EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern V olume 10, N umber 22 CASCADE MOVEMENT FAR FROM DEAD Two Hundred Enthusiasts Attend Dinner Meeting Besides the one hundred and thirty who partook o f the dinner at the Estacada Pavilion last Saturday night, about seventy- five moie people enjoyed the pro­ gram and meeting which follow­ ed. While primarily the meeting was to consider the report o f the Cascade County Commitee, out­ lining the past months work be­ fore the State Legislature, the meeting i everted into the pre­ sentation o f plans to continue the Cascade movement and to work along the lines o f united and or­ ganized effort to obtain the de­ velopment that is due this part o f the county. The gathering for a time took on the aspects o f an Anti-Dim- ick celebration, but the desire for vengeance was in the back­ ground as compared with the plans for the future. Tii^ dinner which was an extra welcome attraction, was served I y the ladies o f Estacada and vicinity arid netted $15 or $20 ove and above expenses, which sum will be turned over to the Cascade fund Enthusiastic speeches w e r e made by the various members o f the Cascade Committee, with equally eloquent talks made by many other men and women, who had had the opportunity to attend the meetings at Salem, and who were conversant with the politic- al treachery which ended in the defeat in the Senate o f the Cas­ cade County bill. The report o f the financial condition o f the movement was made, showing a deficit o f over $200., which^um will have to be met by popular subscription, with a portion subscribed that evening. It is hoped that this deficit will not have to be met by but a few people and that the local public will voluntarily assume part of the obligation. Contributions may be made to Cashier Wright o f the Estacada Slate Bank, who is treasurer o f the movement. E stacada , O regon , Clackamas County T hursday , F ebruary 15, 1917 For Division Of Fair Funds Cascade Dance March 3rd Representative H. C. Stephens o f George has this week had passed through the House o f Rep­ resentatives at Salem, a bill au­ thorizing Clackamas County to give to the Eastern Clackamas County Fair, the sum o f $500. as its share o f the premium fund moneys now allowed this county for such purposes. Clackamas County now re­ ceives about $2000. from the state for this purpose and a $500 division for this part o f the coun­ ty is a just proportion. It is hoped that this bill will be passed by the Senate and un­ less Senator Dimick makes a special attack on same, it should receive the s u p p o r t o f that branch o f the Legislature. In order to raise funds to aid in offsetting the deficit o f the Cascade movement, a big dance will be given Saturday evening, March 3rd, at the Estacada Pa- villion. The ladies o f the Civic Improv- ment Club have agreed to donate a fine midnight lunch and as Mrs. E. E. Saling is chairman o f the committee, this feature alone should be an attraction. Everyone is cordially invited to be present, as their admis­ sion money will not only assure them a fine evening’s pleasure, but the money will represent a contribution to the Cascade fund. The committee in charge o f ad­ vertising and making the dance a success in all the districts com­ prises N. S. Lauryy, Phil Adams and Theo. Ahlberg o f Estacada; Chris Johnson and Henry Schmidt o f George; Harold Horner and Sylvester Lawrence o f Spring- water; R. H. Currin and E. E. Saling o f Currinsville; Herman Davis and Tom Carter of Garfield; Fred Bates and Carl Douglass of Lower Garfield and Upper Eagle Creek; Will Still and George Smith of Eagle Creek;and Frank Ewing and Ollie Gerber o f Viola and Logan. . The details of the affair will be handled by the ladies in Estacada and the committee members are urged to get together the young folk from rheir respective districts to all attend. State Average True In This Community The following figures, relative to the number and makes of car9 sold in the state during 1916, in­ dicates that the auto buyers o f this community are no exception to the state at large: Complete registration 33,908 4,394 Ford 822 Dodge , 807 Overland Buick 720 650 Studebaker Maxwell 534 492 Chevrolet Saxon 254 235 Reo Oakland 204 Total 9,112 Horner Brothers To Move Saw Mill A deal was consumated recent­ ly whereby the valuable 160 acre tract o f timber belonging to John Ficken o f Viola, becomes the properly o f Horner Brothers o f Dodge. This timber, which lies in the canyon between Viola and the Ficken ranch, will shortly be run through the mill, as the new owners contemplate the removal o f the mill from its present site in Dodge to the new location, within a few weeks. Mixed Carload Shipped Wednesday To Change Electric Current A mixed carload o f livestock left the Estacada Yards yesterday having been purchased by Wal­ ter Givens. In this shipment were four extra fine Short Horn steers, raised by Homer B. Ballou o f Eagle Creek, these choice offer­ ings bringing8Vj cents per pound. It is reported that plans are underway by the P. R. L & P. Co. to install 60 cycle electric power in Estacada, replacing the present 30 cycle current Such a change will be welcomed, es­ pecially by the users o f electrical motor power. Plantings For Cannery Manager Deming o f the Esta­ cada Cannery is now ready to canvas among the farmer of this community with a view to contracting for plantings of vege­ tables and small fruits for the 1917 packing. Undoubtedly good profits can be made by the growers o f pro­ duce for this industry and the growers o f this community should make every effort to cooperate. Besides the urgency o f plant­ ing small fruits, the contracts o f­ fered for the planting of Refugee beans, pumpkins, cabbage, etc, should prove a profitable move. It is necessary that all plant­ ings be o f the variety desired by the cannery, as the demand from the retailers is for stipulated va­ rieties and the cannery cannot sell its pack, unless the product is standard. As the cannery is in a position to furnish seed for plantings, the canvas o f Mgr. Deming should meet with good results, which good results cannot help but stimulate industrial development through this part o f the county. $1. P er Y ear SCHOOL FAIR MARCH 2.1317 Annual Premium List Classes. Juniors and Seniors in High School. B. Freshmen and Sophomores. C. 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. D. 1st to 5th grades inclusive. C ooking Class A. 1. P ies —Pumpkin, Lemon, Berry, Apple. 2. C akes and B reads . Sponge cake, Layer cake, Loaf cake, Cookies plate of, Bread loaf of, Biscuit, soda or baking powder. Class B. Same as class A. but Judged separately. Class C. Omit Berry and pump­ kin pie. Class D. Apple pie, Loaf cake, Cookies, plate o f; Bread, loaf of; Biscuit, soda or baking powder. C anning Classes A. B. and C. Collection o f 3 fruits “ 3 vegetables “ 3 jellies Preserves, jar o f Class D. 1 jar o f fruit “ “ “ vegetables “ “ “ preserves “ glass o f jelly. M iscellaneous Classes A, B, C, and D. Butter, roll of; Candy, plate of. S ewing Classes A and B. Night dress, Bag, laundry or school; (Looking apron. Pillowslips, pair o f; Table runner or Dresser scarf, Dress, Skirt. Class C. Towel, plain or fancy; B a g , Holders, Handkerchief, Fancy apron. Darning, Cap. Class D. Towel, Kitchen cur­ tain, Table runner. Cushion cov­ er, Knife and fork case. Covered coat hanger. Dressed doll (work o f child). Crochet work. M anual T raining A. or H ousehold A rticles Classes A and B, Taboret. Umberella rack, Small table. Any lower grade work. Class C. Book rack. Necktie rack. Flower pedesal. Foot stool, Towel rack, Wood box, Nail box. Class D. Nail box, Knife and fork box. Bird house. Book rack. Bread or game board, Boot jack. Paper rack, Hammer handle. Po­ tato masher, Pot stick, Flower box, Waste paper basket. A rt Calendar, Blotter, Book cov­ er design, Borders. A griculture Corn, 6 ears o f; Potatoes, plate o f; Contest in each variety. Program lor the day will be announced later.