Budget of the City of Estacada, Clackamas County, Oregon, for the year 1917 The Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 21. Clause 3 I o f the City Charter o f the City o f Estacada, and Chapter 234, General Laws o f the State of j Oregon, General Laws for 1913, and Chapter 222, General Laws o f the State o f Oregon, General Laws for 1915, the Common Council o f the City o f Estacada, Clackamas County, Oregon, will at a regular meeting held in the City Hall said City, on November 28th., 1916, at 8 o ’clock P. M. by | Ordinance levy a tax o f five mills, on the property in the City of Estacada, Clackamas County, 1 Oregon, to raise the sum of i money needed, as set out below. Sum o f money needed (estimat­ Invites Your Patronage ed on expenditures for year Oct., 15, 1915toOct., 15.1916). $901.58 The above estimate is Cash Paid For E ggs arrived at as follows: Rent for City Pound, 18.00 Fred Jorg. Proprietor Special Police Sunday Picnics, Fourth o f July Phone Main 83. Broadway and other special occasions 42.50 Estacada, Oregon Printing, 15.61 Miscellaneous, station­ ery, stamps, general labor, Expert Portland care o f animals impound­ ed and not claimed or taken out, etc, 117.70 5c per picture. Developing' 10c per roll. Salary o f Treasurer, 1% Photos o f E H S Football Squad—10c each on all checks drawn on Headquarters for Kodaks and Supplies general fund, (estimated) 11.77 Cigars, Confectionery, Ammunition City Lights, at 18.00 and Fishing Tackle. per month, 216.00 Ed Boners - Estacada Salary o f Recorder, 180.00 Interest on Sewer and Road Bonds, . 300.00 FLOWERS Total, $901.58 We have taken the agency for Amount o f balance on hand at BURKHARL/T’S Portland’s leading Florists Decorators this date, Nov. 1, 1916 $38.31 If at any time you are in need o f cut (low­ There is at this date, Nov. 1, ers, bedding plants, ferns, palms, rosebushes, 1916, outstanding warrants to the blooming plants, perennials or funeral de­ amount of, $597.14 signs, let us order them for you. Valuation o f real and personal Call and look over our price lists, with photos o f floral decorations. property, in corporate limits of the City o f Estacada, $176,637.52 The Estacada Pharmacy Amount to be raised b y tax, $901.58 The ¿tore Amount o f tax allowed by City Charter o f the City o f , Estacada, $.005 Mrs. Alex Botkin o f Garfield is j Amount that a levy o f $.005 visiting among relatives in Port­ ¡will raise, $8M.18 land this week. To balance o f $38.31, Miss Flora Schultz o f Garfield ¡there is to be added the entertained a few friends at a sum o f $338.76, second farewell dinner at her home last ; half o f taxes collected, Sunday. making the sum of, $376.76 There is estimated to be still due the City o f Esta­ cada, as follows, for de­ linquent taxes, the sum of, $102.83 Total. $4 m 0.59 This in being applied to taxing up the warrants outstanding amounting to $597.14, will leave warrants outstanding (not count­ ing the interest o f 6 "•> that said warrants are drawing) of, $116.55 .. J OXCLE B t M A « C O D L O S E R ^ "< C a e o n Palace MEAT j Film Developing and Printing ffio -X C lC L A N Y a man says it's worth losing a five dollar bill to learn about the little chew of W -B G U T . It saves m ore than that on what he spends for tobacco, but the big point is that he has found what tobacco satis­ M faction means. W -B C U T is rick tobacco, there’ s more to it. The shrcHs ami the tou h o f salt bring out tt.e tobacco satislactioa without so . ch chewing and s.’.itting. bT Wr ' ,MtN.Rl: : T r'” r~ The above budget is for general running expenses o f the City of Estacada. only, this fund must not be confused with the Road fund. The Road fund shows warrants outstanding to the amount o f $1522.07, that was in­ curred by the Council during the year June 1914 to June 1915, which are to be taken care o f at the meeting called for Nov. 25, 1916. The above estimate shows that it is imperative that the full $.005 levy must be made, for even with this levy there will be a deficit in the year 1917. By order o f the Common Council. Claude W. Devore, Recorder, o f the City o f Estacada. Dated, November 1, 1916. n TT.,.n e— . . ” .... j . r^ f ;,T Notice for Levy of Additional Road Tax Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned Tax Payers, con­ sisting o f ten per cent o f the Tax Payers in Road District No. 9, Clackamas County. Oregon, here­ by give notice to the Tax Payers o f said Road District No. 9, that there will be a meeting o f the Tax Payers o f said District in the Club House at George. Oregon, Clackamas County, on the 29th day o f November 1916, at 8 o '­ clock P. M., to vote an additional tax in said District for road pur­ poses, as provided by an act o f the legislature o f 1913. Henry Johnson H. C. Stephens H. Joyner Peter Rath A. H. Miller C. A. Johnson Otto Paulsen Julius Paulsen Frank Ochs N. Scheel Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Hager of C. Klinker Portland spent the week-end at Fred Lins the H. D. Trapp home in Gar­ field. Notice for Levy of Additional Road Tax Don’t fail to attend the C. I. Notice is hereby given that we, C. sale o f fancy Christmas articles -n e x t Saturday Nov. 25th the undersigned fa x Payers, con­ at the club rooms. Tea will be sisting o f ten per cent o f the Tax served. Payers in Road District No. 43. Clackamas County, Oregon, here­ Building a Battleship. by give notice to the Tax Payers Do you know bow many hours* work o f said Road District No. 43 that It takes to build a modern dread- there will be a meeting o f the uaiKhtV Probably you have never giv Tax Payers of said District in en the matter a thought, so it will In terest you to leuiu that a big battle Eagle Creek at Wilburn Hall. ship t*nnils about 7.2un.tNNi man hours, Clackamas County, on the 29th or labor equivalent to the work o f one day o f November, 1916, at 2 o ’ ­ clock P. M.. to vote an additional man working that time. The making o f the turbine machinery tax in said District for road pur­ absorbs some 1.850.UU0 man hours, and poses. as provided by an act o f the mountings o f the big guns cun easl the legislature o f 1913. ly acquire two years' work, while a sin David Huggins gle armor plate may take nearly three J. M. Henkle months to bnish. None o f these proc­ N. E. Stingley esses can be unduly hurried, as the E. N. Foster very best work must lie put in. the A. D. Burnett least scamping making all the differ W. R. Woodle euce between victory and defeat. Fred Blaisdell Between 40 and 50 per cent o f the L. M. Cogswell cost of a dreadnaught's hull goes In la W. Smith bor. Curiously enough, far less is spent on labor when constructing a turbine Ed Douglass engine thau when making one o f the R. E. M unger old reciprocating type .Much o f the Chas. Masson material is made by machinery, leav E. C. Sitter Ing only 2H per cent o f the cost for la Fred A. Thomas bor. whereas 45 per cent went In wages George H. Sawtell when.tike older kind were In use. — Lon J O. Nee! don Telegraph A . H. Anderson