Taxpayers Make Big Donations Under our- Profit Sharing Plan every Cash Purchaser will receive Profit Sharing Tickets to the full value of their purchases. Those trading on 30 days time, if the account is paid in full on or before the 10th of the following month, will receive profit shar­ ing tickets to the value of Vi the amount of their purchases. In protection to our Profit Sharing Customers, we will have to refuse further credit to anyone whose account is not paid by the 20th of the month. When at our store, let us explain in full detail the value and profit that will ac­ crue to you by becoming a Profit Sharing Customer. East Clackamas Supply J Co. E stacad a, Oregon. That spirit of liberality and wil­ lingness to do more than their share, which has characterized the taxpayers in many of the road districts in this part of the coun­ ty and which is today resulting in miles of good roads, is exemplified now in the attitude of the resi­ dents of the Douglass Ridge sec­ tion of Upper Eagle Creek. Under the leadership of A. N. Orke. a petition is being circulat­ ed asking for contributions, either cash or volunteer labor, in the building of the Douglass Hill Road. This petition is meeting with a ready response from all, with nearly each individual do­ nation amounting to $25. As it will take about $3000 to place this Important highway in proper condition and as about $050 of the $1800 raised by the special 5 mill levy in the Eagle Creek district, will go towards this work, it is likely that enough funds can be gotten this year to about half way complete the im­ provement. As this road is an important trade artery leading from the up­ per hill country into Eagle Creek and E s t a c a d a , contributions should be forthcoming from bus­ iness firms, who are interested in directing this important trade into Estacada. City To Repair Its Share D iaraali and G ladstone. Mr. S haw Leslie, an Irish a u th o r, tells th e follow ing: “My g r a n d fa th e r w itn e sse d a n effect­ ive piece o f play In th e house d u rin g a duel b etw e e n D israeli a n d G ladstone. D u rin g a h e a te d flight o f o ra to ry G la d ­ sto n e u p se t som e pens on th e ta b le be tv«een them . D israeli rose and. callin g a tte n tio n to th e fact, slow ly replaced th e m one by one. T h e effect of G la d ­ sto n e ’s sp eech w as lest by th e tim e D israeli had finished.” S peak in g o f D ickens an d T h a c k e ra y . Mr. L eslie sa y s: “ My g r a n d f a th e r recalled th e lu d i­ c ro u s in c id e n t w h ich b ro u g h t th e m to ­ g eth er. As th e y both le ft th e A th e ­ naeum . u n k n o w n to each o th e r they seized th e sa m e h at. T h e effect w as lud icro u s en o u g h to a p p e a l even to pro­ fessional h u m o rists, a n d th ey shook h a n d s .” M asons hold A n n u a l B a n q q e t i I ; i On Friday evening, following the installation of officers at the lodge room3, the Estacada Mason­ ic Order and the Order of the Eastern Star held a banquet at the Hotel Estacada, at which all members and friends were prsent. As a token o f esteem, the brother Masons presented to the retiring Grand Master, Fred Rob- ley, a beautifully hand-wrought jeweled emblem, this delicate in­ signia having been made by F. E. Beckwith, the Estacada jewler. J In a canvass made by the Street & Public Property Committee of the Estacada City Council last week of the sidewalks of the town, a discouraging condition was con­ fronted, with block after block of sidewalks, which will have to be condemned. In fact with few ex­ ceptions, the board walks of the city will have to be rebuilt, rather than repaired. The committee also carefully investigated the city’s walks, cross-walks and approaches and will at once have the public prop­ erty put into proper condition and work on the Main St. incline has already been completed. Kindergarten For Estacada It is hoped that a sufficient number pupils can be gotten to­ gether to warrant the starting of a kindergarten in Estacada this year. Miss Roberta Reid of Garfield, who is an experienced kindergart­ ener and instructor in the Monte- ssori methods has expressed a wil­ lingness to open a kindergarten, if ten pupils can be obtained. Mrs. C. W. Devote is now tak­ ing up the matter with parents and already has the promise of part of the required number. As it is planned to have the kindergar­ ten conducted in the new base­ ment of the M. E. Church, this primary instruction should be wel­ come to both parents and pupils. Road Markers C om ing Charley Duncan, Supervisor of the Garfield Road District is as excited these days as any kid with expectations of a Christmas present, for Judge Anderson in the role of Santa Claus has prom­ ised to deliver within a few days the road markers and other high­ way signs, ordered several months ago. After these signs are located, autoists will know just when to toot their horns, when to slow down, which road to take and when to throw into low. Similar markers will be erected in all road districts in the county and will act as a first class adver­ tisement for the community. D ifficult F eat. T w o b o y s stood In fro n t o f th e e n ­ tra n c e g a te o f a fo o tb all field. T h e y had no m oney, b u t th e y w e re d e te r ­ m ined to o u tw it th e g a te k e e p e r so m e ­ how a n d g et in a n d se e th e m m e . T h ey su g g e ste d sc h em e a f te r « 1 ’e 'iie to one a n o th e r, a n d finally th e <>.dcr boy sa id : “ I g o t It n o w ! W e'll w a lk In hack - w a rd , a n d h e'll th in k w e 're co rn in ' o u t.”—E x ch an g e. Not C atch in g . M rs. N o u v eau It! h e —W illie, I d o n 't w a n t to see you p lay w ith th e Sling*- b y -S m y th e's d o g a g a in . W illie D itto — W hy n ot. inn 7 M rs. X. I t . - T h e d o g is p ed ig reed , th e y snv. a n d th e re 's n o te llin g w h en it m n v h a v e m io tlier fit o f th e m .—N ew Y ork rjlolie. In Closing The Y ear-» 1916 We wish to sincerely thank our many friends and patrons for their liberal support and patronage during the past twelve months and in wishing you one and all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year we do so with the hopes that our relations during 1917 may be as pleasant and profitable as they have in the past and we will further strive to conduct our business, so that it will not only be a convenience to deal with your home merchant but so as to effect a saving to you. B E R T H. FI NCH HARDWARE—SPORTING GOODS TOYS—SILVERWARE-CUTLERY E sta c a d a , - O r eg o n