Want and For Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in advance PROFESSIONAL CAROS Undertaking and Embalming FOR SALE— Baled Hay. tim­ othy and vetch. W. Domm, Eagle Creek Falls. L A. Chapman B E W A R E -T h e Eve o f the Ides o f March its coming. FOR SALE My home consisting o f 10 acres, good house, barn, about 1 acre cleared; fine well, running water. This place act­ ually cost me in improvements alone about 1400 dollars and 1 will take for it 1600 dollars cash. Also a team o f mules, double seated buggy, harness and Ford automobile. Having given up my mail route, all will be sold at a bar­ gain. A. Demoy. Estacada. P h y s ic ia n + Licensed Embalmer Phone Store or Residence H enry V . A d ix, Operating Hearse and Morgue + i * ♦ Claude W. Devore o f Estacada Summon* is the only one still on the ill and wounded list as a result o f the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Cascade fight. Claude, while at­ STATE OF OREGON FOR THE tending to important work at Sa­ COUNTY OF CLACK AM a S. lem, contracted a bad attack of I rheumatism, resulting in his re­ ! F. D. Haynes and J. M. Traxler, Plaintiffs turn to Estacada on crutches and V8 confinement in bed ever since, C. L. Gray, single, S. W. Harris where he is recovering slowly. and [Jane Doe] Harris, hiswife, Defendants. I summons upon you, and if you fail to so i WANTED To buy good fresh Lumber Company, the business appear and answer, for want thereof, i plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the cows or cows coming fresh soon, being conducted by Lee Bronson, relief prayed for in their complaint: for Milton Evans and O. S. C. Gerber. no runts or Jerseys wanted. Judgement against C. L. Gray and S. | W. Harris in the sum o f $2350.00 with i W. F. Ferre), Barton’ Or. i interest from December 11, 1913 at j Summon* 6 per cent per annum, the further sum WANTED TO B U Y -O ld pa­ IN THE CIRCU IT COURT OF THE \ o f $200.00 as attorney’ s fees together ! pers and magazines. STATE OF OREGON, FOR i with their costs and disbursements here-1 See Cary. Estacada. CLA CK AM AS CO U N TY in; that the mortgage recorded in Book Pearl Smith, j 87 page 330 Mortgage Records o f Clack­ FOR SALE—First class Barred Plaintiff, amas County, Oregon, be decreed a first' Rock Roosters. vs ¡-SUMMONS. and valid lien on the following property Fred Smith, Henry Dillon, Estacada. in Clackamas County, Oregon; The | Defendant, j NE 1-4 o f the SE 1-4 o f Sec. 28, T. 3 S „ | FOUND That there will be To Fred Smith, above named defendant: R. 4 E. W. M .; also a 20 ft. stiip: be- j In the name o f the State o f Oregon, ginning at the government corner stone j something doing on the evening o f March 2nd. Make no other you are hereby required to appear and located at NE corner o f NE 1-4 o f the answer the complaint filed against you SE 1-4 o f Sec. 28, T. 3 S., R. 4 E. W. M .; dates for that night. in the above named suit, on or before FOR SALE - Choice Black- Raspberry plants. $2 a hundred. Earl Day, Estacada. E G G S FOR HATCHING— Rhode Island Reds — a laying strain 75c per setting o f 15. Also, Yellow Dent seed Corn — 5c per pound. Also, a Hot Water Incubator— 150 egg size for $5. J. W. Moxley, R. 1, Estacada. FOR SALE—Good fresh cows. W. P. Ferrel, Barton, Or. As a result o f an infection o f the ankle bone, caused by an in­ jury fr^m walking on stilts, Rob­ ert Denny o f South Estacada was last week taken to the Good Sa­ maritan Hospital in P o r t l a n d where a serious operation w a s! necessary, but latest reports show the l>oy to be getting along finely. thence West 1280.04 feet to the point o f j the 22nd day o f March, 1917, said date beginning; thence North 1155 f e e t ;1 being the expiration o f six weeks from thence West 20 feet; thence South 1155 the first publication o f this summons, feet; thence East 20 feet to the place and if you fail to appear or answer o f beginning and as security for said said complaint, for want thereof the judgement; that said mortgage lien be plaintiff will apply to the court for the duly foreclosed and said property sold ; relief prayed for in her complaint, as by law required and to satisfy the to-wit: several sums adjudged due plaintiff in For a decree dissolving the mar­ the premises; that the defendants and riage contract now existing between each o f them be forever barrel! and plaintiff and defendant and that she be foreclosed o f all right, title, estate, lien j permitted to resume her maiden name or interest in or to said property or any o f Pearl Shaffer. This summons is pub- ¡ part thereof and for such other and j lished by order o f Hon. J. U. Camp­ further relief as to the Court seems \ bell, Judge o f the Circuit Court, which | meet in the premises. order was made and entered on the 5th This summons is served upon you | day of February, 1917, and the time j by publication thereof by order o f the I prescribed for publication thereof is six 1 Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge o f the | weeks, beginning with the issue dated, above entitled Court, which order i s ' Thursday, February 8th, 1917, and con- j dated January 9. 1917. Date o f the [ tinuing each week thereafter to and in­ first publication is January 11. 1917 and cluding the issue o f Thursday, March | date o f last publication is Febru ary; 22nd, 1917. 22, 1917. | W. D. FREEMAN, BRO W N ELL & SIEVERS, j Attorney for Plaintiffs. Attorneys for plaintiff. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewing o f \ Viola, entertained a number o f < friends Tuesday evening at a dinner party. Daily MILK Delivery ca, Service CREAM Milk and Cream delivered at your door, each morning between 5 and 6 o ’ clock. Absolutely rich, pure milk, from well cared for, grain and ensilage fed Jersey cow - Phone your wants the night before and we will make delivery early the next morning. Whether you are a regular customer or not, feel free to call up