Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 18, 1917, Image 2

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    Viola Breezes
Eagle Creek Notes
About all that Viola people talk
about now is County-Division and
the new Carver line, as we un­
derstand the new railway is to he
built this summer.
Owing to the illness of grand­
ma Miller, her daughter. Mrs. C.
G. Stone of Highland has been in
Viola helping to care for her, and
her son Will and family of Port­
land spent Sunday with her.
James Hamilton is the new
Sunday School Superintendent
and we know he will make a good
Mrs. A. C. Hollingsworth of
Gladstone spent Sunday at the
home of her mother, Mrs. A.
Rev. Pogue conducted meetings
at Clarks Saturday and held en­
joyable meetings here on Sunday
forenoon, afternoon and evening
and will preach here next Sun­
day. In order to save time in
Last reports show Garfield to travelling from place to place.
be signed up to nearly the 95% Rev. Pogue last week purchased
mark in favor of Cascade County the Ford runabout, formerly used
with but seven known opposers by rural carrier Wooster.
and they are slowly slipping.
Mrs. Thos. Eaden, Mrs. M. L.
! Sevier and Mrs. Will Hicinboth-
According to J. A. Randolph, am are temporarily on the sick
T. C. Jubb and other Viola boost­ list.
ers, the Viola Valley and sur­
rounding country is heartily in STING O F T H E H O N E Y B E E .
favor of a n6w county, over 90% A bout th o Moot E ffective Infernal M a­
being on petitions.
chine In E xistence.
After spending the holidays
with her folks at Stevenson,
Wash., Mrs. Katie Douglass re­
turned home last week, accom­
panied by her brother, Charles
J. F. Burger traded his farm
near Eagle Creek to J. W. Ken­
ney, of Gresham, for some Port­
land property.
Mrs. Chas. Murphy called on
Mrs. R. B. Gibson last Tuesday
Mrs. Rose Baker was the week­
end guest of Portland friends.
D. Beckett was a guest at the
farm-home Sunday.
Henry Udell and daughters.
Agnes and Alice, of Dover, were
dinner-guests of R. B. Gibson and
wife Sunday.
H. S. Gibson made a trip to
Barton Monday to see his father,
James Gibson, who is quite ill.
There are just two things ¡n the public eye today, namely our
Profit Sharing Plan
and the
Cascade County Movement
We know you are interested
in both, and this week we
are giving our entire atten­
tion to the latter, but not
neglecting our customers.
East Clackamas Supply Co.
Estacada, Oregon.
F ro h m a n 'i L ittl« Safe.
W hen C h ili'lts F ru h m a n w as tr e a s ­
u rer w ith H a v e rly 'a m i us tie Is lie cuu-
eel veil a novel s tu n t o f a ro u sin g curt-
In sm a ll to w n s, lie bought a
sm all Iron sa fe, ab o u t th re e fe e t high,
am i on it hail p a in te d In big letters.
“T re a s u re r, H a v e riy '« M astodon M in­
stre ls." Now a c tu a lly th e re w as little
need for th is sa fe, b u t It w as a lw a y s
• a n le d on th e first load of buggage
th a t w ent to a hotel. It would be
plat ed in a < o n sp le u o u s plaee. am i th e n
F roll m an. w a itin g u n til th e p ro p er m o­
m ent. would b u stle up to it w ith a n
all* of g n a t Im p o rtan ce, open it, p u t in
tw o o r th ree $100 blits. H ose It a n d go
aw ay. W hen the c ro w d had gone he
w ould slip hack an d g et th e m oney o ut
again, it proved a good a d v e rtisin g
s tu n t.—“('h a rle s F ro h m a n . M a n ag er
an d Man "
In p ro p o rtio n to its size, th e s tin g of
th e h oneybee is p ro b ab ly th e m ost e f ­
fe ctiv e In fe rn a l m ach in e In ex isten ce.
T h e stin g in g a p p a r a tu s is s m a lle r
th a n th a t o f a ra ttle s n a k e . yet a sin g le
stin g h a s been know n to kill a m an.
W hen we realize th a t it is alm o st in­
v isib le anil c o n sid er w h at it can tlo w*»
c a n n o t fail to be ast< uncled. It seem s
th e very q u in te ss e n c e o f d ev ilish n ess.
T h e h o n ey b ee's stin g is co m p licated
— so com p licated th a t m an y w o rd s an d
There may be one or two people m uch ink h av e been used In d isc u ss­
in g its c o n stru c tio n a n d use.
in George, who have not signed I It is g en erally conceded th a t th e
Cascade County petitions, but be­ s tin g c o n sists of a s h a f t of th re e p a rts,
tween Bob Miller and Henry Joy­ th e p rin cip al one being a s h e a th w ith in
w h ich m ove tw o b arb ed la n cets. L ik e
ner, even they will be rounded th e b a rb s of a fishhook, th e la u c e ts a r e
up, unless they take to the snow n o t easily e x tra c te d fro m th e lie s h in to
w h ich th ey h a v e been t l r i a n . Tin*
covered heights of Wildcat Mt.
s h e a th and th e la n c e ts co m bined form
a hollow tu b e th ro u g h w hich th e pol-
John Brown, the genial insur­ | son
flow’s fro m th e poison sac.
ance man of Gresham was an Es­ T w o h a iry , so ft projec li< ns. evident*
tacada business visitor early in ly v ery se n sitiv e , in fo rm th e bee w hen
sh e Is in c o n ta c t w ith a s tlu g a b le o b ­
the week.
je c t.—P o p u la r Science M onthly.
John C. Peterson, one of the
hundred or more Cascade County
boosters, reports Tuesday that
less than half-dozen Springwater
people are opposed to the move­
ment, with the balance having
signed petitions in favor of the
The Currinsville Ladies’ Aid
Society will hold a Dime Social
at Ely’s Hall, Saturday evening,
January 20th, to which all are in­
vited. The proceeds will go to­
wards the local Sunday School.
John Ely of Currinsville feels
pretty badly to think there still
remains one or two of his good
friends in the home district, who
have not joined the Cascade
County flock yet, but even these
stray lambs have refused to sign
a remonstrance.
Miss Ruth Ladd of Portland
spent the week-end at the Adix
home in Estacada.
Blow Em Out By The Roots— Make Every Acre A Money Maker
Now is the time to CASH IN by clearing a few' acres of your stump land.
Why let high priced land lay idle when you can make every acre a MONEY MAKER
for yourself and family? Remember the bigger the crop the more you can shop.
Get your share of the COIN by clearing your land with
We have a few FARM IMPLEMENTS that we will sell at 1916 prices. Buy now and save 15 to 20%.
Some good Heating Stoves left at the lower prices.
Ask for your CASH DISCOUNTS with every article you buy.
H ardware
H arness
I mplements
sm c.»., o . ™
+ + * *