Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 15, 1917, Image 3

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    One Reason Why
You Should Have A Bank Account
At the age of sixtv-five, 95 out of 100 persons
are dependent upon others for their support.
Because they did not save a little when
they were in the prime of life.
A Bank Account is the Best Friend you have
when in Sickness or Need.
No charge for small accounts.
In te re s ts
Compounded Semi-annually
Estacada State Bank
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
I r wi n D. W r i g h t , C a s h i e r
Estacada Feed & Lumber Co.
Successors To
c4.11en £&> Co.
Quality SHEDS for 1917
C l o v e r * H a y*
Lime and Sulphur Spray
Building Material
Farm ers Exchange D epartm ent
1 Iron Beam Plow
1 Riding Plow
1 Hay Cutter
1 Pitcher Pump
1 Steel Bar
1 7 ft. Saw
Horses for Sale or Trade.
Free Tickets to show with Cash Purchases
Estacada Feed & Lumber Co.
Look At Your Label
E. H. S. Echoes
Lena Cahill and Lloyd Saling
All subscribers are asked to j
kindly examine the small colored
E. H. S. played two Basket Ball
label on the front of this copy of
games last week with unfavorable
the News. This label not only
results in both instances. On
shows the name of the subscrib­
Friday, the team journeyed to
er, hut indicates the date of ex­
Portland and played James-John.
piration of the subscription.
Owing to the unfavorable hall,
Look and see if yours has ex­
especially the polished floor,
pired, as the three figures follow­
which had been treated in the
ing the name. indicate the month,
most scientific manner possible in
day and year of expiration.
order that such things as the Pi­
During these days of high cost
geon Walk could be indulged in,
of newspaper materials, it is even
the E. H. S. boys were unable to
get a footing. The James-John
more necessary than ever that all
subscriptions be promptly paid j boys won the game by a score of
when due. If it is not conven­
26 to 11. The boys who made the
ient for you to pay at once, please
trip were: Captain Denney, Wag­
advise this office of your desire
ner, Sarver, Saling, Jannsen,
Bartlemay and Hannah.
to have same continued or if vou
do not care to remain a subscrib­
In the Vancouver game here
er, kindly advise us also.
Saturday our team outfought their
As to whether the News is
opponents, but the result was
worth the dollar per year, re- . merely due to superior training
mains for you to decide, but the
in basket shooting. The score
was 36 to 17.
publisher is trying to give more
than one hundred cents worth.
The Wehsterians will give a
program next Friday,
Dover Doings
public is cordially in­
vited to attend.
Mrs. S. A. Cooper recently
The business men and farmers
traded her Dover farm for Port­
equalled, if not out-done, by
land property and will vacate in
E. H. S. students in their dis­
a short time to make room for
over the failure of
the new owners.
the Cascade County Bill. It is
Several of the Doverites at­
certain that if the said bill had
tended the Women’s Club enter­
come up before the assembly, it
tainment at Sandy Saturday
would have been passed by an
overwhelming majority.
Mrs. H. H. Udell and Mrs.
A Freshman-Sophomore bask­
George Kitzmiller are on the
et ball game was held Monday
sick list at present.
afternoon ending in the score of
16 to 13 in favor of the Freshmen.
Joseph and Ralph DeShazer
made a trip to Estacada Friday
On The Trail Of The Stork
and returned with a ton of beet-
During the busy days of the
Frank Ahnert made a trip to
Cascade County fight, the News
inadvertently overlooked many
Oregon City on Friday.
items of importance, including
Rev. Brakenbury of Gresham
the visit of the stork at the fol­
has been associated with Rev.
lowing homes:-
Miner for the past week in hold­
Born, January 29th to Mr. and
ing religious meetings, which
Mrs. Clyde McMurray of Barton,
came to a succesful termination
a daughter.
last Sunday.
Born, January 14th to Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Rivers of Barton, a
Cousins M eet A fter
Fifty Years Absence
Born, January 23rd to Mr. and
An enjoyable and unexpected
Max Klaetsch of Estacada,
reunion was held last week at
the Gid Krigbaum home in Gar­
Born, December 22nd to Mr.
field, when Mrs. Sadie Wenz of
Mrs. Paul Klaetsch of Esta­
Ohio, spent a week as the guest
a son.
of her cousin Mrs. Gid Krigbaum.
Janyary 9th to Mr. and
Mrs. Wenz and Mrs. Krigbaum
Boyer of Estacada. a
had not seen each other since
they parted in Ohio in 1862,
when soon after the latter came
There will be a big dance at
West. Mrs. Wenz, who was vis­
Cogswell’s Hall in Eagle Creek
iting in Portland, happened to
on Saturday evening, February
get track of her long lost cousin
24th, under the auspices of the
in Garfield and the reunion was
Woodmen of the World of Port­
the result.
land. All are invited to partici­
pate in this affair.
All members of the Estacada
Rebekah Lodge are urged to be
Neil Bronson and Adolph Sag-
present Friday evening, February
this week completed the re­
16th, when a special meeting will
of the roof on the L. A.
be held in honor of Pres. Watten-
store in Estacada. •