Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 22, 1917, Image 3

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    “Sleuthing The Pastor
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ +
__________________________________ m
W ho S t o l e A l s p a u g h ’ s
C h ic k e n s ? ”
Synopsis o f Previous Chapters:—
Early Monday morning, March 12th,
some person or persons unknown, broke
into the poultry-house of Roy Alspaugh
near Alspaugh Station, departing with
eighteen thoroughbred Brown Leghorn
chickens. By Monday noon, the owner,
with the assistance of Deteckativ Dave
Hoffmeister, was hot on the trail.'
jj W hat You W ant The Most
M ik e
have it and then
L et the
D im es and Quarters
that usually slip through
Buy It For You
I 4% Interest ° n all savi ngs
Estacada State Bank
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
I r w i n D. W r i g h t , C a s h i e r
You can make your hogs look like this by feeding our
Ground H og Feed
Cheapest and Best t
Prof. Guthrie and members o f the E. H. S. Agri­
cultural Class recently made thorough tests o f our
and pronounced them to be the very best.
Free Tickets to Show with Cash Purchases
Estacada Feed & Lumber Co.
M. D. E V A N S
Opposition To Herd-Law
With the first rays o f the morn­
ing’s sun on Wednesday, our vig­
ilant heroes, who had ne’er slept
a wink for two days, glimpsed a
stealthily moving one-horse cov­
ered wagon, carefully and softly
wending its way among the indis­
tinct shadows o f the highway,
with the skulking driver, com­
pletely enveloped in his great­
Their’ s not to reason why,
their’ s but to do or die—so Roy
and Dave spread th e alarm,
through every township, section
and farm, rousing Bob Currin to
up and to arm.
Hastily donning scant attire,
Bob, grasping the helm o f his
trusty Ford and with our two he­
roes, tore through the dawn’ s
early light, with Estacada but
three miles away.
After awakening Constable
Bates and explaining their dan­
gerous mission, this minion o f the
law, armed with a braca o f pis­
tols, handcuffs and star, roused
Justice Devore from his rheumat­
ic slumbers and on receiving fi.ll
legal advice and authority, join­
ed the waiting posse and started
in pursuit o f the mysterious cov­
ered wagon.
All records for a Ford were
eclipsed in that early morn’ s ter­
rific drive down the valley, while
the exhaust behind them vol­
leyed and thundered.
Just a
flash and a trail o f burned gas­
oline marked the passing o f the
speed demon through Eagle Creek
with its brave cargo o f avengers,
scattering to right and left the
peaceful kine a n d wallowing
swine, from the roadway.
With a streak, a shriek and a
toot, the avengers passed though
Barton, tearing steadily on along
the perilous River Road, until, in
the darkness o f the forest prim­
eval, amid the murmuring firs and
the road-rocks, t h e i r quarry
loomed ahead.
With a mighty effort, the heat­
ed, straining, quivering Ford was
brought to a stand-still and with
all lights extinguished, exhaust
muffled and with shot-guns and
revolvers carefully aimed, the
pursuing Ford drew abreast the
suspicious covered wagon, with
its interior poultry compartments
visible through the half opened
The slumbering fastnesses of
t h e circumnambient landscape
were suddenly echoing with the
stentorian challenge o f Constable 1 !
Continued from front page
Not even the strongest oppon­
ents o f the herd-law can escape
seeing the c o n s t a n t nuisance
caused by the few wandering an­
imals, which not only make the
sidewalks a broken and manure
littered mess, but have lately tak­
en to pillaging the farmers’ wag­
ons and even their automobiles.
A few opponents contend that
the nearby farmers will feel that
Estacada is legislating against
them and their stock, but in few
instances will the neighboring
people be other than glad to have
done away with, the nuisance o f
the Estacada town cows straying
around their line fences.
Some definite action will prob­
ably be taken within a short time,
for the Estacada council with
one exception is in favor o f pass­
ing a herd-law.
Springwater Items
The play which was given by
the Ladies Aid on Saturday Mar.
17th proved to be a great sucess.
The Old-maids and the “ N ew­
lyweds” were arrayed in the lat­
est vogue, every color o f the rain­
bow being represented.
ial talent was showed in their or­
chestra selections. Following the
play refrshments were served and
a social hour was enjoyed by the
young people.
Mr. F. Erickson son o f Peter
Erickson o f Springwater, has
rented the S. E. Wooster place
in Springwater.
A new singing school was or- *
ganized in Springwater.
Edwards o f Vancouver Washing­
ton being the instructor.
Mrs Effert Dye o f Portland is
visiting Mrs. G. M. Lawrence.
One-half Taxes Due April 1st
The Estacada State Bank has
been busy lately obtaining the
statement o f taxes for hundreds
o f taxpayers in this community,
who each year avail themselves
o f the local bank’s service.
The first half o f the taxes are
due April 5th, with the remain­
der becoming due October 1st.
Bates, who with a dare-devil light
in his eye, commanded “ Hold up
your hands-you’ re underarrest. ”
The mysterious driver, startled
from his early morn’ s reverie,
turned and faced his accusers and
lo and behold, it was Rev. Spiess
of the Estacada M. E. Church,
who had started for an early
drive to his farm, taking with
him a few crates o f rabbits.
Abstracts eiaminud. Corporation Law.
Financial Agents. T rusts, Escrows and
Accounts. Estates probated. Collec­
tions, Deeds, Mortgages.
practice In all courts. Correspondence
solicited. Prompt attention. Bank
references. F o u r l t t n l h year.
loans placed on portlano p w r o m
Mosessohn & Mosessohn
C ham ber e f C om m erce I M f