Palace Meat Market Continued from page 6 choice and the placing o f al! res ponsihility in the hands o f the County Road Boss, will have a tendency to do away with the voting of special road taxes, e s -! peeially when these funds are not expended directly under the supervi ion o f a local supervisor. Unless a decided change is | made in the amount o f attention given the road districts in this j part of the county by County j Road Boss Roots, the local roads' will be sadly neglected, as Mr. Roots is almost an unknown quantity in this community and has been since his assumption of office a year or two ago. While there may be many good reasons for the passage o f this law, they are not apparent on first consideration and it now looks as though the next move would be for contract labor on all road work, insteaa o f letting the j farmer work out his taxes. Add to this the opportunity for | the playing o f politics in this de­ partment with its appointments; and the new law appears to be ! on a level with many radical pieces of recent legislation that are doing more harm than good, with the taxpaying farmer being the "goa t” . We Agency For The Clear Creek Creamery Butter Also Buy All Kinds Of Veal B eef Pork Poultry and Eggs All Kinds Of Fresh Vegetables In Season FREE TICKETS will be given to the Saturday Picture Shows, with cash purchases made that day. Fred Jorg. Proprietor tstacada, Or. Phone Main 83. Broadway Fishing and Hunting Licenses George Goings On Subscriptions Taken To All PORTLAND Contributed Mrs. Laura Wismerand daugh­ ter Deborah o f Bethany spent the week-end at the home o f her mother, Mrs. Anna Held. PAPERS Cigars, Confectionery, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle, Kodaks and Supplies Estacada Ed Boners ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * + + + ♦ + 4 + + NOTICE The George Singing Society | held a practice Monday evening j at the school house. Miss Anna Pagh o f Ridgefield, j Washington is visiting among! W e have arranged to handle the friends and relatives in this vie- j Sunday San Francisco Examiner + inity. which is due here on Monday afternoons. Any one wishing a tony reserved, kindly leave your name. S tore The ♦ ♦ + ♦ + * ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * ♦ Master D. H. Horner o f the ♦ Springwater Grange, Mrs. L. S. ♦ l’enny, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ♦ Peterson attended the Eagle Creek Grange last Saturday and report that Grange in a flourish­ ing condition, under the direction of master - Fred W. Bates. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured 2 JOINTS 349 Washington Street 126 Fourth Street Main 8882 Main 5493 PORTLAND, - OREGON ♦ + + ♦ * + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ E. W. Bartlett o f Estacada is making a business trip to Coos Bay this week, with Mrs. Bartlett spending a few days a- mong friends in Portland. À H O » OH T W O C «o T > »M T MANI TH A T! A M A A TE O f 1 aooo t o b a c c o . cr m b 16 R i c h t o b a c c o a m o a | S M A L L C M LM 16 C I1 0 U 6 M » 0 * 1 ANY M AN CT“ 1 DON'T H A V E PEO PLE C A LL I S O M E call these face-stuffers hogs, some call them gophers. But they aregettingscarcerandscarcersince gentlemen found out about W -B C U T Chewing. There is no excuse for a man making a m onkey of himself today. The fine was put into W -B by nature, the touch o f salt brings it out nice and tranquil like, without your worrying your jaw around continually. W -B ¡9 getting to be pretty nearly as popular as sun­ shine these happy days. rich tobacco flavor M .d . t>y WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 L '.lo. S q »r ». N.w York City THE U N I V E R S A L CAR The Ford with the new features: large radiator and en­ closed fan, streamline hood; crown fenders front and rear, and entire black finish, is one o f the most attractive cars on the market. These qualities in combination with the smaller purchase price bring the Ford within the possi- bil.ties o f nearly every home. Why forego the pleasure and convenience o f Ford travel another day? Ford prices again reduced and Ford quality higher than ever. Small expense o f operation and upkeep the utmost in motor car value and service for business and pleasure. Strength o f construction, simplicity in design, real Ford merit“. Touring Car $360. The Runabout $345. -On sale at— e s t a c a d a f. o. b. Detroit g a r a g e + ♦♦ ♦ ♦ + U U D « Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright of * Union, Oregon, who are spend- + ing the winter in Portland, spent + a few days this week at the home ♦ of their son. Irwin D. Wright of • Estacada. Lids 2 Bones; ♦ 0 ¿Q * Drake & Mauck * « ♦ The Estacada Pharmacy ♦ ♦ gT H r ♦ ♦ w ith L O C A L A P P L IC A T IO N S , as th ey ca n n ot re a ch th e s e a t o f the disease. C atarrh is a lo ca l d isea se. g r e a tly in ­ fluenced b y c o n s titu tio n a l con d itio n s, and in o r d e r to cu re it you must tak e an in tern a l rem ed y, f l a i l 's C a ­ tarrh C ure is ta k e n In te rn a lly and acts thru the b lo o d on th e m u cou s s u r ­ fa ce s o f th e system . H a ll’ s C atarrh Cure w a s p re s crib e d b y one o f th e best p h y sicia n s in th is co u n t r y f o r y e s r s It Is co m p o se d o f so m e o f the b e st ton ics kn ow n , co m b in e d w ith s om e o f the best b lo o d pu rifiers. T h e p e r fe c t co m - b in stio n o f the in g re d ie n ts in H a ll's C atarrh C ure is w h at p ro d u c e s such w o n d e rfu l re su lts In ca ta r rh a l c o n d i­ tion s. Send f o r te stim o n ia ls, fr e e F J C H E N E Y A CO.. P rops., T oledo, O. A ll D r u g g is ts 7?.c B a ll s F a m ily I His f o r co n stip a tio n . Our Lunch Room Quick Service is t h e Clean Food S,M' ‘ Courteous Treatment Tobaccos —- Cigars — Candies — Fruits — Nuts — Soft Drinks e s t a c a d a , o r e g o n Jim Smith o f Estacada is this week wearing a broad grin and handing out cigars in honor of the arrival o f a ten pound boy last Sunday night and reports? mother and son to be getting a- long finely. R. G. Marchbank A baby boy was born February 17th to Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Lyons o f Barton. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hayden spent the week-end in Portland, where a reunion o f the Hayden family was held.