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About Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1917)
Want and For Sale Column + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i cents per line. Cash in advance RHODE ISLAND RED young roosters and Brown Leghorn pul lets for sale at a dollar each. Address Mrs. M. Gilmore, R. 2, Estacada, FOR SALE Heney Buggy and Champion Binder. Bargain. Inquire Frank Boyer, Currinsville. Undertaking and Embalming L. A. Chapman Estacada Licensed Embalmer Operating Phone Hearse and Morgue Store or Residence + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + PROFESSIONAL CARDS Henry V. Adix, M. D. P h y s ic ia n and S urgeon Uffice Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor's phone can he connected with your home prfone a t night if requested. One long ring Summons Bill To Create Cascade County Continued from first page IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Dr. L. A. Wells FOR SALE Team, wagon, set j tion, is that this matter should STATE O F OREGON FOR TH E of double harness, set of single ! not be brought before the legis COUNTY O F CLACKAM a S. Dentist harness, spring wagon, fresh lature, but should be left to a cow, cream separator, 3 tons oat I vote of the people affected. The F. D. H aynes and J . M. T raxler, Plaintiffs Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix hay, 2 tons oats, some wheat, log , Cascade County delegation are in vs chain, 6 foot cross-cut saw and a position to show conclusively C. L. G ray, single, S. W. H arris all other small tools — all must j that such a method is impossible and [Ja n e Doe] H arris, hiBWife, go at bargain prices. D efendants. Dr. R. Morse i in the instance of a small rural D. M. Sanders, Springwater. ; section, attempting to vote To C. L. G ray, S. W. H arris and [Ja n e / P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Doe] H arris, his wife, Defendant». against a big county seat domin In the nam e of the S ta te of Oregon, you Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses FOR SALE My home consisting ation. with a non-taxpaying labor and each of you are hereby required to of 10 acres, good house, barn, vote of several tnousand. Office on Main S tr. betw een 1st and 2nd appear and answ er the com plaint filed about 1 acre cleared; fine well, against you in the above entitled cause Residence: Main and 5th Sts. running water. This place act As a farewell gift, a number on or before F ebruary 22, 1917, th a t Telephone Connection ually cost me in improvements of Estacada pupils of Rev. Aueof being a d a te more than six weeks a fte r the date of the first publication of this alone about 1400 dollars and I Springwater, last week presented summons upon you, and if you fail to so Claude W. Devore will take for it 1600 dollars cash. him with a handsome double vio appear and answ er, for w ant thereof, Attorncy at Law and Notary Public Also a team of mules, double lin case. plaintiffs will apply to the C ourt for the j E stacada, Oregon. relief prayed for in th e ir com plaint: for seated buggy, harness, and Ford Under the direction of Dr. Adix Judgem ent against C. L. G ray and S. automoble. of Estacada, the club rooms and W. H arris in the sum of $2350.00 with Having given up my mail library of the Estacada C. I. C. in te re st from D ecem ber 11, 1913 a t JO H N B R O W N route, all will be sold at a bar were thoroughly fumigated on 6 per cent per annum, the fu rth e r sum The Insurance Man gain. of $200.00 as a tto rn e y ’s fees to g eth e r < Sunday, with the library re with their costs and disbursem ents here A. Demoy. Estacada. Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n maining closed until about the in; th a t the m ortgage recorded in Book O f McMinnville, Oregon. first of the month. This move 87 page 330 M ortgage Records of Clack FOR SALE -Team of 1000 and was merely a precautionary am as County, Oregon, be decreed a first Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance. Automobile Insurance A Specialty llOOtt' horses, harness and farm measure, against danger of a and valid lien on the following property Phone 513 - Gresham wagon. No reasonable offer re spread of scarletina, a few cases in Clackam as County, Oregon; The! NE 1-4 of the SE 1-4 of Sec. 28, T. 3 S., ( fused. Apply News Office. -------------- --------------------- of which were present in this R. 4 E. W. M .; also a 20 ft. strip : be-1 community lately. ginning a t the governm ent corner atone Team Work, Hauling and Packing FOR SALE— Three inch wag- j j located a t N E corner o f N E 1-4 of the on. Price $40. Call at Closners ! lri a letter from Jack McCurdy IS E l-4 of S e c .28, T .3 S ., R .4 E . W. M.; Mill. H. Wink, Estacada. of Scobey, Mont., who formerly thence W est 1280.04 fe e t to the point o f j Wood delivered, an> amount or length. was in the hardware business in beginning; thence N orth 1156 fe e t; I FOR SALE Two Barred Rock Estacada, he encloses a photo of thence W est 20 fe et; thence South 1155 it I TIE : S H E D - 10 c p e r R ig . Roosters fine stock. Bargain. himself and a few friends, with fe et; thence E ast 20 feet to the place of beginning and as security for said i W. M. Yonce A. N. Orke, Eagle Creek. a back-ground made up of dead judgem ent; th a t said m ortgage lien be foreclosed and said property sold FOR SALE or TRADE Petu- geese, the rpsult of a hunt over duly as by law required and to satisfy the luma 126 egg Incubator and the Canadian line nearby. Jack several sum s adjudged due plaintiff in Calendar t Brooder. Call or Phone Mrs. j sends regards to Estacada friends the prem ises; th a t the defendants and and wishes us success for Cas CHURCH OF CHRIST each of them be forever barred and J. R. Hughes, Currinsville. cade County. foreclosed of all right, title, e state, lien Bible School 10 A. M. or in te re st in o r to said property or any j FOR SALE Glass churn, com Preaching Services each Lord’s The youngest son of Mr. and p a rt th ere o f and for such o ther and ! plete. Inquire at News Office. Day at IT A. M. and 7:30 P. M. fu rth e r re lief as to the C ourt seem s I Mrs. Alf Drill of Faraday has FOR SALE A fine Bronze been confined to his home for the meet in the premises. Choir Practise Tuesday evenings This sum m ons is served upon you ! at the church. Turkey gobler, 2 years old in j past few weeks. by publication th ere o f by order o f the May. Call or phone Mrs. A. O. The public is most cordially in Hon. J . U. Campbell, judge of the Whitcomb, Garfield. All members and friends of the above e n titled Court, which order is vited to worship with us. Methodist Church are invited to dated Ja n u a ry 9, 1917. D ate of th e \ G. L. Drill W. Givens SEED CORN Minnesota No. first publication is Ja n u a ry 11, 1917 and the services next Sunday. There date Minister Assistant of last publication is F ebruary 13, in any quantity, at 6c per will probably be a roll-call, re 22. 1917. pound. If you want to get any M. E. CHURCH sponse and communion at the W. D. FREEM A N , good seed corn, better see me A ttorney for Plaintiffs. morning services. Preaching Services every Sunday before Feb. 5th. at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. John Ely, Currinsville. Sunday School at 10 A. M. D aily Delivery Service Prayer Meeting at 7:30 every The Cascade Garage has been C& C R E A M Thursday evening. M I L K busy lately, having sold a speedy Milk and Cream delivered at your door, Young Peoples' Endeavor League Chevrolet car to Roy Alspaugh of each morning between 5 and 6 o’clock. meets every other Sunday at Alspaugh station: Marshal] Broth A bsolutely rich, pure milk, from well cared for, 6:30 P. M., with the League grain and ensilage fed Je rse y cows ers have turned in their Ford on meetingon alternate Sundays at Phone your w ants the night before and we will m ake a Dodge car, and S. P. Peszneck- delivery early the next morning. the Estacada Christian Church. er of Estacada, has purchased a W hether you are a regular custom er or not. feel free to call upon us, All are invited to attend divine when in need of e x tra milk or cream Dodge Car to use in the livery services with us. Currinsville Phone C. R. Lovell business. Rev. Henry Spiess. Pastor.