Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 30, 1916, Image 6

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    ►--------■-------------------------------------------------------------------- o
And now the hat is being pass­
ed among the automobile owners
Published every Thursday at [ to raise a few more dollars to
The Bank Is Safer Than the Stove.
Estacada, Oregon
complete the graveling of the
K. M. Standish,
Editor and Manager
¡ lower end of the Boring Hill
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada,
; Road.
Oregon, as second-class mail.
First, it is general taxes, then
S ubscription R ates
One year
$1.00 I special taxes and still some of us
Six months
.50 are lucky who do not own an
Thursday, November 30, 1916
It is no more than fair and right
that Eastern Clackamas should
receive its share of the County’s
1917 hard-surfaced roads, es­
pecially as this rural section has
always taken the lead in voting
Space will not permit of the special road taxes.
chronicling of a list of the many
So let’s go out and ask for it at
blessings, that we of Eastern the coming Annual County Bud­
Clackamas County, State of Ore­ get Meeting.
gon, United States of America,
Within a short time, the tax­
have to be thankful for, at this
CARCELY a week goes bv that the newspapers don’t print
payers of the City of Estacada
Thanksgiving season.
a story of some foolish housewife who thoughtlessly
We all know that we have pass­ are going to be asked to vote a
started a lire in the stove where she had stored away the
bond issue to build a new high
savings of a lifetime. Money placed in a stove or in a
ed through a year of many bless­ school building.
teapot or under a carpet does not draw interest. It is not safe
ings, in a land of peace and
This needed improvement to
from thieves. It is not safe from fire. Money deposited in a hank
plenty; in a locality of unexcelled the Estacada Schools is already
draws interest. The steel vaults in our hank are impervious to
climate; free from disease and being agitated and it should meet
fire and thieves. Bunk your money with us.
war; surrounded by the best of with the approval of every tax­
friends and neighbors and with payer and if for no other reason
that to increase local real estate
Ask us for one of our Home Savings Banks
all indications pointing towards values.
a 1917 season of prosperity.
Such a bond issue, would mean
a mill or two more taxes each
How much money are you year, amounting to 50c or $1 pet-
willing to donate towards the year more assessment on a city
building of an armory at Oregon lot, now assessed at about $50.
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
Wont this increase be a wise in­
Irwin D. Wright, Cashier
vestment, when it is realized that
You can best answer this every piece of ground in Esta­
question by attending the com­ cada will be worth at least 25 %
ing meeting of the Eastern Clack­ more, the minute an up-to-date ¡
amas Taxpayers’ League, at Esta­ high school building is erected?
cada, Monday afternoon, Decem­
ber 4th and later by attending
the Annual County Budget Meet­
ing at Oregon City, on December Bible School 10 A. M.
Offering to DISCOUNT my goods to get your
Preaching Services each Lord’s
business, neither am I offering PRIZES
Day at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
to induce you to buy my merchandise, nor
Some satisfaction may be gain­ Choir Practise Tuesday evenings
am 1 throwing out any BAIT’S to catch you
at the church.
ed by those who feel that the
(and for which YOU must eventual’y pay ).
The public is most cordially in­
past presidential election did not
vited to worship with us.
go to suit them, by reflecting that G. L. Drill
W. Givens
the next Legislative Assembly of
of the State of Oregon, will com­
prise 79 Republicans, 9 Dem­
Preaching Services every Sunday
ocrats and 2 Independents, in the
still offering you HONEST goods at a
at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
LIVING price and the same courteous
two houses.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
treatment and prompt service that has
Secretary of State, Ben W. 01- Prayer Meeting at 7:30 every
always distinguished this s ore and made it
cott has this week issued a valu­
Thursday evening.
able compilation, relative to the Young Peoples’ Endeavor League
The Popular Grocery Of The City
Xwenty-Ninth Legislative As­
meets every other Sunday at
We solicit your valued patronage under these conditions.
sembly of the State of Oregon,
6:30 P. M., with the League
containing the names and ad­
meetingon alternate Sundays at
$1.00 worth of merchandise for 100 cents
dresses of all senators and re­
the Estacada Christian Church.
presentatives, with other data. All are invited to attend divine
services with us.
This assembly, which convenes
Rev. Henry Spiess, Pastor.
at Salem, January 8th will a t-'
Estacada, Oregon
tract state wide attention and
every voter should have for re­
Advise Me What You Have For Sale
ference, the altove mentioneil
compilation, which probably can!
be obtained from the Secretary
of State for the asking.
Eastern Clackamas News
Estacada State Bank
I Am Not
But I Am
L. A. Chapman
The county division or county
annexation faction from the
southern part of the county has
already had a delegate in this
community, attempting to ascer­
tain the local sentiment on the
division or annexation question.
As a suggestion, let this faction
wait until after the Annual
t'ounty Budget Meeting, when
possibly sentiment may be ex- j
pressed one way or the other.
Wanted by Portland Union Stock Yards expert buyer, who will visit this section, as often as is nec­
So advise us what you have for sale.
As to the HOG BUYING, it will be conducted as always by
The Man Who H u Helped T.i Build Up The Local Livestock Industry.