EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 10, N umber 18 PROMINENT ELWOOD RANCHER DIES Jesse Cox, Elwood Pioneer of ’64, Buried Tuesday At the age o f 68 years, 9 months and 18 days, Jesse Cox, one of the best known ranchers of the Elwood district and prom­ inent throughout the county, pas­ sed away peacefully at the fam­ ily home, in the presence o f his family, Sunday evening, shortly before midnight. The death of Mr. Cox was not unexpected, as he suffered a par­ alytic stroke a few weeks ago, from which he never recovered. Funeral services, to which many friends from the home sec­ tion and from distant parts of the county were present, were con­ ducted Tuesday noon by Rev. Staats of Oregon City, with inter­ ment, in charge of undertaker Chapman, following at the Spring- water cemetery. The deceased is survived by three sons and four daughters, being Willis, Walter and Stanford Cox of Elwood; Monlie and Effie Cox of Elwood and Mrs. Millie Wilson of Kingsley, besides two sisters, Mrs. Matilda Neal o f Es- lacada and Mrs. Jane Ford of Missouri and a brother Wm. Cox oi Kingsley. Spraying Campaign to Soon Begin Prof. W. S. Brown, Field Horticulturalist ot the Oregon Agricultural College spent Wed­ nesday morning in the Garlield fruit section. where he ar­ ranged for the years spraying campaign, which campaign will be for public demonstration. For the coming season, the C. N. Wonacottand E. Krigbaum apple orchards have Peer, selected being trees o f from 8 to 10 years old. Many other orchard tracts offered were equally as good, but owing to the central location o f these two, they were decided upon. This campaign will last through­ out the season, comprising six different spi a\ ings,each demon­ stration being public and lectures will be given in connection, with Prof. Brown personally in charge. The first spraying will take place in a short time, due notice o f which will appear later. This first spraying will be, what is known as the “ delayed dormant stage’ ’ and used to prevent, con­ trol or exterminate the first scab- spores, which may attack the young leaflets.- The final spray­ ing will occur at the end o f the growing season and will cover the control o f the coddling moth and other pests o f the truit and foliage. Accurate comparisons will be kept o f trees nearby and in these orchards, part o f which will re­ ceive only four sprays during the season, while others will receive no spraying. E stacada , O regon . T hursday , J an u a r y 18. 1916 OVER TWO H U N D R E D ATTENDED CASCADE COUNTY DINNER MEETING Similar Meeting To Be Held Next Friday Evening In Estacada That interest in the proposed new county is general through­ out eastern Clackamas was appar­ ent last Friday evening at the regular meeting o f the Farmers’ & Merchants’ Club in Estacada, when over two hundred repre­ sentatives from all parts o f this community joined in the dinner and remained until a late hour listening and taking part in the discussions regarding the propos­ ed Cascade County. Out o f the two hundred or more taxpayers at the gathering, pos- sib y a score were opposed to the movement but at the conclusion o f the meeting, many as these had joined in the popular demand for a home county, with a home government. Even the most rabid antagonist o f county division could not claim the opposition was not allowed a fair chance to present its argu­ ments; for in reality, fully two- thirds of the time was given over to Noah Stingiey, W. Kirchem, Livy Stipp and Joseph Hedges, all of whom were delegated to appear in the interests o f the Oregon City Commercial Club’s opposition. By allowing these men to talk and to talk to their heart’s con­ tent. the cause o f county-division was greatly helped, for not a one was able to advance a sane argument against the movement and as one Eagle Creek convert o f that night said “ They certain­ ly were allowed plenty o f rope to hang themselves and they did a good job.” Since that meeting, enthusiasm in obtaining a division o f the county has reached fever height, with over one hundred men and women devoting part or all of their time to the futher solicita­ tion o f signers to the petitions. As the actual opposition to this movement within the boundaries of the proposed county, repre­ sents less than 10% o f the voters no especial harm can be done the cause. Following the meetings held at the Swede Hill school Mon­ day night and at the Barton school Tuesday night, many o f the local opposers, who had previous­ ly signed remonstrances, signed special petitions reading "W e the undersigned residents and taxpayers, residing within the boundar­ ies o f the proposed new county, called Cascade County, having previously sign­ ed our names to petitions o f remon­ strance against the forn.ation o f said Cascade County, now signify our desire to withdraw from said remonstrance pe­ tition, on having ascertained more cor­ rect information relative to the propos­ ed Cascade County and are now in favor o f the creation o f said new county, by an act o f the Legislature.” The knowledge among the tax­ payers of this part of the county, and the large majority o f voters are heavy taxpayers, that the opposition is entirely confined to the Oregon City Commercial Club, which organisation is hiring re­ monstrance solicitors, has proved an insult to the local people and has done more good than harm, for the division cause. On next Friday evening, an­ other public dinner-meeting under the auspices o f the Farmers’ & Merchants’ Club will be held at the 1. O. 0. F. Hall in Estacada, to which all are invited. Dinner will be served at 7 P. M. and will be in charge o f the Ladies Aid o f the Christian Church and i f the dinner served by these ladies is as good as that served by the Ladies Aid pf the M. E. Church last Friday, all will be more than satisfied. Reservations for the 35cdinner at this meeting must be made at once to either Dr. Lee A. Wells or Bert Byers o f Estacada. being the committee in charge. Parties not able to attend the dinner are cordially invited to at­ tend the meeting following, when the final reports on the division movement will be presented. All petitions, now in *he hands of solicitors must be turned in to R. M. Standish. Secy. Cascade County Committee, not later than Friday evening, $1. P er Y ear Parent-Teacher Ass’n. Notes Contributed The regular January meeting o f the Parent-Teacher Ass’n. was held Thursday afternoon, Jan. 11, in the High School assembly room. Dr. Morse was to address the Association on the subject “ Med­ ical Inspection of Schools” , but an urgent call prevented his at­ tendance. Captain Slover, of Portland was prevailed upon to speak and gave a short talk along the line of the subject for the afternoon, showing now " w e shape the destinies o f the coming generation” Mrs. Devore spoke briefly set­ ting forth the need of Medical Inspection in schools. This subject will come up for further discussion and investi­ gation at a later date. The musical numbers, consist­ ing of a song by the E. H. S. Glee Club followed by an encore, a solo with guitar accompaniment by Mr. Miller of Portland, added much to the enjoyment o f the a f­ ternoon. The next meeting o f the As­ sociation will be held in the High School Thurday afternoon Jan. 25. at which time Dr. DeBusk of the University o f Oregon will give an address. This will be a real treat and everyone should plan on being present I f there are any o f us non-auto­ owning people, who envy our luckier brothers, it has not been since the division movement start­ ed, for every autoowner has gone out o f his or her way and stayed out until the small hours o f early morning, operating free jitney service to help along the county division work, and with gasoline at top price too. Horner Bros, truck alone handled over 30 boosters last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Tenn.v of Springwater will entertain Thurs­ day evening, the 18th, at a fare­ well party in honor of Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Aue. to which all friends are invited.