+ + + + + + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ Want and For Sale Colum n 5 cents per line. Cash in advance E G G S FOR HATCHING— Rhode Island Reds — a laying strain—75c per setting of 15. Also, Yellow Dent seed Corn — 5c per pound. Also, a Hot Water Incubator— 150 egg size for $5. J. W. Moxley, R. 1, Estocada. FOR SALE— Black Minorca eggs, $1. per setting—Good lay­ ers. H. B. Davis. Garfield. ♦ ♦ * * * * * * * * * ♦ tl * ♦ | Undertaking and Embalming J * * Henry V. Adix, M. D. L A. Chapman + Estacada Licensed Embalmer * Phone * Store or Residence * + Operating Hearse and Morgue + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + ♦ ♦ Wild Cat, Cougar, Wolf or Coyote + + + + + + + + ♦ + + * + i + FOR SALE—Fresh milch Cow and Calf. C. Whitbeck, Estacada. FOR SALE — Kenny Spring Wheat for Seed. O. S. C. Gerber, Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. FOR SALE—Four first class cows, will be fresh this month— 2 Jerseys, 1 Durham, 1 Holstein. Mrs. A. C. Gerber, R. 3, Estacada, orO. S. C. Gerber, Estacada Feed & Lumber Co. FOUND A fur trimmed muff at I. 0. O. F. Hall. Owner please call for same at Finch Hardware Co. Estacada. Have You Stumps To Pull I am the agent for the Kirstin One-Man Stump Puller Ask for Free Demonstration Phone, write or see Albert Adlon R. 1. Estacada. A short Violin Recital will be given in Estacada next Tuesday evening by Miss M. Hall of Port­ land, teacher of piano and violin. Miss Hall will be glad to meet, and especially invites, those in­ terested in violin lessons, as she contemplates organizing a violin class here. Everyone welcome. Methodist Church, Tuesday eve, March 13th. 8 P. M. No Admis­ sion. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dunlop and Miss Agler of Portland were week-end guests at the E. W. Bartlett home in Estacada. season of 1917. must be fl ed In my office at Portland, Oregon, on or before March 20, 1917. Fu!'. nfoi- mation in regard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making applications will be furnished upon request. T. H. SHERRARD , Supervisor. Summons IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F TH E STA TE O F OREGON, FOR CLACKAM AS COU NTY Pearl Sm ith, j Plaintiff, va X SUMMONS. F red Sm ith, D efendant, j To F redS m ith, above named d efendant: In the nam e of the S ta te of Oregon, you are hereby required to appeHr and answ er the com plaint filed a g ain st you in the above named suit, on or before the 22nd day of March, 1917, said d ate being the expiration of six w eeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear or answ er said com plaint, for w ant th ere o f the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief p ra y e d ' for in her com plaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the m ar­ riage c o n tra ct now e xisting betw een plaintiff and defen d an t and th a t she be perm itted to resum e her maiden name of Pearl Shaffer. This summon» is pub­ lished by order o f Hon. J . U. Cam p­ bell, Judge of the C ircuit Court, which order was m ade and entered on the 5th day of F ebruary, 1917, and the tim e prescribed for publication th ereo f is six weeks, beginning w ith the issue dated, Thursday, F ebruary 8th, 1917, and con­ tinuing each w eek th e re a fte r to and in­ cluding the issue of Thursday, March 22nd, 1917. BRO W N ELL * SIEV ERS, A ttorneys for plaintiff. E sta te o f John A. Reid, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the under­ signed, ad m in istratrix of the e sta te of John A. Reid, deceased, to the credit­ ors of, and all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to exhibit them , w ith the necessary vouchers, within six m onths a fte r the first publi­ cation of this notice to said adminis­ tra trix , a t the office o f her attoi ney in E stacada, the sam e being the place for the transaction of the business of said e state, in the County o f Clackam as, Oregon. N ora I. Reid, A dm inistratrix of the e sta te of John A. Reid, deceased. D ated March 1, 1917. Claude W. Devore, Attorney for A dm inistratrix. C& E state of Jesse Cox, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the under­ signed, executrix Rnd executor o f the e sta te of Jesse Cox, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to exhibit them , with the necessary vouch­ ers, within six m onths a fte r the first publication of this notice, a t the office of th eir atto rn ey in Estacada, the sam e being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in the County of Clackam as, Oregon. Monta Cox, E xecutrix W alter Cox, Executor. E sta te of J e sse Cox, deceased. D ated March 1. 1917. Claude W. Devore, A ttorney for E xecutors. Service CREAM Absolutely rich, pure milk, from well cared for, grain and ensilage fed Je rse y cows Phone your w ants the night before and we will m ake delivery early the next morning. W hether you are a reg u lar custom er or not, feel free to call upon us, when in need of e x tra milk or cream. - S urgeon Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone a t nig h t if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A. Well« Dentili Associated w ith Dr. H. V. Adix Dr. R. Morse P h y s ic ia n and S urgeon Teats Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main S tr. betw een 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Claude W. Devore Attornry at Law and Notary Public E stacada, Oregon. J O H The N BROW N Insurance Man O re g o n Fire R elief Ass’n O f McMinnvilie, Oregon. Also First Cla'!s OLD LINE Insurance. Automobile Insurance A Specialty Phone 513 - Gresham Team Work, Hauling and Packing Wood delivered, any amount or length. TIE SHED - 10c per Rig W. M. Yonce Milk and Cream delivered at your door, each morning between 5 and 6 o’clock. Phone and Office Adjoining Residence Notice To Creditors Daily Delivery MILK P h y s ic ia n Supply Of Samples Exhausted The W. R. Reid Cereal Com­ pany of Estacada, since the com­ mencement of their new business Hides Tanned and Made Up has received such a demand for into Rugs, Furs, or other LISTEN — Our hens pay be­ samples of their cereal beverage M o u n t i n g s . cause they lay. Foundation stock and health food, that the supply direct from Tancreds 250 egg lay­ Expert Taxidermy Work is temporarily exhausted. An order for more of the spe- ing strain of S. C. White Leg­ Tom Carter, Garfield i cial grains, which are used in horns. Extra Hatching Eggs— the preparation of these foods is Log LaBarre. $1.50 for 15 or $6. per hundred, now enroute from the east and f. o. b. Estacada. on receipt, all orders will by car­ Spot Cash Will Be Paid ed for. Phone or address, George Cook, R. 1, Estacada, Or. for old metal, brass, copper, Country Club Dance rags, magazines, news­ FOR SALE—White Pekin Duck A dance will be held next Sat­ papers, bottles, etc. urday evening, March 10th, at eggs. $1. a setting, delivered. Jerry Jones, Estacada the Garfield Country Club. Ad- E. Hollander, Barton, Or.. R. 1. i mission will be 50c, with ladies free. All are invited to come FOR RENT —25 to 30 acres of APPLICATION FOR and enjoy the evening. plow land, cash or shares, 2 m.s.e. GRAZING PERMITS of Estacada. W. W. Christensen, NOTICE Is hereby given that all applications for Notice To Creditors permits to graze cattle horses, and sheep within the Route 3, Estacada. O R E G O N N A T I O N A L FO R E ST during the FOR SALE Driving Mare(9), Harness and Buggy, yearling Colt, German Coach—all for $125. Dr. Kings ranch, Eagle Creek. PROFESSIONAL CAROS C. R. Lovell « Currinaville Calendar CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible School—10 A. M. Preaching Services each Lord's Day at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Choir Practise Tuesday evenings at the church. The public is most cordially in­ vited to worship with us. G, L. Drill, Minister. M. E. CHURCH Preaching Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Prayer Meeting at 7:30 every Thursday evening. Young Peoples’ Endeavor League meets every other Sunday at 6:30 P. M., with the League meeting on alternate Sundays at the Estacada Christian Church. All are invited to attend divine services with us. Rev. Henry Spiess. Pastor.