E. H. S. Echoes Contributed Most of the students have fully recovered from the Thanksgiving vacation. The first debate meeting was held Monday December 4th, and sixteen students have begun active work for the tryout on December 15. The E. H. S. has branched out into the industrial club work. This is the most practical of any yet established in the school. Those who have entered the pig project will be the recipients of a free trip to the stock show in Portland, thanks to Mr. Ewing of the P. R. L. & P. Co. “Thompson of the Varsity,” one of the “classiest” college plays on the market will be pre­ sented by the students of the E. H. S. Mar. 17. This is a play with humor, love, honor and romance occupying the most im­ portant roles. The wiring for the lights in the play shed has been put in and the floor will soon be finished, which the boys and girls also will find much more convenient than the pavilion which has heretofore been used for basket-ball. E. W. Bartlett, of Estacada, kindly gave a very instructive talk to the civics class on “Mun­ icipalities and City Government. ” The Three Fishermen Or Who Got the Can Lyrics by John Page Libretto by Milt Marshall OUR STOCK OF * Imported Christmas Toys HAS ARRIVED and will be on display about the first of next week. Bring the children in and let them decide what they want SANTA CLAUS to bring this year. Park & Closner Broadway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon Every Farm er Needs Accurate, Reliable Scales Are you equipped with such weighing device now? All right, I have taken the agency for the Fairbanks Genuine Scales which are recognized the world over as the best “ FOR IF IT IS WEIGHED ON A FAIRBANKS, THERE IS NO ARGUMENT.’’ Call and inspect one. Each scale perfectly equipped with steel to steel bearings, arrow tip beam; large platform and wide wheels. ESTACADA PRICES: C. C. Miller $15 for 500 lb. capacity—$18 for 1,000 lb. size. Plumbing—Steam Fitting—Tinning Is Your Watch on the Beckw ith The Jeweler Can Repair It ESTACADA, Card of Thanks We Carry the MOST COMPLETE LINE of Groceries In Town. O ur S ock Is REPLENISHED FRESH DAILY. We Guarantee That YOU WILL COME AGA.N if You Give Us a Call. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST ADVERTISERS. Estacada Home Bakery G. H. Lichthom. Prop. We wish to express our thanks and appreciations to our many friends for the beautiful floral of­ ferings and great kindness shown during the loss of our loved one, husband and father. Mrs. Cassie Epperson and family, Du fur, Or. A new plank sidewalk will soon be constructed in front of the Estacada Post Office on Main Street, the work being held up for a few days until the council decides whether the new walk shall be built on the old or new street grade. The attendance at Monday’s Taxpayers' Meeting in Estacada was slightly reduced, owing to the road work going on in the Currinsville District 4 , where several carloads of gravel were spread on the main road from the Milt Marshall place towards the Upton corner, the gravel being hauled from the cars at Estacada. OREGON Conrad Krigbaum of Garfield last week purchased a Ford tour­ ing car through the agency of the Estacada Garage. Also th e Garage delivered to Ben S. Pat­ ton a Ford touring car, replacing his runabout. It remains for Ed. Boner of Estacada to land the handsomest rainbow trout of the season, when last Saturday he caught a 20 inch one in the race below the River Mill Dam. LAWYERS A b stra c ts exam ined. C o rp o ra tio n Law . F in a n cia l A gents. T r u s ts , Escrow s and A ccounts. E s ta te s p ro b a te d . Collec­ tio n s , D eeds, M ortgages. G eneral practice In all c o u rts . C o rresp o n d en ce solicited. P ro m p t a tte n tio n . B ank references. F o u r t« « n lh year. ____ LOANS PLACED ON PORTLAND PROPERTY Mosessohn & Mosessohn ns.ns.ns o C h a m b e r • * C o m m e r ç a B ld » PORTLAND. OREGON Q * * Three men of Estacada, On a cold winter’s day Went to the creek a fishing, Just to pass the time away. Milt, he took his jitney, Cause the way was damp and long; And as he wanted company, Took Bob and John along. At last they reached the Falls And with skill th at’s known to man. Drew forth the speckled beauties, But Bob, he caught a can. Ye Gods and little fishes, More news to you I ’ll tell; You should have seen Bob’s blushes, When he said “ Boys don’t you tell.” (Editor's Note) Since the above ditty was contri­ buted to these columns, the three fisherm en made a repeat trip to the Falls, with the result that Ye Editor landed two big salmon and the poets each caught a little undersized irout. George District Votes 10 Mill Tax As usual, the enterprising tax­ payers of George Road District No. 9 at their annual meeting last Friday, voted a ten mill special tax and unanimously re­ tained Fred Lins as supervisor. This special tax amounting to about $1650 will be spent in grav­ eling and grading the main road, known as the Chris Anderson Road. The upper Eagle Creek district voted a 5 mill tax and elected W. H. Douglass as supervisor. On the same day, a meeting was held in Barton Road Dist­ rict No. 58, where the appropria­ tion for a special tax was voted down. Many farmers from this part of the county are this week at­ tending the Livestock Show at the Portland Union Stock Yards, including a number of the school boys, the latter going as guests of Mgr. Frank Ewing of the Ag­ ricultural Department of the P. R. L. & P. Co. On Thursday, a special rate of 75c round trip was made by the railway people from Estacada and nearby points. A baby girl arrived at the Will Closner home in Estacada, Fri­ day morning, December 1st. Mother and daughter are report­ ed to be getting along finely.