Special Meeting Of Garfield Grange Palace Meat Market ( O N E F RI END T ELL S A H UT HSR WHY W - B C U T Í J Ü MV POOCH OF W - B C UT T O B A C C O | I SN’ T A S B I G A S Y O U « L O O B E P A P E R S AC K, B U T ITS B E T T E R AND CHEAPER. BECAUSE I T H S A T I S F I E S A H D LAST*- L O N G E R ! There will be a Special Meeting o f the Garfield Grange, Saturday evening, February 10th, at 8 o ’clock. Business o f importance is to be transacted and all members are; urged to be present. l : *.T 1 H I ) C n £ * P t s r } ww ..~ f FELLOW H A : CAUGHT O N TO IT A U . f R IG H T . f ~ Agency For The Clear Creek Creamery Butter Also Boy All Kinds Of Veal Beef Pork Poultry and Eggs All Fresh Vegetables In Season Estacada, Or. Phone Main 83. Broadway Fishing and Hunting Licenses Subscriptions Taken To All — PORTLAND PAPERS Cigars, Confectionery, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle, Kodaks and Supplies Ed Boner’s Albert Kitching o f Currins- ville, after suffering for four days with a severe attack o f the grippe, was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ewing re­ turned to their ranch in Viola, ¡ last Thursday after having spent the past month at the O. A. C. Kinds Of FredJorg, Proprietor Miss Harriett Hill o f Winne- mueea. Nevada arrived in E sta-1 cada last week by way o f San Francisco, where she is visiting! at the home o f her sister, Mrs. Irwin D. Wright. Estacada 1 Robert Denny o f South Esta­ cada, was taken to a Portland h spital, Monday, to under-go a i minor operation. ¡ ! The Garfield Country Club are to give a free social Saturday evening, Feb 17th, in honor o f Mrs. Guy T. Hunt who is leaving about the 20th o f this month to join her husband who is working at White Pine, Oregon. Mrs. Hunt has been an ardent worker for the club and her good deeds will be greatly missed. The so­ cial is for the purpose of showing their good will and appreciation for the work Mrs. Hunt has done the club. ERE’ S something curious about W-R C U T Chew­ ing—it takes less out of your pocket and puts a better chew into your mouth. No big plug sagging your pocket, no big wad sagging your cheek. H alf as much of_ this rich tobocco goes twice as far as ordinary plug. \V-B saves your silver and gives you a silver-lining feel­ ing of happiness all over. Y ou can’ t help from telling >our friends about W-B. H M*4e 1 7 WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY. THE U N I V E R S A L ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * * * * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + '1 + + A committee o f five men, be­ ing A. 0 . Whitcomb, Ed Shearer. This is the time o f ihe ye r when livestock W. H. Holder, Fred Bates and and poultry need special attention. THERE IS MONEY IN EtiGS. Make hens lay by David Horner, spent last Friday feeding them l)r. David Robert.- Poultry Tunic. in Salem, where they successful- Use Poultry Louse Powder to keep them free from lice and mites. The heallny com fort­ ¡ ly demonstrated to State Grange able hen will lay mi i\ eggs than the one that | Master Spence, that the members ia pestered with vermin. o f the Grange from Eastern i Clackamas County are heartily in The Estacada Pharmacy favor o f the creation o f Cascade County. As these men are re­ * T h e ¥H & X a JU L S to re * * * spective heads and past masters * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * of the Garfield, Eagle Creek and ♦ Springwater Granges, their re­ ♦ port carried the utmost weight ♦ with Mr. Spence and a number ♦ o f Senators. CAR The new Ford car» are up-to-the-minute in appearance, with large radiator and encloaed fan, hood with full streamline effect, crown fenders front and reao,black fin­ ish with nickel trimmings a snappy looking car—and with all the dependable, enduring and economical qualities that have made the Ford "T h e Universal Car’ ’ . One fact is worth more than a ton o f guesses. Ford cars are selling from five to ten over any and all other cars, simply be­ cause they give more satisfactory service, last longer and are easier to operate and cost less to maintain and there’ s no guessing about the reliability o f Ford Service. Touring Car $36U. ♦ 50 Unioa Square, New York City The Runabout $345. On sale at ESTACADA f. o. b. Detroit GARAGE Drake & Mauck Lids 2 Bones: ♦ ♦ * 2 JOINTS ♦ + 126 Fourth Street 349 Washington Street Main 8882 Main 5493 PORTLAND, - OREGON ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Walter Gribben Heights, returned last week, feeling after his stay in a pital. Mrs. Norman McCann o f Spo­ kane, who has been visiting with M re. Wm. Kuhrasch for some time, returned Tuesday, to join her husband there. Candies ♦ ♦ ♦ o f Estacada to his home much better Portland hos­ your past patronage and ho pe for a Fruits and Nuts .For all the Year Catarrh Cannot Be Cured w ith LOCAL, A n - L i c .T .J N S . as tlioy ca n n o t re a ch tu e Beat o f the disease. C ata rrh ia a lo c a l disease, g r e a t ly In­ flu en ced b y c o n s titu tio n a l con d itio n s, and in o r d e r to cu re it y o u must ta k e an in te rn a l rem ed y. H a ll’s C a ­ tarrh C ure is ta k e n In te rn a lly and a cts thru th e b lo o d on the m u co u s s u r ­ fa ce s o f th e syste m . H a ll's C atarrh C ure w a s p re s crib e d b y one o f th e best p h y sicia n s in th is c o u n try f o r y e a rs. It is co m p o se d o f so m e o f the b e st to n ics k n ow n , co m b in e d w ith s om e o f the heal b lo o d p u rifie rs. T h e p e r fe c t c o m ­ b in a tio n o f th e in g re d ie n ts In H a ll's C atarrh C ure is w h a t p ro d u c e s such w o n d e rfu l re s u lts In ca ta rrh a l c o n d i­ tion s. Send f o r testlrflonlals. free. I\ J CHENFTY * CO., P rop«.. T oledo. O. A ll D ru g g ists. 75c. B a ll's F a m ily P ills f o r co n sttp a tlo n . W e cyippreciate Continuance of the Same during 1917 R . G .M a r ch b a n k The Garfield Dorcas Society will meet Thursday afternoon. February. 15th, with Mrs. A. 0 . Whitcomb o f Garfield. Members and friends are invited. i Mrs. George Walters and little daughter o f Currinsville, are able to be around again after be­ ing under quarantine for several weeks with the measles. The Currinsville School have Miss Grace Denney o f Estaca- just added another set o f hooks da, is in Portland, staying with to their library, being 8 volumes her brother, who is in a hospital o f Standard Reference Works. there.