Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 18, 1917, Image 8

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    Want and For Sale Column
> cents per line. Cash in advance
Undertaking and Embalming
FOR SALE 120 egg new Me
Clannahan Incubator.
Phone Mrs. D E. McConnell,
Route 1, Estacada.
L A. Chapman
Store or Residence
roosters and Brown Leghorn pul­
lets for sale at a dollar each.
Address Mrs. M. Gilmore,
It. 2, Estacada.
Licensed Embalmer
Hearse and Morgue
At the next meeting of the C.
1. C. on Saturday afternoon, Jan-
uary 27th, a lunch will be served tN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
EXCHANGE- By mistake j j and
addition to the regular bus- j STATE OF OREGON FOR THE
someone traded derby hats with iness in discussions,
a study of the I COUNTY OF CLACKAM a S.
me at a recent meeting of the life of the Kaiser will
of ^ D. Haynes and J. M. Traxler,
Farmers’ and Merchants’ Club at the program, to which be all part
Estacada. Mine was a new one. bers are invited.
Albert Kitching -
C. L. Gray, single, S. W. Harris
Phone. R. 1 - Estacada.
All members of the Centennial and [Jane Doe] Harris, his Defendants.
Rebekah, Lodge, No. 147—1. O. To C. L. Gray, S. W. Harris and [Jane
F. Estacada, are invited to be Doe] Harris, his wife, Defendants.
cations for the position of librari­ present
24th at 7:30 P. In the name of the State of Oregon, you
an of the C. I. C. library, are M. and January
to bring and each of you are hereby required to
wanted. Applications are open pencils. Signed Annie Matson
appear and answer the complaint filed
lo members of the club and must
against you in the above entitled cause
on or before February 22, 1917, that
be made in writing, not later
a date more than six weeks after
than February 1st next. Address Sergeant A. E. Wright of the being
the date of the first publication of this
Mrs. R. M. Standish,
Northwest Mounted Police o f
upon you, and if you fail to so
Library Committee. Vancouver B. C. spent a few days summons
appear and answer, for w ant thereof,
last week at the home of Mrs. plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in their complaint: for
FOR SALE Heney Buggy and Annie K. Morton and her sister, Judgement
C. L. Gray and S.
Champion Binder. Bargain.
Miss Florence Kendall of Estaca- W. Harris in against
the sum of $2350.00 with
Inquire Frank Boyer,
interest from December 11, 1913 at
. ____________
6 per cent per annum, the further sum
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horger of $200.00 as attorney’s fees together
Portland are spending a few with their costs and disbursements here­
FOR SALE Team, wagon, set weeks
at the home of her mother in; that the mortgage recorded in Book
of double harness, set of single Mrs. Marie
page 330 Mortgage Records of Clack­
Klinker of George. 87
harness, spring wagon, fresh
amas County, Oregon, be decreed a first
and valid lien on the following property
cow, cream separator, 3 tons oat The Springwater
En- ;in Clackamas County, Oregon: The
hay, 2 tons oats, some wheat, log deavor held a social Christian
at the W. A. 11 , N E 1-4 of the SE 1-4 of Sec. 28, T. 3 S„
chain, 6 foot cross-cut saw and Bard home last Thursday
even R. 4 E. W. M.; also a 20 ft. strip: be-
all other small tools — all must ing. After a business meeting,
gianing at the government corner stone
goat bargain prices.
located at NE corner of NE 1-4 of the
evening was spent in various SE
1-4 of See.28, T.3S., R.4E. W. M.;
I). M. Sanders, Springwater. the
games, followed by bountiful re­ thence
West 1280.04 feet to the point of
beginning; thence North 1155 feet;
FOR SALE—My home consisting
thence West 20 feet; thence South 1155
of 10 acres, good house, barn, Bert H. Finch of Estacada. af­ feet; thence East 20 feet to the place
of beginning and as security for said
about 1 acre cleared; fine well, ter a few weeks confinement at ¡judgement;
lien be
running water. This place act­ his home with la grippe, is back duly foreclosed that and said said mortgage
ually cost me in improvements again at his place of business. as by law required and to satisfy sold
alone about 1400 dollars and I
j several sums adjudged due plaintiff in
will take for it 1600 dollars cash. Will Bard of Springwater, who the Premi8e,: that the defendants and
i . . .,.
of them be forever barred and
Also a team of mules, double , has , been on the
sick list is report- . each
of ri)fhti title_ e8Utetlien
seated buggy, harness, and Ford ed
or interest in or to said property or any
part thereof and for such other and
Having given up my mail oilie Gerber of Upper Logan, further relief as to the Court seems
route, all will be sold at a bar­ was a little ashamed at not hav- meet V“ Premise*-
the signatures of all by publicfttion thereof by or(ler of the
A. Demo.v.
Estacada. oi in* his obtained
neighbors, so he made up Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of the
by bringing in two well filled petl- above entitled Court, which order is
F’OR SALE Team of 1000 and tion from residents of Dodge, El- i dated January 9. 1917. Date of the
11001 b horses, harness and farm wood and other points, and in the fir9t Publication ¡»January 11. 1917 and
of last publication is February
wagon. No reasonable offer re­ mean time. Ed Ficken was round­ date
Apply News Office. ing up the voters on the main 22, 1917.
Springwater-Logan road.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
c la -
Razor Blades Sharpened
Safety or straight
Safety single edge 25c a doz..
double “ 30 “ “ j
The Razor Shop
189 1-2 4th St.
Portland, Or.
Delivery Service
C& C R E A M
Milk and Cream delivered at your door,
each morning between 6 and 6 o’clock.
Absolutely rich, pure milk, from well cared for,
grain and ensiiage fed Jersey cow.
Phone your wants the night before and we will make
delivery early the next morning.
Whether you are a regular customer or not, feel free to call upon us,
when in need of extra milk or cream.
C. R. Lovell
Henry V. Adix, M. D.
P h ysician a nd S urgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’s phone can be connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
Dr. L. A. Wells
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
Dr. R. Morse
P h ysician
S urgeon
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd
Residence; Mein and 5th Sts.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
Attorney-at-Law ai d Notary Public
Estacada, Oregon.
The Insurance Man
Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n
Of McMinnville, Oregon.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Phone 513
Team Work, Hauling and Packing
Wood delivered, an\ amount or length.
10c per Rig.
W. M. Yonce
Bible School— 10 A. M.
Preaching Services each Lord’s
Day at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Choir Practise Tuesday evenings
at the church.
The public is most cordially in­
vited to worship with us.
G. L. Drill
W. Givens
Preaching Services every Sunday
at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Prayer Meeting at 7:30 every
Thursday evening.
Young Peoples’ Endeavor League
meets every other Sunday at
6:30 P. M., with the League
meetingon alternate Sundays at
the Estacada Chrisiian Church.
All are invited to attend divine
services with us.
Rev. Henry Spiess. Pastor.