially when
in speaking o f Gus Moser, he calls
him “ Mush Gosher” and says the
main q u e s t i o n with him was
“ What effect will my vote have
on my political aspirations?’ ’
In speaking o f Vernon Forbes
o f Bend, he calls him "Venom
Probes“ and terms Conrad Pat­
rick Olson as “ Oilie Patterson’ ’
and in answer to the question,
“ W+IT is the legislature a fail­
u re'' - says “ Because it is not
representative, but is bullied and
brew beaten, and pulled hither
and yon by big lobbies and pow­
erful interests” etc.
A cry has gone up from the Or­
egon City Commercial Club and
the anglers’ organizations in the
lower end o f the county, asking
for the appointment o f a game
warden for Clackamas County.
That such a cry should be made
is proper, for since early last Fall,
this, the next to the leading coun­
ty in the state, in point o f income
derived from sale o f licenses and
and in miles o f fishing streams,
has been without a warden.
At that time, owing to lack of
funds. Game Warden, Ben S. Pat­
ton o f Estacada was temporarily
laid off, but the suspension was
not made known generally, ow­
ing to the effect which it might
have on game law violators.
During a recent talk with State
Game Warden Shoemaker, the
editor learned that the reinstate­
ment o f Warden Patton was to
take place about May 1st, but
with the opening o f the fishing
season April 1st, the reappoint­
ment should occur not later than
that date.
As to the qualifications o f War­
den Pattorr, there are few people
in this county who do not feel
that, he is especially fitted for the
work and will welcome his early
Your Credit Is Good
Just as long as you make it so.
If you pay your bills in 30 days,
it is O. K.
If you don’ t don’ t
expect us to carry fhe account longer.
11’s Up T o
We still have another week o f Special Sale
on Sunkist Oranges— “ Sweet Stuff’ ’ at
2 d o z e n f or 25c
L. A. Chapman
C. I. C. To Hold Patriotic Tea
The public is cordially invited
to be the guests o f the ladies o f
the Estacada Civic Improvement
Club, at their rooms next Friday
afternoon, when a patriotic pro­
gram and informal reception will
be held. \
Tea and wafers will be served
free and an enjoyable hour is
Dance At Eagle Creek Saturday
A big dance will be held at
Cogswell’s Hall in Eagle Creek,
next Saturday evening, March
31st, to which all are invited.
Spring Hats
See our window display of
Country’s Call Answered
By Local Boys
With the call for the Oregon
National Guard to assemble this
week, Sylvester Lawrence of
Springwater, left Monday night
to join his regiment in Portland.
Mr. Lawrence, who is connect­
ed with the machine gun corps,
recently returned from the Mex­
ican border and had just hugun
to get his farming lined up for
the coming season, when the
call came again.
Chester Warner o f Estacada,
who has been attending the WH-
lamette University at Salem, is
reported to have joined the Sal­
em militia company this week,
along with a number o f that col­
lege’s leading athletes.
The true patriotic spirit is well
in evidence in Estacada with
flags and bunting decorating the
business district.
Stylish Spring Millinery
with a large variety to choose from, at prices from $1. to $3.
Flowers, Garden aud Field Seeds
W e handle
Portland Seed C o’s and Lilly’ s Knee
Red Clover and Alsyke in bulk— very best grade- 21c pound
Bargains in Garden Tools—
Rakes 25c
Hoes 50c
Park & Closner
Broadway at 2nd
* *
Estacada, Oregon
* ♦» + + + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + ♦ ♦
getting yeur
Plow Shares Ground I
Saw s G um m ed
The Best Of Service
A ll Work Guaranteed
C. C. Miller
Plumbing—Steam Fitting—Tinning
Eight On Honor Roll
C E- Convention May 6 - 7
m, n i. . tt
The second annual Clackamas
The Roll o f Honor o f the Cur- County Christian Endeavor con-
rinsville S e h o o l for the past vention will take place May 6th
m o n t h , comprises Mary and ^ ¿ ¡ ^ " c h u r d í . ^
G,adst° ne
Glenn Ely, Irene and Edmund
Representatives from this part
Saling, Wilma Hitching, Ruth of the county will be in attend-
Hale, Irwa Jones and Jose Gor- anee and all are invited to partic­
ipate in the two days instructive
1 session.