Walter Givens Harry C. Reid - Fred Bartholomew * Editor in Chief Advertising Mgr. • Bouneer THE WEEKLY * oosting B V » Devoted to the stimulation of civic and community pride - the patronizing of home industries - and the boosting of the W. Givens Company, Incorporated. pirit * Vol. 1 No. 6 ' January 11, 1917 POTATOES — — Estacada, Or. WANTED I The market is again quite firm on potatoes and we are buying in any quantity. The is no doubt but that the market will go even higher, but to those who are ready to sell, we will handle all that you have. At the time of going to press the price is $1.75 per cwt. for good white potatoes, from three inches up, free from more than two knots, cuts and bruises. Early Rose potatoes are worth $1.50. Prices subject to change without notice. LIVESTOCK We shipped another car of cattle and hogs yesterday and for the latter we paid top of $9.75 which we think is a pretty fair price, but at the present time there is every indication that hogs will go much higher between now and April 1st, and we would advise all those having young stock to begin feeding at once and be ready for the high market which will prevail for the next 60 or 90 days. Beef stuff is also very high and will go still higher. We expect to ship again in two weeks and will be glad to have you advise us if you have either hogs or cattle which you are contemplating disposing of at that time. BEET PILP We still have a limited supply of D R I E D B E E T P U L P , which we are selling at $27.00 per ton, but at the rate it is going it will soon be a thing of the past. Better get your orders in new before the supply is gone. 1 We have been pretty busy the past week assisting in some matters of a public nature, aside from the interests of THE WALTER GIVENS COMPANY, therefore the Boosting Spirit has been neglected, and our only apol- ogy is this that while we are still selling— é G ro c e r ie s, Flour, F eed Poultry Supplies and Sundry Lines AND WE ARE ALSO T R Y I N G TO A ENCOURAGE ESTACADA ENTERPRISES 4