T TH E N EW FIRM OF CSb c A L L E N C O M P A N Y Our opening day was a grand success and we wish to thank the many customers for their patronage and trust we may be allowed to continue those business relations, to our mutual profit. IN DEALING WITH US YOU WILL FIND WE ARE EQUIPPED WITH ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE STOCKS OF BUILDING MATERIALS SAND FINISHING LUMBER GRAVEL LIME CEMENT ETC. WE CALL TO YOUR ATTENTION OUR NEW LINE OF — Albers’ Berkshire Hog Feed — the best and cheapest HOG FOOD on the market. WE STILL HAVE A LARGE SUPPLY O F ---- Brilliant Flour—$2.20 per sack— $8.60 per barrel. We guarantee our prices to be as low as the lowest, and coupled with our facilities for prompt deliveries, we respectfully solicit your patronage. Building Materials handled at Lumber Yards——Other Supplies at our Main Street Store. cALLEN ED. ALLEN <& C O M P A N Y MILTON EVANS ESTACADA Grammar Pupils Please Crowd The annual entertainment, given by the pupils of the grades of the Estacada School, last Fri­ day evening at the Boner Theatre, brought out a goodly sized crowd of adoring parents, friends and neighbors of the participants, comprising the majority of Esta- cada’s populace. Much credit is due the patient teachers for the success of the af­ fair, as every number on the pro­ gram, all of which were partici­ pated in by a group of the chil­ dren, was well staged and acted without a hitch. Less evidence of stage fright was apparent among the young­ sters. than often appears when the parents are called upon to face an audience and for clever acts, songs, dances, calisthenics and imitations, the program was one of the best ever held locally. Every performer was well drill­ ed in his or her part, from the Rainbow Dance of the primary tots, to the paniominesof the up­ per grades, with laughs galore furnished by the fake circus, Chinese Hop and other features. J. W. Dowt.v of Alspaugh last week purchased a Ford touring car through the agency of the Estacada Garage. The same agency also report the sale of a Ford touring car to Harold Wooster of Estacada, the larger car replacing the run-about, which has been used in the de­ livery of mail on Rural Route No. 3. LEE BRONSON OREGON. Have your new Second Street Planked Winter Suit Ready for Christmas Order it N O W Measured and Tailored To Fit You and containing all of the style, quality and workmanship that has always characterized International Tailored Clothes Suits $15. and up Call and look over our line of samples. R. G. Marchbank - Estacada, Or. In Trading At The Grabeteria Cash Store You are not paying for* Telephones, Idle Clerks, Deliveries, Book-keeping, O r Lost olccounts. L i {"Penny 51* Lt &>utn