Eagle Creek Notes Palace Meat Market « Clear Creek Creamery Butter Mrs. Hattie Clester, hearing that her children, George and Miss Helen, who are at Molalla, were sick with the measles, went to Molalla last week to help care for them. Also Buy All Kinds Of Veal B eef Pork Poultry and Eggs Kinds Of *• A number o f local people enter­ tained friends from Portland and other places over the week-end, + attending the Cascade dance Sat­ + urday evening. ♦ Estacada, Or. Broadway photo o f your farm. These photos are especially suitable for halftone repro­ duction, for use on letter­ heads or farm stationery. Ed Boner’s - Estacada F. J. Harkenrider o f Estacada is this week making borings on his property near town, to deter­ mine the depth and extent of the valuable clay deposits. If a suf­ ficient quantity o f this clay is a- vailable, efforts will be made to place it upon the market in a raw or manufactured form. The Happy Hour Social Club of Cigars, Confectionery, Kodaks and Supplies' Viola will meet next Friday even­ ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ammunition and Fishing Tackle Ray Miller, when all are invited + + + + + + + + + + + + + + « « + + to be present. NOTICE * We have arranged to handle the Sunday San Francisco Examiner ♦ + which is due here on Monday afternoons. Any one wishing a copy reserved, kindly leave your name. ♦ + * The Estacada Pharmacy ♦ . ♦ ♦ + Store The Ma4= W VETMAN-BRUTC" COMPANY, SO Union Srn.r., Now Tort < Mrs. Frank Ochs o f George re­ ceived a rush call Tuesday to + come to Portland, where her! daughter is reported to be very « ill. Let me take a panoramic t E R E ’ S something curious about W -R C U T C hew ­ ing - it takes less out o f your pocKet uud puts a better chew into your mouth. N o big plug sagging your pocket, no big wad sagging your cheek. H alf as much of this rich tobocco goes twice as far as ordinary plug. W -B saves your silver and gives you a silver-lining feet* i-'i rl happiness all over. You can’ t help from telling )~i.r friends about V.’-B. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Douglass visited with J. C. Duus and wife o f Garfield Sunday. FREE TICKETS will be given to the Saturday Picture Shows, with cash purchases made that day. Phone Main 83. “ CMCAPKST J H Mrs. Viola Douglass received a pleasant visit from her daughter- Mrs. H. S. Jones, o f Portland the other day. Fresh Vegetables In Season FredJorg, Proprietor _______________________________ c T - M Y POUCH OF W -B CUT T O B A C C O Î Miss Edna Kennedy was the week-end guest o f her sister, Mrs. Marshall Alspaugh, o f Port­ land. Agency For The All ^ _____ _____________ Contributed Charlie Sweeney, o f Stevenson, Wash, returned home last week after some weeks’ visit with Mr. and Mr. Will Douglass. Mrs. Douglass, his sister, accompany­ ing him to Portland. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ ♦ You’ll Have To ♦ ♦ Order Your FORD Car Now ♦ ♦ Miss Audrey Clock o f Portland ♦ was the week-end guest o f Miss ♦ Elva Adams o f Estacada, attend­ ♦ ing the Cascade dance Saturday ♦ evening. ♦ Claude W. Devore o f Estacada, ♦ after a five weeks confinement with inflamatory rheumatism, is this week able to be down-town and giving his attention to his legal business. * Oscar Holmen o f Springwater, j ♦ this week purchased from the ♦ Finch Hardware Company o f Es­ tacada, a latest model potato j planter and a combination riding cultivator. * * for a delay in buying at this time may cause you to wait several months. * * ♦ * BECAUSE — since August 1st, 1916, the Ford Company manufactured 320,817 cars, which were delivered by the regular agency to retail buyers. ♦ j ♦ j ♦ ♦ In writing to their agents, the Ford Company states:- “ This unusual fall said winter demand for Ford cars makes it necessary for us to confine the distribution o f cars only to those agents who have orders for immediate delivery to retail customers, rather than to permit any agent to stock cars in anticipation o f later spring sales. W e are issuing this notice to intending buyers that may pro­ tect themselves against delay or disappointment in securing Ford cars. If, therefore, you are planning to purchase a Ford car, we advise you to place your order—delivery now. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * ♦ ♦ * ♦ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ E stacada Garage Estacada, Oregon ♦ ♦ + The Currinsville Ladies Aid will give a jitney social, Friday evening, March, 23rd, at E ly’s Hall Currinsville. 2 JOINTS ♦ + 126 Fourth Street 349 Washington Street Main 8882 Main 5493 OREGON PORTLAND, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Adelphine Wiederhold o f Yacolt, Washington, spent a few weeks recently at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiderhold o f Bissel. How’s This? W s o ffe r One H u n d red D o lla r s R e ­ w a rd fo r a a y ca se o f C ata rrh th a t c a n ­ n o t be cu re d b y H a ll’s C a ta rrh Cure. H all s C a ta rrh C ure has b een tak en b y ca ta r rh s u ffe re rs f o r th e past t h irty -fiv e ye a rs, an d h a s becom e The Garfield Dorcas Society k n o w n as th e m o st re lia b le re m e d y f o r ' C atarrh. H a ll’s C a ta rrh C ure a cts thru will be the guests on Thursday the B lo o d on th e M u cou s s u rfa ce s , e x ­ afternoon .March 15th, of Mrs. p e llin g the P o is o n fro m th e B lo o d and h e a lin g th e d ise a se d p o rtio n s. Julius Kreiger and Mrs. P. M. A fte r y o u h a ve ta k e n H a ll’s C ata rrh Cure fo r a s h o r t tim e yo u w ill see a Wagner o f Estacada, at the home g re a t im p r o v e m e n t In your ge n e ra l health. S ta rt t a k in g H a ll’ s C ata rrh of the former. All members and C ure a t o n ce an d get rid of catarrh. Send fo r te stim o n ia ls, free. friends are cordially invited to F. J. C H E N E Y A CO.. T o le d o . Ohio. be present. Sold by all D ru L gia ts, 75c. An Extortion Social and Dance will be held at the George Club, Friday evening, March 16 th. Everyone is cordially invited and asked to bring a plentiful supply o f pennies. Supper will be served by the committee, with plates at 15c each or two for 25c.