Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 30, 1916, Image 4

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Imported Christmas Toys
and will be on display about the first of next week.
Bring the children in and let them decide what they
want SANTA CLAUS to bring this year.
Park & Closner
Electric Lights
On Your Farm
Broadway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon
For Less Than 5 c Per Day.
This is made possible by the installation of the new
Also buying dressed hogs -J-aC below Portland market quotations.
Delco Lighting System
for farms and homes that are not served by the power companies.
If you have any for sale, phone H enry Githens, Currinsville.
E. H. S. Echoes
To Whom it May C oncern:—
We wish to inform the readers of this
column th a t the official editorial staff
of the E. H. S. has decided to tak e a
much needed vacation, and have asked
us to su b stitu te our untrained tale n t
for th eir Huent and exhuberant flow of
j members of Estacada High so
! please don’t mistake us for I. W.
W.’s or Salvation Army en­
thusiasts when you see us wear­
ing our green and white.
1 are only patriotic to our “Good
Old High.”
J. A. Graham
I. M. Wagner
- E. H. S. ’17.
The basket ball season is now
on. The girls will have a school
The Gresham Cannery, which
team this year and with such 1 for two years past has been one
players as Nettie Woodle, Sadye ; of that city’s leading industries,
Wilcox, Josie Harkenrider, Em­ I was last week destroyed by fire.
ma Barr and others we expect to
win every contest.
Lew Palmateer of Garfield re­
turned home last week, after a
The boys expect to make a bet­
four months absence at Morgan,
ter showing than in previous
where he has been em­
Atle Erickson, Clyde
Denny, Herbert Kraush, and
other able men are trying out for
Floyd Spurlin of Sprir.gwater,
the team.
who up to a few months ago was
A report has reached us thru
manager of the Springwater
several of the High School pupils
Store, is leaving this week with
who attended the meeting of the
his family for Corvallis, where
Garfield Grange that Mr. Guthrie,
he will enter the mercantile
unfamilar with chicken dinners,
ate too much, and as a result,
was unable to talk fluently when
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Reid of
called upon by the lecturer and
Garfield are entertaining a num­
retired early because of an attack
ber of friends on Thanksgiving
of indigestion.
Thanksgiving vacation began
A m o n g t h e Thanksgiving
Wednesday afternoon. We con­
guests at the Walter Givens home
sider it a fortunate event as many
in Estacada will be Mr. and Mrs.
of the Ereshies look gaunt and
Jake Hutton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam
weary. They have not become
Sweetland and Mr. and Mrs.
accoustomed to saving for the
Shafer of Portland.
turkeys and pumpkin pie, like
their upper classmen.
C. A. Carothers, a stock man
Fancy steps and snatchy tunes
of Robinette. BakerCounty, Ore­
which might be observed when
gon is visiting at the home of his
the instructor's back is turned
half-brother. S. E. Wooster of
indicate the pupils plan for the
Estacada. In as much as the
brothers had not met for over 29
years, the present visit is an
An attack of arm bands and
especially welcome one.
school pennnts has heseiged the
This Delco Light consists of a gasoline engine, a dy­
namo and switch board combined in one unit, weighing but 325
pounds, exclusive of the storage batteries, which are furnished as
a part of the outfit.
It is a Low Voltage System, ( 32 volts ). as this
saves battery expense, at the same time it is sufficient voltage to
operate light machinery, in addition to furnishing light for the
house, barns and other buildings.
It also enables the use of Standard Lighting Fix­
tures without the slightest danger in handling.
The Gasoline Engine is of the air cooled type, with
no danger of freezing, and being Self-starting, requires only the
closing of a switch which starts the engine and automatically stops
when the batteries are charged.
The Batteries are of the sealed glass jar type and
will not freeze at 20 degrees below zero.
Any number of Lights may be installed up to 50,
as the average farm uses only a few at a time.
The Storage Battery alone will carry 15 twenty-
watt lights for 8 hours, and when the engine is running, will carry
32 twenty-watt lights continuously.
By using the same precaution as on a meter system
the engine need only be run at intervals of perhaps twice a week
to keep the batteries fully charged.
As limited space prevents us giving a full description
of this wonderful system. You Owe It To Yourself to come in
and see it -operate - on exhibition at
Estacada Garage
Estacada, Oregon
Agents for Eastern Clackamas County