Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 04, 1917, Image 4

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    Editor in Chief
Walter Givens
Advertising Mgr.
Fred Bartholomew
Harry C. Reid
_____________________________ mi.
Vol. 1
No. 5
J a n u a ry 4, -HTttT
Estacada, O r.
Beet Pulp
The Editor’s Gossip
That new express body on our
Delivery Machine is the work of
our neighbors, Sam Barr and fa­
We have been able to secure another car of Beet Pulp at the
same price as the one three weeks ago.
It will be here the last of this week. The price is J27. per
ton and we are booking orders now, subject to 2 % discount for
cash. Order yours today.
On Wednesday, the 10th, we
plan to ship a carload of livestock .
and if you have any hogs for sale j
let us know, so we can call and ;
see them.
On the 17th we expect to ship j
cattle and hogs, so make your |
reservations now if you w a n t
“ Bossy” to take a nice ride on
the choo-choo cars-
There is certainly going to be j
some excitement tomorrow night
at the Farmers’ and Merchants’
Club meeting and you wont get
the real inside dope unless you
The Most Important Matter |
that has reached this neck-of-the- I
woods in years, turned up Tues­
day and it will be presented, dis­
cussed and cussed at this meet- |
ing. It means money in your
pocket hook, so you be among
those present.
Devoted to the stimulation of civic and
community pride - the patronizing of
home industries - and the boosting of
the W. Givens Company, Incorporated.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * + + + + ♦ + +
Stock Tonic
We have received a shipment of Dr. Hess’ Stock Tonic this
week, which rounds out our lines, so we are in a position to supply
any of your wants in that direction.
+ ♦ + + + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Beef Scrap
= 3 -
Our friend Moxley from Morrow Station says we can quote
j him as saying - “ If you want your hens to lay in winter, feed Beef
Scrap. ”
We know from the number of eggs he is getting, that he is
in a position to know whereof he speaks.
+ + + + + + + + >* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The last time we shipped hogs, j
Walt rushed into the store to use j
the phone. His derby hat, cov­
ered with mud from the stock- j
yards, he gallantly tipped to a i
lady customer and apologized for
smelling like a hog pen.
She smiled and replied sweetFy
“ I did not notice anytning out I
of the ordinary, Mr. Givens. ”
We overheard Fred, ( he’s our
miller), telling o u r electrician
other day, that he was always '
down stairs when he started up.
(We presume he meant, when he
started up the motor.)
If you have not one of our new
calendars, ask for one.
Sell Us Your Produce
We are in the market for Potatoes, Onions, Cabbages, Par­
snips, Chickens, Eggs, Small White Beans or No. 1 Dried Prunes,
and we are in a position to pay top prices.
+ + * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Hogs & Cattle Wanted
As we are now averaging a carload shipment of livestock
per week, keep us posted of what you have for sale now and when
you expect to be ready later.