Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 23, 1916, Image 8

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    Eastern Clackamas News
C alendar
Published every Thursday at
Bible School ID A. .U.
Estacada. Oregon
K. M. Standish, E ditor and M anager Preaching Services each Lord's
the Thief!
E ntered a t the poatoffice in E stacada, ■ , , , Day , , at 11 , A. M. and
. 7:30 P. M.
Oregon, as^econd-class mail.
¡Choir Practise luesday evenings
at the church.
S u b sc r ipt io n K a t e s
¡The public is most cordially in-
line year
*b00| vited to worship with us.
Six m onth»
iG. L. Drill
VV. Givens
Thursday, November 23, 1916
Petitions are now being cir-! Preaching Services every Sunday
culated in that part of Clackamas at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
County lying west of the Wil-J Sunday School at 10 A. M.
lamette River, in the vicinity of I Prayer Meeting at 7:30 every
Oswego, agitating county division | Thursday evening,
with annexetion to Multnomah j Young Peoples’ Endeavor League
meets every other Sunday at
The movement is said to have 6:30 P. M., with the League
originated in Oswego and it is meetingon alternate Sundays at
planned to have all of Clackamas
the Estacada Christian Church.
west of the Willamette and pos­ All are invited to attend divine*
sibly part of the northern end of services with us.
the county annexed.
Rev. Henry Spiess, Pastor.
This makes about the fourth
I HEN your money is in the bank it is sufe from pick
division agitation that has sprung Bank Shows Remarkable Growth
pockets and burglars. A man who is known to earn
up in Clackamas County in recent
a large sum of money on his person soon is marked as
The officials of the Estacada
years, with nearly every outlying
prey by the thief. \’one of the big men of the country
section having at one time or an­ State Bank are patting each other
carry large sums of money about. Don’t tempt the thief. It
other considered secession or an­ on the shoulders these days in
may cost you not only your money, but your life. Bank your
money with us.
As excessive taxation, lack of consequence of the present high
good roads and county seat domin­ mark which the business has at­
ation seem to be the main reasons tained, with to date over $105,000
Ask us for one of our H om e Savings Banks
given for seeking division, it in deposits, being the highest in
might be well for the powers- the history of the institution.
that-be at the county seat, to take
cognizance of the hand writing The savings department which
on the wall, before it is too late. was inaugurated about six months
ago now has over $6,000 on de- i
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum. Vice President
There was hardly a voter in this posit and other departments o f '
Irwin I). Wright, Cashier
community, who at the recent the bank are in an equally!
election, did not go to the polls,
in a position to cast an intelligent flourishing condition.
While the present prosperous i
Over 90°i of the voters of both condition of the nearby farmers
sexes had made a careful study is to a large extent responsible
of all candidates, measures and for this condition, much credit
amendments, realizing the im­ is due Cashier Wright, who is
Is Headquarters For
portance of voting for their own
We have now come to the time phases of sound banking busi­
of the year when matters of even ness.
closer and more vital importance
are confronting us namely, the ¡Pleased W ith P ro m p t Insur-
Of All Kinds
annual budget and tax levying
ance S ettlem en t
As taxes are the dominant issue
V. Lingelbachof Estacada. who
in our every day existence and a few weeks ago suffered the
Standard and Fancy Groceries
welfare, it seems odd that, at loss by fire of his farm home and
least not as much interest is taken
in these coming meetings, as was contents, recently received a set­
Vegetables and Fruits In Season
tlement in full on his insurance,
taken in the past election.
In the rural districts the at- through the agency of John
tendance at school, budget and i Drown, the local representative
road meetings is strong but in lo f th e 0 r e gon Fire Relief Asso-
the cities, especially in Estacada,
ciation of McMinnville.
Use our Wide Mouth Se'f Sealing Jars
the attendance is below par,
Mr. Lingelbach and family,
The same lack of interest has
characterized the annual county | who are now living in the old
budget meeting, as far as this Park Hotel building, wish to ex­
community is concerned, and as tend their thanks to the neigh­
at this meeting our pocket books
are directly effected, everyone of bors and friends for their help at
E stacada, O regon
us should be present; firstattend- the time of the fire,
ing the preliminary gathering of
the Eastern Clackamas Tax pay- j
A dvise M e W h a t You H av e For Sale
ers’ l.eague.
‘Don't Tempt
Estacada State Bank
C h a p m a n ’s
Miss Ruth Welch of the faculty j
of the Estacada schools, was last!
Sunday suddenly called to Port­
land. owing to the death of her
The Bnick touring car belong-
g to G. A. Lovell of Currins-
lle, white returning from the
otball game at Oregon City last
iturday, was run into by a heavy
uck. damaging the machine to
e extent of tearing the top.
For Canning Your Fruit
L. A. Chapman
Wanted by Portland Union Stock Yards expert buyer, who will visit this section, as often as is nec­
essary. So advise us what you have for sale.
As to the HOG BUYING, it will he conducted as always by
e s t a c a d a
The Man Who Has Helped To Build U p The Local Livestock Industry.