Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 30, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 10, N umbkr 11
E stacada , O regon , T hursday , N ovember 30. 1916
$1. P er Y ear
F u n eral Services for H enry
E pperson H eld T uesday
Tw o D istricts T o Hold M eetings
As usual, the building of good
roads i n Eastern Clackamas
County during 1917 will be con­
tinued and. as usual, the bulk of
the expense will he cared for by
special road taxes, voted directly
by the taxpayers.
On last Saturday, November
25th, all but two of the local
road districts held their annual
meetings and with one exception
voted the levy outlined at the
former budget meetings.
But a small number of taxpay­
ers attended the Estacada meet­
ing, but voted a 10 mill levy,
amounting to about $1700.,
which sum will be largely used
to pay otf outstanding road
warrants, excepting a small
amount to be paid for the plank­
ing of Second Street.
Lower Garfield District No. 10
voted a 7 mill levy, which will
amount to over $2,000. the ma­
jority o' the money to be expend­
ed on'the main road leading from
Ingli^h’s corner through to the
George Armstrong place, known
as the Zion Road.
It was with sorrow that word
was received Saturday last of the
death on Friday evening, Novem­
ber 21th, of Henry Epperson, for
many years a resident of the Gar­
field district.
Mr. Epperson, who for the past
three yea*s had made his home
near Dufur, had been in poor
health for sometime and a week
previous to his death had under­
gone a serious operation at a Port­
land hospital. Owing to his
weakened condition, his remain­
ing strength was not sufficient to
withstand the shock, although
for a day or two hopes were held
out for his recovery.
The deceased was 60 years old,
having been born in Iowa and at
the age of six years, with his
parents immigrated to Oregon,
having resided in this county the
majority of the time since and
leaving behind a host of friends.
Up to within recent years, Mr.
Epperson had always taken a
leading part in the local develop­
ment, being especially instru­
mental in getting the present
railway up the Clackamas Valley,
District No. 49 in upper Gar­
having personally purchased the
field voted its regular 10 mill tax
right-of-way over the majority of
and went on record as favoring
the route.
the appointment of Elmer Davis
The deceased is survived by a
as supervisor, to succeed Ralph
large family and many relatives,
Lemon, who is now working in
among them the widow and seven
the central part of the state.
children, being Mrs. Henry Ep­
This tax will amount to about
person, Calla, John, Eva and
$5,000 and will be expended on
Kate of Dufur; Olin and George
the Davis-Diver, Fall Creek,
Hampton of the same place and
Cecil Hampton of Pendleton.
Rawlins and Kemp-Lemon Roads.
He is also survived by two
The Currinsville district, No.
sisters and three brothers, being
voted a 3 mill tax. amounting
Mrs. R. G. Palmateer of Garfield;
to about $1700., which will be
Mrs. Nancy Myers of Vancouver;
used to improve the Main, Sating,
Marion Epperson of Centralia;
Ira Epperson of Vancouver, B.
Taylor, Steinman and Heiple
C. and George Epperson of Bar­
A 5 mill tax was voted in
A large throng of sorrowing I Springwater
district. No. 33, the
friends and relatives paid their
resulting $3500. or more to lie
last respects to the departed on
placed on the Kahdle-Closner,
Tuesday afternoon, when im­
Reid-Stormer, Shibley and Gen-
pressive funeral services were
Roads and on
held at the Estacada M. E.
the hills near the Kilgore and
Church, Mr. Walter Givens of­
Mahr properties.
ficiating. Interment followed at
Viola district. No, 55 voted the
Lone Oak Cemetery.
full 10 mill tax, amounting to
over $2.000., which will be spent
on the Creason. Oregon City,
Jubb, Hively, Mattoon, Clear
Creek and Portland-Springwater
In Barton district, No. 58, the
meeting voted down a tax, being
the only local district to date
which has failed to vote a special
The annual meetings in Dis­
tricts Nos. 9 and 43, beingGeorge
and Eagle Creek, will take place
November 29th and in the George
district it is likely a full 10 mill,
tax will be voted and altho Eagle
Creek last year made no special
levy, it is hoped that the next
meeting will result in a special
With the exception of a change
in District, No. 49, the present
road supervisors were retained
for the coming year.
According to last year’s statis­
tics, of the 58 road districts in
Clackamas County, 28 of same
voted special taxes, being large­
ly the rural districts, with East­
ern Clackamas districts leading
in the voting of the higher levies.
Statistics also indicate that in
many districts where no special
tax is levied, the county is ex­
pending many thousands of
dollars in building hard-surfaced
highways, which is contrary to
tie rule that the ‘‘Court helps
them that help themselves.”
Business M en M eet a t L unch
The first of the Estacada busi­
ness men’s luncheons was held
Tuesday noon, at Mrs. Adams’
restaurant, where after partak
ing of a fine dinner, several mat­
ters of importance to this com­
munity were discussed.
It has been a hard matter in
the past to keep up interest and
attendance among the Estacada
business men, but the innovation
of having a dinner, luncheon or
supper first, seems to promise a
way to hold the business men to­
Messrs. Givens and Standish
were in charge of Tuesday’s
gathering and Messrs. Wright
and Ewing will take charge of
the next meeting, w hich will oc­
cur within a couple of weeks.
Program Includes Election of Of­
ficers and Discussion of
County Budget
On next Monday afternoon.
December 4th, beginning prompt­
ly at 1:30 o’clock, a meeting of
the Eastern Clackamas Tax­
payers’ League will occur in
Estacada and every taxpayer in
this community is urged to be
Through the courtesy of A. E.
Sparks, the Family Theatre has
been donated for the gathering
and in order to allow of everyone
returning home at an early hour,
the meeting should start prompt­
ly on time.
This league, which during the
year of its existence has done
much good, is not an exclusive
organization or one necessitating
any dues or initiation fees, but
is organized to draw the tax­
payers of this part of the county
into a working unit. Its prin­
cipal objects being the creating
of more interest and knowledge
in local, county and state matters.
For the past year, the officers
have been John C. Miller of Bar­
ton, President; R. M. Standish
of Estacada, Secretary: and Fred
W. Bates of Garfield, Treasurer.
These men have worked hard to
make the league an important
and live factor in community
development and now another
set of men should be electeil to
carry on the work.
This meeting is the most im­
portant of any during the year,
as the annual county budget and
its appropriations will be discus­
sed and the taxpayers of this
part of the county are urged to
go on record for or against such
appropriations as they may de­
sire. This meeting also hopes to
result in obtaining a g<x>dly num­
ber of taxpayers to attend the
annual budget meeting in Oregon
City on December 9th.
Mr. Taxpayer, not only you and
your wife should attend this
meeting, but you should person­
ally aid in having a gtx>d dele­
gation of your neighbors there,
for it is the saving or wasting of
your tax moneys that is involved.