Walter Givens Harry C. Reid - Fred Bartholomew - Editor in Chief Advertising Mgr. - Bouncer B THE WEEKLY oosting V Devoted to the stimulation of civic and community pride • the patronizing of home industries - and the boosting of the W. Givens Company, Incorporated. pirit Estacada, Or. February 22, 1917 Vol. 1 No. 12 Editor’s Gossip In the last few days we bought two carloads of spuds at $3.10, and the present price is $3.35. Dont contract on an advancing market, but see us when you are ready to sell. We still have half a car of beet pulp on hand, but cant guarantee de­ livery after this is gone. Get yours now! See us for anything in the Seed line for fanciest grades of clover, timothy, alfalfa and vetch. rv I U ’ «A Has the Cheese Fac­ tory Committee called on you yet? When they call meet them with a smile and a subscription. ( A u t o * 1'' * 4Ufh¿LFWi5 Preferred by all who have once tried them That’s why our Grocery trade is g r o w i n g daily. Remember our 2% Cash Discount tickets are redeemable at any time. We believe that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement. Dont miss the next dinner - meeting of the Farmers’ and Merchants’ Club at the Hotel Adams, next Monday evening. Make your reservations now and keep in touch with the Cheese-Factory development. We’ve got to hand it to our old friend J. W. Reed, who never knows when he is licked, for John last Saturday made an eleventh hour trip to Salem and made a last try at getting Chairman Mo­ ser of the Senate to res­ urrect and have passed the Cascade County bill. The Walter Givens Company