Walter Oí vena Editor in Chief Advertising Mgr. Harry C. Reid Fred Bartholomew Bouncer THE WEEKLY PIRIT OOSTING Vol. 1 No. 8 Devoted to the stimulation of civic and community pride - the patronising of home industries - and the boosting of the W. Givens Company, Incorporated. Estacada, Or. Jan u ary 25, 1917 While the latest development in the Cascade County Movement is of vital interest to all of us Potatoes— have reached $2.00 per cwt. We are buying at that price good white potatoes, from three inches up, free from not more than two knots, cuts and bruises. Prices subject to change without notice. - — ------- Live Sto ck--------------- — We ship another carload Wednesday, January 31st, and will be glad to have you advise us, if you have either hogs or cattle which you contemplate disposing of at that time. Poultry and Eggs We are not “crowing” over the fact, but we are making goodly shipments of poul - try and eggs every day and can handle even larger amounts of both. Remember our 2°« Cash Discount tickets are redeemable at any time. We now have a good supply of— c^lfalfa Hay, Shady Brook and Berkshire Hog Feed on hand BEET PULP is still $27.00 per ton We believe that a satisfied customer is the best advertisement. ' The Walter Givens Company