Eastern Clackamas News Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon R. M. Standish, Editor and Manager Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. S ubscription R atbs One year - - Six months - - j $1.00 .50 Thursday, March 15, 1917 The real inside reason why Representative Stephen’s bill, asking for an appropriation for the East Clackamas County Fair from the $2200. allowed by the state for the Clackamas County Fair or fairs, was defeated by Senator Dimiek. was learned last week, during a talk with Mr. S'ephens. This bill, which asked for but $500. o f the entire county appro­ priation had been passed by the House by an almost unanimous vote, including that o f Represen­ tative Dedman o f Can by, and would have undoubtedly passed the Senate with equal strength, had it not been opposed and “ laid on the table” by Senator Dimiek. During a conversation between Rep. Stephens and Sen. Dimiek, the latter offered to be guided in the matter by the advice of Pres. Eby o f the Oregon City Commercial Club. # Just why Mr. Dimiek should refer this matter to Mr. Eby is unexplainable, as Mr. Eby is not a member o f the Clackamas County Fair Board and should have had no more say in the mat­ ter than any other taxpayer. Mr. Eby, when asked by Mr. Stephens, stated that if the peo­ ple o f E s t a c a d a and Eastern Clackamas would quit their kick­ ing and get hack in line, he would favor the passage o f the bill. Mr. Stephens, who is noted for an even disposition and a control o f temper, suddenly lost both and informed Mr. Eby that if he or any other Oregon City man thought that the Cascade County adherents could he bought for $500., he was sadly mistaken. So the bill, for the $500. appro­ priation for the East Clackamas County Fair, was duly killed. In this connection, it might be in line to quote a newspaper ar­ ticle which appeared in the Port­ land papers under date o f Febru­ ary 8th, relative to the expendi- tures o f the $1700. publicity fund raised by the Oregon City Com­ mercial Club. This ar ticle reads. ••Mr. Eby expressed the desire to see the money spent within the county, probably to aid in making friends with the Oswego amt Estacada people, who have shown their desire to leave Clack­ amas County” . While the local people all agree that better relations should exist between the county seat and the dissenting parts o f the county, the desire to cement such rela­ tions will have to be expressed on other than a cheap cash basis. The 1917 Clackamas County Fair will probably not specialize on fruit exhibits, providing the newly appointed president. Geo. Lazelle o f Oregon City is consist­ ent, for it will be recalled that Mr. Lazell took a decided stand at the last Budget Meeting, against any appropriation in the county budget for fruit inspec­ tion. ______ Your Credit Is Good Just as long as you make it so. I f you pay your bills in 30 days, it is 0 . K. If you don’ t don’ t expect us to carry the account longer. Last week, the publicity de­ partment o f the Oregon City Com­ mercial Club wa§ placed in the hands o f ex Deputy County As­ sessor G. F. Johnson, who is planning an extensive publicity campaign for the county. The good wishes and coopera­ tion o f this section is promised in this good work, but we do re­ quest that if any printed litera­ ture be issued descriptive of the Garfield and Eastern Clackamas fruit growing sections, as has ap­ peared in former literature, a note or post-script shall be added, reading— I t ’s lip T o Yo u We still have another week o f Special Sale on Sunkist Oranges - “ Sweet Stuff’ ’ at 2 d o z e n for 25c L. A. Chapman Estacada, Oregon “ Clackamas County, while inviting settlers to enter the fruit growing business, warns them, that said county has no fruit inspector nor appropriation for fruit inspection” . j i That honesty reaps its own reward, was exemplified last week in the state wide publicity given one o f Clackamas County’ s officials, who having had a $100 bribe thrust upon him, turned it over to the County Treasurer, as evidence. Said publicity further shows that with this $100 bribe in evi­ dence, Clackamas C o u n t y , through its honest official has been able to force large discounts on all purchases o f road machin­ ery made from the bribe-giving firm since, amounting to several hundred dollars saved to the tax­ payers. While the taxpayers appreciate such honesty in its officials, it is doubtful if they approve o f prof­ iting b y such commercialized blackmail. Andr if in order to continue the blackmail, it is necessary for for the county to continue buying from any firm or company that will attempt such dishonest meth­ ods, it is possible the goods pur- chased*may not be honest values either. If bribery was done, then why not punish the guilty party in a legal manner and cut out the blackmail, for both practices are on a par. ______ P a r e n t s Day at the Viola School on Thursday, March 8th, was very well attended. Among the topics under discussion was the advisibility o f organizing a P a r e n t - Teacher Association. Thursday, March 15th, there will be a meeting o f the parents at the school at 3 P. M. to organize. All interested are urged to be present. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦ + + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ * * ♦ ♦ j ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I ♦ * ♦ Mazda Lamps - 1 ♦ - ♦ NEW CONSIGNMENT ON HAND ♦ ♦ The best and most efficient lamp made today. ♦ ♦ * * ♦ * ♦ ♦ * ♦ Have tried out the various lamps and find the C. C. Miller j ♦ MAZDA Call and the best see them. ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ * * ♦ * ♦ ♦ Plumbing—Steam Fitting—Tinning Mr. and Mrs. A1 Lindsey o f East Scobey, Montana, after an extended visit among friends and relatives in Estacada and Spring- water, left last week for home, accompanied on the trip from Portland, by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCurdy o f East Scobey, who have been spending the winter in Oregon. M. J. Kerkes, formerly live­ stock buyer for the Montavilla Livestock Company o f Portland is now associated with the Albina Dressed Beef Company and so­ licits the buying o f live hogs, o f­ fering to call at the farm and load the animals direct in his auto truck.