Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 22, 1917, Image 1

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D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern
V olume 10,
N umber 23
Voters Meet To Consider
New Building Next Sat­
urday Afternoon
A t a meeting o f the taxpayers
o f the Estacada School District,
to be held at the school Saturday
afternoon, February 24th at 2
o ’ clock, a vote will be taken to
determine whether this district
will bond itself to erect a high
school building.
At an unofficial meeting held a
month or two ago. it was voted
almost unanimously to build such
a building to cost not less than
$20,000 and the coming meeting
is for the purpose o f legally and
officially deciding the matter.
The need o f a high school
building is apparent to all who
are conversant with the condi­
tions and growth o f the Estacada
As the present status o f the fi­
nances o f the schools is satis­
factory, it is up to the taxpayers
to decide whether the erection o f
a now up-to-date building will
warrant the added expense and
whether the new building when
completed will sufficiently en­
hance i he town’ s real estate val­
ues, io offset the difference in
Futhermore, it must be remem­
bered that the Estacada Schools
are the biggest individual asset
to this city, not only offering the
best o f educational faci'i'ies for
the boys and girls o f the city,
but offering the same facilities
for the boys and girls fjom the
outlying sections. As a business
investment*and trade stimulator
among the farmers residing out­
side o f Estacada, the Estacada
High School is the best magnet
that can be gotten to draw the
trade and centralize the buying
and industry of this community.
The present school building is
used by both the high school and
grammar grades and is crowded
beyond capacity, the up-stafrs
portion o f the building being
used by the high school and the
movement o f the classes, coming
as they do every forty minutes,
must o f necessity disturb the
classes on the main floor. When
the high school was small, the
noise was comparatively unim­
portant, but with from fifty to
ninety pupils in motion up-stairs
and crossing the long halls,
it is a constant source o f confu­
Added to this contusion above
E stacada , O regon ,
T hursday , F ebruary 22,
Legislature Increases
Officials Salaries
By a recent act o f the legisla­
ture, the salaries o f the Clacka­
mas County Judge, School Sup­
erintendent and Treasurer, were
increased to $1800., $1400., and
$1400. respectively,
O. A. C. Expert
To be Here In March
Word has been received from
the Extension Department o f the
O. A. C. that on March 15th,
16th and 17th, Prof. Larsen will
be in Estacada and vicinity.
As Prof. Larsen is considered
an authority on the selection o f
potato seed and the comlmting of
potato diseases, as well as being
an authority on grains, clovers,
vetches and all legumes, his three
day visit here should meet with
a welcome from the local farmers.
stairs, it has now become neces­
sary to occupy one or more class
rooms down stairs, with one
class room in the basement and
two entirely off the school pre­
Owing to the present cramped
quarters, the school library,
which is an important item, is
located in an inside cloak room,
| with electric lights used con­
stantly. Classes have to pass
through this cloak-room-library
hourly in getting to an adjoin­
ing room, thereby disturbing
those using the library.
In the past five years, the
school board has been forced to
utilize a nearby church for a
class room— has built temporary
rooms in the basement and on
the first floor— has rented a cot­
tage across the road and this
year has rented the old black­
smith-shop nearby for the man­
ual training department. All o f
these arrangements are purely
makeshift and unsatisfactory.
In the past four years, the eh-
rollment o f the high school alone
has grown from 35 to 100 and
| owing to thecongested conditions,
no efforts were made last summer
j by Principal Guthrie to induce
more outside pupils to attend the
Estacada High School.
The present conditions are
i neither sanitary nor conducive to
good scnool management or effi­
ciency and offer a poor invest­
ment for the school moneys.
There are few good reasons
why Estacada should not vote to
build a high school building and
it is hoped the taxpayers will all
attend the meeting Saturday a f­
ternoon and vote to continue
along those lines, which in the
past and at present have made
our schools the pride o f this com­
Clackamas County
$i. P er Y ear
Farmers’ 4 Merchants’ Club
Dinner Monday Evening
About forty farmers and busi­
ness men attended Thursday
evening’s impromptu meeting of
the Farmers’ and Merchants’
Club in Estacada when definite
action was taken and a campaign
launched for the establishment
o f a cheese factory at Estacada.
This meeting was only adver­
tised over phone, as Prof. Barr,
the O. A. C. Cheese and Dairy
expert arrived in Estacada on
short notice and remained but
two days. Prof. Barr gave an
interesting talk on the cheese in­
dustry and, also spoke at length
on the establishment o f a sweet-
On a vote o f the meeting it
was almost unanimouly decided
to begin at once to establish a
cheese-factory and the following
committee was named, who are
in charge o f the subscription cam­
paign and who will act as tempo-
ary directors of the new co-oper­
ative corporation:- Frank Ewing
and Ed Ficken o f Viola: Edward
Still o f Eagle Creek; Peter
Erickson o f Springwater; and I.
| D. Wright o f Estacada.
This committee has begun an
active campaign to sell the stock,
which is placed at $10 per share,
with no shareholder allowed over
twenty shares. The form o f con­
tract used stipulates the number
o f cows owned by the shareholder;
the number o f shares subscribed
for and date on which the cows
become fresh.
This contract further birds the
shareholder to agree to furnish
milk or cream for the factory for
a term o f one year, with provi­
sions relative to home consump­
tion o f milk or cream and the
! right to cancel under certain con­
The contract is dependent en­
tirely on signing up and payment
o f 160 shares o f stock and the
obtaining o f 300 cows by April
1st next. Already many farmers
i have signed the contracts and
many more should be forthcoming
within the next week, as the cir­
culation o f the contracts has just
A big dinner-meeting to fur-
i ther consider and discuss the
cheese-factory will be held at the
Hotel Adams in Estacada, Mon­
day evening, February 26th, with
supper served at 7 o ’ clock.
Everyone interested in the dis­
posal o f dairy products is urged
I to be present and to make their
Johnson - Klinker Wedding
One o f the prettiest and hap-
piest weddings that has occured
in this community in some time
was held Wednesday afternoon,
February 21st at the Johnson
home in George, when Miss Flora,
daughter o f Henry Johnson, be­
came the bride o f Henry Klinker
o f George.
The ceremony was performed
by Mr. Walter Givens o f Estaca­
da in the presence o f a large as­
sembly o f relatives and friends
and was followed in the evening
by a supper and dance at the
George Club, where the merry­
making lasted until a late hour.
The bride, who was given away
by her father, was attended by
Miss Anna Pagh of Ridgefield.
Washington, as bridesmaid.
The happy couple are receiving
the congratulations o f their
many friends, who are doubly
glad that the newlyweds will re­
main in George, where Mr. Klin­
ker has a fine farm.
Pig Club Specialist
Visits School
Prof. L. J. Allen of the Exten-
tion Department o f the O. A. C.
spent Monday and Tuesday in
this vicinity in company with
Frank Ewing, the P. R. L. & P.
Agriculturalist o f Viola.
Prof. Allen’s specialty is “ pig
club’ ’ work among t h e boys
and girls in the schools and as
this important work is being
heartily entered into by the local
students, his visit was more than
welcome, ending Tuesday after­
noon in an illustrated lecture at
the Family Theatre, with many
students and their parents in at­
On Wednesday, Prin. Guthrie
and Mr. Ewing conducted a num­
ber o f pig-club enthusiasts to a
sale of*registered pigs near Gres­
ham, where four o f the local boys
invested in registered bred Duroc
reservations well in advance, by
notifying either A. L. Laswellor
Harry C. Reid o f Estacada, who
are the committee in charge.
As usual, effort will be made
to have autos aid in bringing the
parties from distant points into
town, thanks to the openhearted­
ness o f the local automobile own­
There is no good reason why a
cheese-factory cannot be operat­
ed here which will prove a finan­
cial success to the dairymen as
well as to the other stockholders,
as similar institutions have made
money elsewhere and if the peo­
ple o f this community will stick
and stand together, it will re­
sult in mutual gain to all and to
the communit/.