Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 18, 1917, Image 4

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    Walter Given*
Harry C. Reid
Fred Bartholomew
Editor in Chief
Advertising- Mgr.
Vol. 1
No. 7
Devoted to the stimulation of civic and
community pride - the patronising of
home industries - and the boosting of
the W. Givens Company, Incorporated.
January 18, 1917
Estacada, Or.
Dear Friends and Patrons:-
You will simply have to excuse us this week
for not taking the time to write an advertise­
ment for this Boosting Spirit page, but our
only excuse and the one excuse that we are
proud to acknowledge, is that we are giving
our entire time to the—
Cascade County M ovem ent
(but still we are not neglecting our customers)
Last but not least, we know that friend Editor
Standish is also neglecting his business to work
for Cascade County and we are perfectly
willing to let him confine his efforts to the
latter job, in preference to setting type lor
our advertisement.
Yours for Cascade County and giving satisfaction to our customers
The Walter Givens Company