Alspaugh ’Appenings Contributed Mrs. Fred Ely and children of Morgan, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. George Douglass and daugh­ ter o f Portland, spent Christmas at the home o f their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dowty. Miss Echo Githens, who has been teaching at Morgan, is at home for the holidays. Bert Palmateer o f Morgan, has been visiting friends and rela­ tives in this vie nity. Among the Christmas guests at the John Githens home were Guy McDonough o f Kelso, Wash- , ington, Bert Palmateer o f Mor­ gan, Oregon, Miss Alta Sarver and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beers. Mr. Wright, the foreman o f the wood-camp on the Edgar Heiple place, spent Christmas in Port­ land and while absent hopes to employ more wood-cutters for the job. Mrs. Ed Still has been on the sick list. J. W. Dowty and John Githens have been bothered by owls lately and owing to the high price of ammunition, are attempting to scare away the marauders by means o f lanterns hung in the nearby trees. John isn’ t sure whether an owl can catch a trout or not, but he is praying for cold weather, so that his trout pond o f pet fish will be protected with a thick coat o f ice. Eagle Creek Notes Contributed It Is The Price Which Counts Compare these with others Mt Angel Oak ’ ’ ’ Axe Handles - Maddock Handles Peevie ’ - Plow Beams - - - 25c 25c 50c (This line o f articles is manufactured from Oregon oak, at Mt Angel, Oregon—we believe in handling Oregon made goods.) COUNTRY B A C O N extra fine- per pound 25c COTTON BATS Portland price $2 Our price $1.50 Special After Christmas Prices On T O Y S . We wish you A Happy and Prosperous New Year Park & Closner Broadway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon Every Farmer Needs Accurate, Reliable Scales Are you equipped with such weighing device now? All right, I have taken the agency for the Fairbanks Genuine Scales which are recognized the world over as the best “ FOR IF IT IS WEIGHED ON A FAIRHANKS, THERE IS NO A R G U M E N T." Call and inspect one. Each scale perfectly equipped with steel to steel bearings, arrow tip beam; large platform and wide wheels. ESTACADA PRICES: C. C. M iller $15 for 500 lb. capacity—$18 for 1,000 lb. size. Plumbing—Steam Fitting—Tinning Garfield Gleanings Contributed Miss Gertrude Gee o f Spokane Wash., is the guest o f Miss Eliza- betn Reid for the holidays. Messrs Crawford and Thomas killed a coyote in the woods hack o f the Trapp ranch, on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Whitcomb spent Christmas with relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Botkin and Miss Whiting spent the Christ- week end with relatives in Port­ land. The guests at the I. D. Wright home in Estacada on Christmas were, Mr. and Mrs. Will T. Wright Mrs. Harriett Halley and child­ ren and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Downing o f Portland. Phil and Ed Steinman o f Cur- rinsville and Ernest Duus o f Gar­ field, who are working in the Pa- louse Valley in Washington, are spending the holidays at home. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Boylan and family o f Estacada moved last week to Bend, Oregon, where they will make their future home Mrs. H. V. Adix and children o f Estacada are spending the holidays among relatives in Port­ land. I sn ’ t T his L ogical ? T h a t no profit can be made on the sale o f an article of J e w e l r y , until all expenses incident to the sale are deducted, is the natural sup­ position isn’ t this correct? A /o w consider the higher the expense o f a jeweler, the higher the selling price o f an ar­ ticle o f jewelry must be. F u rth e r you are aware that my expenses in operating a jewelry establishment in Estacada are nothing as compared with the big jewelry houses in Portland and other cities. S o - which one of us can make the quickest profit on a sale? can o f course! T h a t is why I am asking you to let me quote you prices on any article o f jewelry, before you purchase elsewhere. 1 do not have the heavy expense o f carrying a big stock, but 1 have the catalogs and can furnish you any article at a saving to you and with a fair prof­ it to me and 1 guarantee satisfaction. C onsider this now before you do your Christ­ mas buying and let’s get together and inciden­ tally keep the home dollar in home circulation. F. E. B eckwith The Jeweler Estacada, Oregon The Christmas entertainment at the school-house Friday even­ ing, was a success and much en­ joyed by the audience. After the program a few baskets were sold; H. S. Gibson acting as auc­ tioneer. There were also lunches sold to those not buying a basket the receipts o f the evening being $14.25. Miss Kennedy wishes to have the school house and grounds fixed, so the school can be stan­ dardized. Ed Burnett, o f Portland, was recently an Eagle Creek visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and daughter, Rena, were the Christ­ mas guests o f the latters’parents, Mr. and Mrs. M oehnkeof Logan. Mrs. Viola Douglass was the guest o f her daughter, Mrs. H.S. Jones, o f Portland, over Christ­ mas. Miss Vero Beckett spent Christ­ mas with her folks on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass, and daughters, Misses Mildred and Florice, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus, o f Garfield. Mrs. Will Douglass has gone to Stevenson, Wash., to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney. George Chester, and sister, Miss Helen, returned home last Friday from Molalla, where they had been staying for some time. R. S. Clark and son, Carl, who have been working during harv­ est in Eastern Oregon, have re­ turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Baker, and daughter, Lola, spent Christmas in Portland. C o u rte s y and W o rk. When I want to find fault with mv men I say nothing when I go through their department!*. If I were satisfied I would praise them. My silence hurts them more than anything else in the world, and It doesn’t give «flfense. It makes them think and work harder. Many men tail because the. do not see the Importance of being kind and courteous to the men under them. Kindness to everybody always pays for Itself. And, besides. It Is a pleasure to I k * kind. I have seen men lose Im­ portant positions, or their reputations —which are more Important than any position—by little careless discourte­ sies to men whom they did not think it was worth while to be kind to.— Charles M. Schwab In American Mag azine. A B it in g Se n tim e n t. You have to t*e careful even about l>aying compliments. Hill Mixer, who used to write ads. for u tobacco house, got himself in had when he started writing copy for a butter concern and wrote “Guaranteed not to bite the tongue."— Bos; Globe. A R eal A u to cra t. "Here’s the photograph o f a famous maitre d’liotel. He has a stern and haughty look.*" “ Hasn’t he. though? I dare say that fellow wouldn't u t'iend for any tip less than a $100 bill." Birmingham Age- Herald.