Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, March 08, 1917, Image 3

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$ [ Will Start A Savings Account
and get you a bank to deposif your
small change in. Bring the bank
to us and have it opened.
Get The Children Started
to cultivate the savings habit
Give Them A Savings Bank
Small change put away
in this manner is hardly
missed and amounts to
much in time.
4 % Interest Compounded Semi-Annually &
Estacada State Bank
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
I r wi n D. Wr i g h t , C a s h i e r
Estacada Feed & Lumber Co.
Successors To
callen £&> Co.
Your Roof should be Painted With
Water Proof Coating
60c per gallon
Fatten Your Hog With Our
Ground Hog Feed
Cheapest and Best
Farmers Exchange
Hay Cutter Pitcher Pump Steel Bar
Hand Power Wood Sa.v
Riding Plow Iron Beam Plow
Cross Cut Saw
Free Tickets to show with Cash Purchases
Estacada Feed & Lumber Co.
Estacada, - Oregon.
“The Shine Girl”
“The Shine Girl”, the Pathe
Gold Rooster play, which Mana­
ger Sparks of the Family Theatre
will present on Thursday evening,
March 15th, is said by a motion
picture authority to be one of the
eight great pictures he has seen
in the last six years. It is in
many ways like that other Gold
Rooster play “Little Mary Sun­
shine”, which has already made
a fortune.
“The Shine Girl” has been
described as “The Peg-O’-My-
Heart” of the screen. In it,
Gladys Hulette plays a Mary
Pick ford part with such charm
as to bring from the New York
Morning Telegraph this comment:
“Gladys Hulette is the little slum
philosopher and her work is a
“The Shine Girl” is a human
interest gem in five parts pro­
duced for Pathe by the Than-
houser Film Corporation. It was
written by Agnes C. Johnson and
it shows the hand of a master
director, William Parke.
Th^ dingy depths of a shoe-
shining basement hold five thou­
sand feet of sunniness. “The
Shine Girl” while shining shoes
with her little hands, she polishes
up the grouchy and brooding
souls with a cheerful word and
The part she eventually plays
in the destinies of four people is
an important one, and watching
the sympathetic enactment of the
story, yOU'will cry a little, laugh
a lot and then say: “That’s the
kind of picture I like to see”.
In the story, the little girl
steals a loaf of bread for a hun­
gry friend. She is caught. A
kind young judge of the Chil­
dren’s Court makes her see that
she should not take what doesn’t
belong to her. Later he is about
to run away with another man’s
wife. She asks him if he meant
what he said, when he told her
that peopl^ s h o u l d n ’ t steal.
What could he answer?
The p i c t u r e shows actual
scenes in the Juvenile Court, and
it has many touches which prove
the director a master artist.
Do You W ant Expert Advice?
On March 15th, 16th and 17th,
Prof. Larson of the Extension
Dept, of the 0. A. C. will be in
Estacada and vicinity, under the
escort of Mgr. Frank Ewing of
the P. R. L. & P. Go’s. Agricul­
tural Department.
Prof. Larson is one of the lead­
ing authorities on potatoes, pota­
to diseases, seed selection, grains,
clovers, vetches, and all legumes.
Farmers desiring to profit by
Prof. Larson’s work in the fields
are requested to notify Mr. Ewing
of Viola, so that actual field dem­
onstrations and lectures can be
arranged in various districts.
Proposed Cheese Factory
Meets Set-Back
Continued from first page
past supplied the English market
will not amount to 10 per cent of
what they were before the war,
t hi s condition being brought
about by the slaughter of both
men and cattle. ” He further de­
clared that “Oregon dairymen
should center their efforts on
cheese, as New York and Wiscon­
sin are the only competitors, and
do not need to worry about buy­
ers for their butter, eggs and
cheese, for San Francisco is-now
paying 2 cents a pound more for
Oregon cheese than for the Cali­
fornia product.”
With such favorable conditions
now confrontinting the farmers,
we should continue the good work
that has already been done and
finish the job by establishing a
cheese factory or some other
form of local dairy produce mar­
A willingness to let the other
man do the hard work of promot­
ing an industry, is largely to
blame, with the real meaning of
the term “cooperation” being
forgotten at this time.
It has been argued by a few,
that Estacada business men wish
to control the industry if estab­
lished, but such a statement is
not worth considering, for the
local business men have plenty
to do to attend to their own en­
terprises, but are willing to aid _
financially and trust to profiting*
by development of Estacada as a
trading center, which will natural­
ly follow.
Attempts are now being made
to establish or centralize the
shingle manufacturing interests
of this district in Estacada. The
News has already received the
promise of statistics relative to
the amount of cedar timber along
the Clackamas River, as compiled
by the Forestry Department and
has the promise of the coopera­
tion of the P. R. L. & P. Co. in
the movement, the latter com­
pany being willing to aid in furn­
ishing an ideal factory site near
the Springwater bridge in Esta­
cada, on the banks of the river.
If this community will only
stand and work together as a
unit, forgetting the personal and
community jealousies, a full share
of prosperity now headed West,
can be directed this way.
And the only way to accom­
plish real substantia) results is
through such an organization as
the Farmers’ & Merchants’ Club.
And the only way to keep that
organization in a flourishing and
rofitable condition, is for every
usiness man and farmer in this
territory to attend every meet­
ing and to take an active part.
It cannot be made a success
through the efforts of only part
of the local business men nor
through the attendance of a few
of the farmers.
And lastly, the very fact that
the Estacada business men are
willing to aid finanially and that
the auto owners are donating
their services in bringing the
farmers to the meetings, should
be evidence of the fact that no
unduly selfish motives are behind
their efforts.
Another meeting of the Farm­
ers' & Merchants’ Club will be
announced shortly and everyone
is again urged to make it a spe­
cial point to be present.