Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 04, 1917, Image 5

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r o t e c t your home industry by lending your support in helping
us fill our large orders for the 1917 season.
e f u s e d orders for berries for next summers delivery aggregate more than
10 cars at this earlv date. Are you going to allow this condition to exist?
u r success and ability to stay in the game, depends greatly upon
your co-operation, and developments.
e v e r a 1 years ago the fact seemed apparent that a cannery was needed.
We are earnestly trying to fill this need. W hat part are you taking?
r o f i t s have averaged over $ 1 0 0 per acre in berries, one grower cleared
$75 on '{ acre patch. You have this same opportunin before you.
R e a l i z e
n d e a v o r to get a field ready for this spring for fruits or vegetables W e
will contract now for 5 or 10 years in advance. Our prices are higher on
the average than any other factory on the coast.
e s p o n d to this call, now, why wait? Ask for our fruit and vegetable
list. Get in touch with us by phone or postal.
R. C. Deming Packing Compang
El w ood Item s
Miss Nouna Vallen of Oregon
City spent the holidays at the
parental home.
Mr. Wentz of Portland, visited
a few days at the home of his
step-son, George Harrison and on
his return, was accomp«tiled by
his little grandaugh er vl/rtle.
Mrs. Susan Lankin and son of
Cle Elum, Wash., is visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Park.
Chris Bittner was taken serious­
ly ill the first of last week and on
Friday was taken to a Portland
hospital, where he is reported to
be improving.
D em oy C o n sid e rin g C a n a d a
A. Demoy of Estacada, who
last week resigned as Rural
Carrier on Rome 1, is now con­
sidering locating with his family
in Alberta, Canada and Mr. De­
moy is contemplating making a
prelimary visit about April next.
While the many freinds of Mr.
and Mrs. Demoy wish them only
the success which they deserve,
yet they naturally hope that con­
ditions wi l l be found in Al­
berta, which will result in their
remaining in this community,
where they have always taken
a leading part in the religious,
social, educational a n d civic ac­
Hounds and Hunters Kill Coyotes
Jewelry and Silverware
Is what every one wants
Is what I Sell and
Is what you yet in value received
If you buy it of
F. E. B E C K W I T H
Your Home Jeweler
Watch Repairing A Specialty
The New Years dance at the
Two new attractive bungalows
George Club was a big success, are being built at Eagle Creek,
with the festivities lasting until the new homes being on the F.
the small hours of Tuesday morn­ F. Fuch's and B. Maffie places.
The December Honor Roll of
A. party of young people, com­ the Viola School includes Norma
posed o f Rose Jannsen of and Bruce Randolph, Stanley
George, Vernon Schmidt, Guy Ficken, Anita Kopp, Francis
Grable and Mr. and Mrs. Howell Cummin, Harry and Amy Mat-
of Springwater, made a three toon and Leslie Hamilton.
days motor trip to Sheridan last
Fred Bannister of Estacada
week, where they visited at the
returned last week from a short
A. D. Schmidt home.
trip to Seattle.
Forester Herman Wallace of
Word was received Wednes­
Currinsville and A. G. Ames of
Estacada are planning to leave day of the death of the baby
within a few day for the Oak daughter o f Mr. a n d Mrs.
Grove Ranger Station, where Charles Horger of Portland. Mrs.
they will hunt and trap for a few Horger was formerly Miss Helen
Klinker of George.
For the past two weeks great
sport has been enjoyed by some
of the Garfield farmers, headed
by Frank Thomas and the Craw­
ford brothers, in the hounding
and shooting of coyotes, many of
which have come down from the
mountains into t h e adjoining
farming sections.
Already a half dozen have been
killed, although every animal pur­
sued by the hounds has not suc­
cumbed to a bullet, as one speedy
animal escaped fifteen shots in a
Similar sport is being enjoyed
by some of the hunters from up­
per Eagle Creek, with at one
time, two packs of hounds, one
from Eagle Creek and one from
Garfield, having chased their
quarries to within a mile of Esta­
Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Wright of
were hosts at a Watch Party,
held New Years Eve.
A b stra cts e ia m in e d . C o rp o ra tio n Law.
F in an cial A gents. T r u s t s , Escrow s a n d
A ccounts. E s ta te s p ro b a te d . CoUec-
tlo n s, D eeds, M ortgages.
G eneral
practice in all c o u rts . C o rresp o n d en ce
solicited. P ro m p t a tte n tio n . B ank
references. Fourteenth year.
Mosessohn & Mosessohn
714-715-71$ C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e B i d »