Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 28, 1916, Image 4

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    Walter Given»
Harry C. Reid
Editor irj Chief
Advertising Mgr.
Freni Bartholomew
No. 4
the (jatroniiing of
home industries - and the housting of
the W. (iivvns Coni|wui\, lncor(iorated.
Vol. 1
Dt-voted lu Ihr stimulation of civic and
community prkle
Estacada, Or.
December 28, 1916
That Health, Peace and Prosperity may be the lot of each
of our friends for the New Year - is our wish.
The Editor’s Chaff
5 Things We Have Tried To Do
During 1916
We congratulate our friends of
the Garfield G r a n g e upon the
We have tried to please every
success o f their Xmas exercises, patron o f our store, whether big
and only regret that press o f bus­ or little.
iness prevented our being pres­
We have tried to give a square
deal to all.
We are sure every boy and girl
We have tried to be charitable
appreciated the genuine X m a s
toward those who have differed
spirit manifested by C. R. Lovell
from us in a business way.
Be it resolved by every
and daughters o f Currinsville, in
We have tried to have a part in member o f the Walter Givens
the furnishing o f the Christmas
treat at the Christian Church on every undertaking that has been Company, that during the
a public benefit to the community. year 1917, we will individu­
Sunday evening.
New Years
Our store enjoyed a visit Sat­
urday from the Misses Adelphine 5 Things We Have Done During
Wiederhold and Molly Ahnert o f
Vancouver, who had spent the
holidays at their respective homes
For every dollar paid us by our
in George. Incidentally they did patrons, we have paid out two
some shopping with us, which we dollars for the products o f the
enjoyed along with their visit.
ally and collectively do all in
our power to make our store
better serve th e interests o f
our patrons, than in 1916.
L e t the Howlers Howl.
And the Growlers Growl,
And the Knockers Knock it —
For after the Night.
There is always Light,
And it Pays to Trade with Us,
And You Know It.
A n o t h e r * carload o f hogs
and cattle was shipped by us last
Wednesday, from the Estacada
Stock Yards.
Advise us what
you have to sell for next time.
Do you know
that it is
an OFFENSE to sell as fresh any
That our three aims shall EGGS that have been W a t e r
be Quality, Value and Ser­ G l a s s e d or preserved in L i m e
vice and our goal a realiza­
We have been satisfied with a tion o f our slogan, ^4 Satisfi­
One o f our good (leorge friends
in commenting on the Boosting gross profit o f 15 % on our sales, ed Customer is the Best Ad­
Spirit said, “ We are thinking o f believing that a gross profit o f vertisement.
thought the B o o s t i n g
discontinuing the News and tak­ more than 15% is unfair to a ru­
S p i r i t was somewhat modest
ing two copies o f the B. S. ” We ral trade.
in its assertions, but judging by
thank them.
We have given 2% discount on
some insinaations last week, we
are reminded o f Irish Patrick on
Have you noticed the improve- all cash purchases, thereby reduc­
a seagoing ship.
• ments made on the E s t a c a d a ing our gross profit to 13 % and
Pat met the first mate on deck
Stock Yards by our friends of the! have made a sufficient profit on
one evening just after the lights
P. R. L. & P. Co ? Bring your this basis to enable ns to enlarge
were lighted and the mate said,
cattle and hogs now, we can han- j both our store and our warehouse
room and plan greater things for
die them.
“ Pat, as soon as the passengers
the New Year.
are asleep, I want you to go to
Will the cheese factory become i We have been to considerable
No. 34 and take that dead man
a reality? We believe it possible expense to find a market for all
and put weights o n him a h d
but only as you give it your indi­ o f the products o f tj?e farm, but
throw him overboard.”
vidual support, Mr. Dairyman. have done this gladly, believing
‘ ‘ All right,” says Pat.
Come down to the meeting Friday- that the rural residents have a
night and let’s talk it over.
perfect right to sell what they
proached Pat and angrily said,
“ I thought I told you to throw
What’ s your cream check? No have to sell, where they buy :
(In Bulk)
that stiff in No. 34 overdoard. ”
matter what it is, it can be im­ what they have to buy.
proved by feeding Molasses and
We have hustled and labored
"3 4 , ” exclaimed Pat. “ Why
Beet Pulp. Better order yours for whatever success has been
I thought you said 24 and the fel­
now to last until the grass comes ours and realize we have made
low in 24 said he was’ nt dead but
again, as the price wont hold long many mistakes and have decided 1
he was such a liar I did’ nt believe
at #27. per ton.
to profit by them in the future.
We hold the
Exclusive cogency
H e in z
Sour* Spiced
Preserved Sweet
and Dills