W h a t Y o u E a t -------------- is what we want to talk to you about, because the high cost of living is a serious problem, and getting to be more serious, with the rapidly advancing prices on food stuffs. Therefore you should buy your GROCERIES Where You Can Get The GREATEST V ALU E for your money, and thats us. That you Mr. or Mrs. CONSUMER may be one of the many patrons of our store, we are going to offer from now until Thanksgiving Day, the following specials in addition to our regular 2 % cash discount. *\r\orin1 Ain O /v t C t u t 7 1 With every order for GROCERIES (not including sugar) amounting: to $12.50 we wjii g jve f r e e one 50c Broom. Knorin I Afn 9 O / y c C t u t I MU. O r)pri(l1 A In With every order for GROCERIES (not including sugar) amounting to $7.50 we will give FREE one pound o f any 30c coffee in the store. ^ iJ / J tZ d U l 1 V I / . u With every order for GROCERIES (not including sugar) amounting to $3.50 we will give FREE one 10c or two 5c packages of crackers or cookies. CAN YO U BEAT THESE OFFERS, and no additional charge for attending to your wants. No matter how big the order, come in and let us figure on it for you and we can save you money. We have the cranberries and other trimmings for that Thanksgiving dinner. Mill Feeds are soaring on account o f the big mills being unable to get the necessary cars, but on these our prices will always be as low as the lowest, quality o f course being considered. When you have anything to sell, let us serve you. We believe “A Satisfied Customer Is The Best Advertisement” W e W A L T E R G IVENS CO. Inc. Estacada, Oregon. Youngsters Have Unlucky Day As Pat O’ Connor o f Estacada aptly puts it in his rich brogu e- ‘ ‘The good Lord sure does look out for the kiddies” was true one day last week, when the Broadway gang o f three-year- olds, comprising Floyd March- bank, Raymond Devore and John Hubbard Standish was partially depleted by accidents. Floyd fell from the loading platform in front o f Givens’ stare, receiving a badly gashed fore­ head, necessitating medical at­ tention and John Hubbard took a fifteen foot tumble from the highest part o f the Main Street incline, luckily landing in a soft marshy spot, with no damage done aside from scratches and bruises on his face and a scare for ye editor. Held-Kelly Marriage A beautiful wedding took place in the Rose City Park Catholic church in Portland, Tuesday, November 21st, when Will Held o f George and Miss Esther Kelly o f Portland were united in mar riage. Miss Caroline Wiederhold and her brother Joe o f George o f­ ficiated as bridesmaid and best man, the wedding party later en­ joying a wedding dinner at the Imperial Hotel. After a brief honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Held will return to George, where they will be wel­ comed by their many friends there. Arc you through plowing? Viola Breezes Contributed The Viola road district voted to continue its high standard of road building for another year, by voting a 10 mill tax at the recent meeting. The taxpayers also unanimously voted to retain George Hively as supervisor for another year. Are your crops all in ? We have a few PLOWS, DISCS, DRAG and SPRINGTOOTH HAR­ ROWS bought before the last rise, that we can save you from 10 to 20% on, while they last. We are still selling— . The Jubb boys last week fin­ ished the local haybaling and are moving their machinery else­ where. Heating Stoves and Ranges, Cream Separators, Window Glass, Sash, Doors, Rdofing W e carry E V E R Y T H I N G needed to Build a House, Barn or Shack (except the lumber) and can furnish you all tools with which to Build them. B E R T H. F IN C H Nails—Builders H dw .—Sash Doors Roofing— Paints—Oils —Glass Estacada, Oregon Every Farmer Needs Accurate, Reliable Scales Are you equipped with such weighing device now? All right, I have taken the agency for the Fairbanks Genuine Scales which are recognized the World over as the best “ FOR IF IT IS WEIGHED ON A FAIRBANKS. THERE IS NO ARG U M E N T." Call and inspect one. Each scale perfectly equipped with steel to steel bearings, arrow tip beam; large platform and wide wheels. ESTACADA PRICES: C. C. M iller $15 for 500 lb. capacity—$18 for 1,000 lb. size. Plumbing— Steam Fitting— Tinning The successful revival services that have been conducted at the Viola church for the past week, will be continued during the present week. Rev. C. W. Pogue, the new minister is giving the best o f satisfaction and his con­ gregation are already heralding him as a second Billy Sunday. The annual encampment of moss and fern gatherers is now in Viola, with three people mak­ ing a business o f gathering moss and fern roots for Portland and other florists. Country Club Dance Friday An all night dance will be given at the Garfield Country Club on next Friday evening, November 24th, to which all are invited. Extra good music is promised and a midnight supper will be served. Tickets are $1 including supper.